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Gene Expression Literature Summary
homeobox B9

75 matching records from 75 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E3 E3.5 E6.5 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 1
In situ RNA (section) 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 5 3 5 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 5
In situ RNA (whole mount) 2 2 5 5 16 1 7 1 5 2 3 2 3
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 1 2 1 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Western blot 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 6
cDNA clones 1 2 2
RNase protection 1 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Hoxb9  homeobox B9   (Synonyms: Hox-2.5)
Results  Reference
1J:336097 Afzal Z, Lange JJ, Nolte C, McKinney S, Wood C, Paulson A, De Kumar B, Unruh J, Slaughter BD, Krumlauf R, Shared retinoic acid responsive enhancers coordinately regulate nascent transcription of Hoxb coding and non-coding RNAs in the developing mouse neural tube. Development. 2023 May 15;150(10)
3*J:208763 Ahn Y, Mullan HE, Krumlauf R, Long-range regulation by shared retinoic acid response elements modulates dynamic expression of posterior Hoxb genes in CNS development. Dev Biol. 2014 Apr 1;388(1):134-44
1*J:175338 Bhattaram P, Penzo-Mendez A, Sock E, Colmenares C, Kaneko KJ, Vassilev A, Depamphilis ML, Wegner M, Lefebvre V, Organogenesis relies on SoxC transcription factors for the survival of neural and mesenchymal progenitors. Nat Commun. 2010;1:9
13*J:9829 Bogarad LD, Utset MF, Awgulewitsch A, Miki T, Hart CP, Ruddle FH, The developmental expression pattern of a new murine homeo box gene: Hox-2.5. Dev Biol. 1989 Jun;133(2):537-49
4*J:23135 Burke AC, Nelson CE, Morgan BA, Tabin C, Hox genes and the evolution of vertebrate axial morphology. Development. 1995 Feb;121(2):333-46
6J:98490 Chambeyron S, Da Silva NR, Lawson KA, Bickmore WA, Nuclear re-organisation of the Hoxb complex during mouse embryonic development. Development. 2005 May;132(9):2215-2223
1*J:329266 Chen CH, Behringer RR, Transgenic human HOXB1-9 directs anterior-posterior axial skeleton pattern in Hoxb1-9 deficient mice. Differentiation. 2022 Sep-Oct;127:1-11
4*J:37847 Chen F, Capecchi MR, Targeted mutations in hoxa-9 and hoxb-9 reveal synergistic interactions. Dev Biol. 1997 Jan 15;181(2):186-96
3*J:52279 Chen F, Capecchi MR, Paralogous mouse Hox genes, Hoxa9, Hoxb9, and Hoxd9, function together to control development of the mammary gland in response to pregnancy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Jan 19;96(2):541-6
4*J:119560 Choi MY, Romer AI, Hu M, Lepourcelet M, Mechoor A, Yesilaltay A, Krieger M, Gray PA, Shivdasani RA, A dynamic expression survey identifies transcription factors relevant in mouse digestive tract development. Development. 2006 Oct;133(20):4119-29
3*J:168654 Chung YC, Tsai YJ, Shiu TY, Sun YY, Wang PF, Chen CL, Screening large numbers of expression patterns of transcription factors in late stages of the mouse thymus. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Jan-Feb;11(1-2):84-92
1J:25248 Conlon RA, Reaume AG, Rossant J, Notch1 is required for the coordinate segmentation of somites. Development. 1995 May;121(5):1533-45
3J:299212 Coughlan E, Garside VC, Wong SFL, Liang H, Kraus D, Karmakar K, Maheshwari U, Rijli FM, Bourne J, McGlinn E, A Hox Code Defines Spinocerebellar Neuron Subtype Regionalization. Cell Rep. 2019 Nov 19;29(8):2408-2421.e4
