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Gene Expression Literature Summary
keratin 9

8 matching records from 8 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E12.5 E14.5 E15.5 E18.5 E19 P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 3
In situ RNA (section) 1 1
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1
Western blot 1
RT-PCR 1 1 3

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Krt9  keratin 9   (Synonyms: K9, Krt1-9)
Results  Reference
4J:174459 Boyle MP, Bernard A, Thompson CL, Ng L, Boe A, Mortrud M, Hawrylycz MJ, Jones AR, Hevner RF, Lein ES, Cell-type-specific consequences of Reelin deficiency in the mouse neocortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. J Comp Neurol. 2011 Aug 1;519(11):2061-89
1J:325723 Duvall K, Crist L, Perl AJ, Pode Shakked N, Chaturvedi P, Kopan R, Revisiting the role of Notch in nephron segmentation confirms a role for proximal fate selection during mouse and human nephrogenesis. Development. 2022 May 15;149(10):dev200446
1J:263064 Elliott KH, Millington G, Brugmann SA, A novel role for cilia-dependent sonic hedgehog signaling during submandibular gland development. Dev Dyn. 2018 Jun;247(6):818-831
1J:67155 Foley J, Dann P, Hong J, Cosgrove J, Dreyer B, Rimm D, Dunbar M, Philbrick W, Wysolmerski J, Parathyroid hormone-related protein maintains mammary epithelial fate and triggers nipple skin differentiation during embryonic breast development. Development. 2001 Feb;128(4):513-25
2*J:228563 Koscielny G, Yaikhom G, Iyer V, Meehan TF, Morgan H, Atienza-Herrero J, Blake A, Chen CK, Easty R, Di Fenza A, Fiegel T, Grifiths M, Horne A, Karp NA, Kurbatova N, Mason JC, Matthews P, Oakley DJ, Qazi A, Regnart J, Retha A, Santos LA, Sneddon DJ, Warren J, Westerberg H, Wilson RJ, Melvin DG, Smedley D, Brown SD, Flicek P, Skarnes WC, Mallon AM, Parkinson H, The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium Web Portal, a unified point of access for knockout mice and related phenotyping data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D802-9
1J:296955 Niu W, Spradling AC, Two distinct pathways of pregranulosa cell differentiation support follicle formation in the mouse ovary. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Aug 18;117(33):20015-20026
2J:242196 Xu M, Horrell J, Snitow M, Cui J, Gochnauer H, Syrett CM, Kallish S, Seykora JT, Liu F, Gaillard D, Katz JP, Kaestner KH, Levin B, Mansfield C, Douglas JE, Cowart BJ, Tordoff M, Liu F, Zhu X, Barlow LA, Rubin AI, McGrath JA, Morrisey EE, Chu EY, Millar SE, WNT10A mutation causes ectodermal dysplasia by impairing progenitor cell proliferation and KLF4-mediated differentiation. Nat Commun. 2017 Jun 07;8:15397
4J:277277 Zieman AG, Poll BG, Ma J, Coulombe PA, Altered keratinocyte differentiation is an early driver of keratin mutation-based palmoplantar keratoderma. Hum Mol Genet. 2019 Jul 1;28(13):2255-2270

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