1J:99734 de Graaff W, Tomotsune D, Oosterveen T, Takihara Y, Koseki H, Deschamps J, Randomly inserted and targeted Hox/reporter fusions transcriptionally silenced in Polycomb mutants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Nov 11;100(23):13362-7
1*J:40312 Deng C, Bedford M, Li C, Xu X, Yang X, Dunmore J, Leder P, Fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR-1) is essential for normal neural tube and limb development. Dev Biol. 1997 May 1;185(1):42-54
4*J:14757 Detmer K, Lawrence HJ, Largman C, Expression of class I homeobox genes in fetal and adult murine skin. J Invest Dermatol. 1993 Oct;101(4):517-22
3*J:46439 Freeman TC, Dixon AK, Campbell EA, Tait TM, Richardson PJ, Rice KM, Maslen GL, Metcalfe AD, Streuli CH, Bentley DR, Expression Mapping of Mouse Genes. MGI Direct Data Submission. 1998;
1J:360527 Frenette B, Gueno J, Houde N, Landry-Truchon K, Giguere A, Ashok T, Ryckman A, Morton BR, Mansfield JH, Jeannotte L, Loss of Hoxa5 function affects Hox gene expression in different biological contexts. Sci Rep. 2024 Dec 28;14(1):30903
2*J:44237 Goh KL, Yang JT, Hynes RO, Mesodermal defects and cranial neural crest apoptosis in alpha5 integrin-null embryos. Development. 1997 Nov;124(21):4309-19
5*J:32030 Graham A, Maden M, Krumlauf R, The murine Hox-2 genes display dynamic dorsoventral patterns of expression during central nervous system development. Development. 1991 May;112(1):255-64
3*J:9784 Graham A, Papalopulu N, Krumlauf R, The murine and Drosophila homeobox gene complexes have common features of organization and expression. Cell. 1989 May 5;57(3):367-78
3*J:91257 Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Mouse Brain Organization Revealed Through Direct Genome-Scale TF Expression Analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2255-2257
1J:73745 Greer JM, Capecchi MR, Hoxb8 is required for normal grooming behavior in mice. Neuron. 2002 Jan 3;33(1):23-34
5*J:149067 Grier DG, Thompson A, Lappin TR, Halliday HL, Quantification of Hox and Surfactant Protein-B Transcription during Murine Lung Development. Neonatology. 2009 Feb 10;96(1):50-60
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
1J:196334 Harima Y, Takashima Y, Ueda Y, Ohtsuka T, Kageyama R, Accelerating the tempo of the segmentation clock by reducing the number of introns in the Hes7 gene. Cell Rep. 2013 Jan 31;3(1):1-7
1*J:99098 Hester M, Thompson JC, Mills J, Liu Y, El-Hodiri HM, Weinstein M, Smad1 and Smad8 function similarly in mammalian central nervous system development. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Jun;25(11):4683-92
2J:308865 Higashijima Y, Nagai N, Yamamoto M, Kitazawa T, Kawamura YK, Taguchi A, Nakada N, Nangaku M, Furukawa T, Aburatani H, Kurihara H, Wada Y, Kanki Y, Lysine demethylase 7a regulates murine anterior-posterior development by modulating the transcription of Hox gene cluster. Commun Biol. 2020 Nov 30;3(1):725
1J:134668 Holstege JC, de Graaff W, Hossaini M, Cano SC, Jaarsma D, van den Akker E, Deschamps J, Loss of Hoxb8 alters spinal dorsal laminae and sensory responses in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Apr 29;105(17):6338-43
4J:359961 Hung YS, Lin WM, Wang YC, Kuo WC, Chen YY, Fann MJ, Yu JY, Wong YH, Protogenin facilitates trunk-to-tail HOX code transition via modulating GDF11/SMAD2 signaling in mammalian embryos. Commun Biol. 2024 Dec 19;7(1):1669
6*J:33651 Hunt P, Whiting J, Nonchev S, Sham MH, Marshall H, Graham A, Cook M, Allemann R, Rigby PW, Gulisano M, Faiella A, Boncinelli E, Krumlauf R, The branchial Hox code and its implications for gene regulation, patterning of the nervous system and head evolution. Development. 1991;Suppl 2:63-77
1J:166088 Jung H, Lacombe J, Mazzoni EO, Liem KF Jr, Grinstein J, Mahony S, Mukhopadhyay D, Gifford DK, Young RA, Anderson KV, Wichterle H, Dasen JS, Global control of motor neuron topography mediated by the repressive actions of a single hox gene. Neuron. 2010 Sep 9;67(5):781-96
3J:59069 Klingensmith J, Ang SL, Bachiller D, Rossant J, Neural induction and patterning in the mouse in the absence of the node and its derivatives. Dev Biol. 1999 Dec 15;216(2):535-49
1J:173414 Kondrashov N, Pusic A, Stumpf CR, Shimizu K, Hsieh AC, Xue S, Ishijima J, Shiroishi T, Barna M, Ribosome-mediated specificity in Hox mRNA translation and vertebrate tissue patterning. Cell. 2011 Apr 29;145(3):383-97
1J:338694 Kumar S, Alam SS, Bareke E, Beauchamp MC, Dong Y, Chan W, Majewski J, Jerome-Majewska LA, Sf3b4 regulates chromatin remodeler splicing and Hox expression. Differentiation. 2023 May-Jun;131:59-73
1J:164717 Li C, Li YP, Fu XY, Deng CX, Anterior Visceral Endoderm SMAD4 Signaling Specifies Anterior Embryonic Patterning and Head Induction in Mice. Int J Biol Sci. 2010;6(6):569-83
1J:358586 Lopez-Delisle L, Zakany J, Bochaton C, Osteil P, Mayran A, Darbellay F, Mascrez B, Rekaik H, Duboule D, CTCF-dependent insulation of Hoxb13 and the heterochronic control of tail length. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Nov 12;121(46):e2414865121
1J:14697 Malicki J, Bogarad LD, Martin MM, Ruddle FH, McGinnis W, Functional analysis of the mouse homeobox gene HoxB9 in Drosophila development. Mech Dev. 1993 Aug;42(3):139-50
6J:124112 McIntyre DC, Rakshit S, Yallowitz AR, Loken L, Jeannotte L, Capecchi MR, Wellik DM, Hox patterning of the vertebrate rib cage. Development. 2007 Aug;134(16):2981-9
1*J:86684 Medina-Martinez O, Ramirez-Solis R, In vivo mutagenesis of the Hoxb8 hexapeptide domain leads to dominant homeotic transformations that mimic the loss-of-function mutations in genes of the Hoxb cluster. Dev Biol. 2003 Dec 1;264(1):77-90
1J:135688 Moisan V, Bomgardner D, Tremblay JJ, Expression of the Ladybird-like homeobox 2 transcription factor in the developing mouse testis and epididymis. BMC Dev Biol. 2008;8:22
1J:162916 Moore BA, Gonzalez Aviles GD, Larkins CE, Hillman MJ, Caspary T, Mitochondrial retention of Opa1 is required for mouse embryogenesis. Mamm Genome. 2010 Aug;21(7-8):350-60
4J:247259 Naruse C, Shibata S, Tamura M, Kawaguchi T, Abe K, Sugihara K, Kato T, Nishiuchi T, Wakana S, Ikawa M, Asano M, New insights into the role of Jmjd3 and Utx in axial skeletal formation in mice. FASEB J. 2017 Jun;31(6):2252-2266
1J:283357 Nowotschin S, Setty M, Kuo YY, Liu V, Garg V, Sharma R, Simon CS, Saiz N, Gardner R, Boutet SC, Church DM, Hoodless PA, Hadjantonakis AK, Pe'er D, The emergent landscape of the mouse gut endoderm at single-cell resolution. Nature. 2019 May;569(7756):361-367
1J:354194 Oikonomakos I, Tedesco M, Motamedi FJ, Peitzsch M, Nef S, Bornstein SR, Schedl A, Steenblock C, Neirijnck Y, In vitro differentiation of mouse pluripotent stem cells into corticosteroid-producing adrenocortical cells. Stem Cell Reports. 2024 Sep 10;19(9):1289-1303
2J:49154 Partanen J, Schwartz L, Rossant J, Opposite phenotypes of hypomorphic and Y766 phosphorylation site mutations reveal a function for Fgfr1 in anteroposterior patterning of mouse embryos. Genes Dev. 1998 Aug 1;12(15):2332-44
4*J:89197 Patterson LT, Potter SS, Atlas of Hox gene expression in the developing kidney. Dev Dyn. 2004 Apr;229(4):771-9
5*J:173614 Paul D, Bridoux L, Rezsohazy R, Donnay I, HOX genes are expressed in bovine and mouse oocytes and early embryos. Mol Reprod Dev. 2011 Jun;78(6):436-49
2*J:16411 Randazzo FM, Khavari P, Crabtree G, Tamkun J, Rossant J, brg1: a putative murine homologue of the Drosophila brahma gene, a homeotic gene regulator. Dev Biol. 1994 Jan;161(1):229-42
1J:144016 Ribes V, Le Roux I, Rhinn M, Schuhbaur B, Dolle P, Early mouse caudal development relies on crosstalk between retinoic acid, Shh and Fgf signalling pathways. Development. 2009 Feb;136(4):665-76
1J:290220 Sato T, Kataoka K, Ito Y, Yokoyama S, Inui M, Mori M, Takahashi S, Akita K, Takada S, Ueno-Kudoh H, Asahara H, Lin28a/let-7 pathway modulates the Hox code via Polycomb regulation during axial patterning in vertebrates. Elife. 2020 May 29;9:e53608
1J:131426 Sawada A, Kiyonari H, Ukita K, Nishioka N, Imuta Y, Sasaki H, Redundant roles of Tead1 and Tead2 in notochord development and the regulation of cell proliferation and survival. Mol Cell Biol. 2008 May;28(10):3177-89
1J:239094 Schep R, Necsulea A, Rodriguez-Carballo E, Guerreiro I, Andrey G, Nguyen Huynh TH, Marcet V, Zakany J, Duboule D, Beccari L, Control of Hoxd gene transcription in the mammary bud by hijacking a preexisting regulatory landscape. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Nov 29;113(48):E7720-E7729
1J:310872 Schmidt V, Sieckmann T, Kirschner KM, Scholz H, WT1 regulates HOXB9 gene expression in a bidirectional way. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2021 Sep 8;1864(11-12):194764
2*J:71996 Selleri L, Depew MJ, Jacobs Y, Chanda SK, Tsang KY, Cheah KS, Rubenstein JL, O'Gorman S, Cleary ML, Requirement for Pbx1 in skeletal patterning and programming chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. Development. 2001 Sep;128(18):3543-57
1J:155886 Seong IS, Woda JM, Song JJ, Lloret A, Abeyrathne PD, Woo CJ, Gregory G, Lee JM, Wheeler VC, Walz T, Kingston RE, Gusella JF, Conlon RA, MacDonald ME, Huntingtin facilitates polycomb repressive complex 2. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Feb 15;19(4):573-83
1J:245906 Sugrue KF, Zohn IE, Mechanism for generation of left isomerism in Ccdc40 mutant embryos. PLoS One. 2017;12(2):e0171180
5*J:215487 Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JL, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR, A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron. 2014 Jul 16;83(2):309-23
2J:327186 Tiana M, Lopez-Jimenez E, de Aja JS, Barral A, Victorino J, Badia-Careaga C, Rollan I, Rouco R, Santos E, Sanchez-Iranzo H, Acemel RD, Torroja C, Adan J, Andres-Leon E, Gomez-Skarmeta JL, Giovinazzo G, Sanchez-Cabo F, Manzanares M, Pluripotency factors regulate the onset of Hox cluster activation in the early embryo. Sci Adv. 2022 Jul 15;8(28):eabo3583
1J:127131 Ueda T, Watanabe-Fukunaga R, Ogawa H, Fukuyama H, Higashi Y, Nagata S, Fukunaga R, Critical role of the p400/mDomino chromatin-remodeling ATPase in embryonic hematopoiesis. Genes Cells. 2007 May;12(5):581-92
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1*J:75947 van den Akker E, Forlani S, Chawengsaksophak K, de Graaff W, Beck F, Meyer BI, Deschamps J, Cdx1 and Cdx2 have overlapping functions in anteroposterior patterning and posterior axis elongation. Development. 2002 May;129(9):2181-93
1J:185604 van Rooijen C, Simmini S, Bialecka M, Neijts R, van de Ven C, Beck F, Deschamps J, Evolutionarily conserved requirement of Cdx for post-occipital tissue emergence. Development. 2012 Jul;139(14):2576-83
3J:328042 Wang T, Guo H, Li Q, Wu W, Yu M, Zhang L, Li C, Song J, Wang Z, Zhang J, Tang Y, Kang L, Zhang H, Zhan J, The AMPK-HOXB9-KRAS axis regulates lung adenocarcinoma growth in response to cellular energy alterations. Cell Rep. 2022 Aug 23;40(8):111210
2J:354668 Watanabe K, Kamiya D, Nishiyama A, Katayama T, Nozaki S, Kawasaki H, Watanabe Y, Mizuseki K, Sasai Y, Directed differentiation of telencephalic precursors from embryonic stem cells. Nat Neurosci. 2005 Mar;8(3):288-96
1J:139698 Wataya T, Ando S, Muguruma K, Ikeda H, Watanabe K, Eiraku M, Kawada M, Takahashi J, Hashimoto N, Sasai Y, Minimization of exogenous signals in ES cell culture induces rostral hypothalamic differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Aug 19;105(33):11796-801
1*J:190636 Wiese CB, Ireland S, Fleming NL, Yu J, Valerius MT, Georgas K, Chiu HS, Brennan J, Armstrong J, Little MH, McMahon AP, Southard-Smith EM, A genome-wide screen to identify transcription factors expressed in pelvic ganglia of the lower urinary tract. Front Neurosci. 2012;6:130
2J:170090 Xu B, Wellik DM, Axial Hox9 activity establishes the posterior field in the developing forelimb. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Mar 22;108(12):4888-91
1J:54222 Xu X, Li C, Takahashi K, Slavkin HC, Shum L, Deng CX, Murine fibroblast growth factor receptor 1alpha isoforms mediate node regression and are essential for posterior mesoderm development. Dev Biol. 1999 Apr 15;208(2):293-306
1J:46380 Xu X, Weinstein M, Li C, Naski M, Cohen RI, Ornitz DM, Leder P, Deng C, Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2)-mediated reciprocal regulation loop between FGF8 and FGF10 is essential for limb induction. Development. 1998 Feb;125(4):753-65
2*J:246912 Ye A, Kim H, Kim J, PEG3 control on the mammalian MSL complex. PLoS One. 2017;12(6):e0178363
2J:225537 Zhang J, Taylor RJ, La Torre A, Wilken MS, Cox KE, Reh TA, Vetter ML, Ezh2 maintains retinal progenitor proliferation, transcriptional integrity, and the timing of late differentiation. Dev Biol. 2015 Jul 15;403(2):128-38
1J:225113 Zhang Y, Liu Z, Medrzycki M, Cao K, Fan Y, Reduction of Hox gene expression by histone H1 depletion. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38829
1J:170604 Zhang Z, O'Rourke JR, McManus MT, Lewandoski M, Harfe BD, Sun X, The microRNA-processing enzyme Dicer is dispensable for somite segmentation but essential for limb bud positioning. Dev Biol. 2011 Mar 15;351(2):254-65
1*J:187603 Zhu H, Zhao J, Zhou W, Li H, Zhou R, Zhang L, Zhao H, Cao J, Zhu X, Hu H, Ma G, He L, Yao Z, Yao L, Guo X, Ndrg2 regulates vertebral specification in differentiating somites. Dev Biol. 2012 Sep 15;369(2):308-18

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