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Gene Expression Literature Summary
proteolipid protein (myelin) 1

152 matching records from 152 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E8.5 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 31
In situ RNA (section) 1 3 1 2 5 10 1 4 1 11 1 7 1 10 1 9 3 33 1 1 1 75
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 2 1 1
Northern blot 1 3
Western blot 13
RT-PCR 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 1 5 1 2 2 2 2 1 33
cDNA clones 1 1 1 1
RNase protection 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Plp1  proteolipid protein (myelin) 1   (Synonyms: DM20, Plp)
Results  Reference
1J:338878 Abarinov V, Levine JA, Churchill AJ, Hopwood B, Deiter CS, Guney MA, Wells KL, Schrunk JM, Guo Y, Hammelman J, Gifford DK, Magnuson MA, Wichterle H, Sussel L, Major beta cell-specific functions of NKX2.2 are mediated via the NK2-specific domain. Genes Dev. 2023 Jun 1;37(11-12):490-504
1J:308693 Abbas E, Hassan MA, Sokpor G, Kiszka K, Pham L, Kerimoglu C, Fischer A, Nguyen HP, Staiger JF, Tuoc T, Conditional Loss of BAF (mSWI/SNF) Scaffolding Subunits Affects Specification and Proliferation of Oligodendrocyte Precursors in Developing Mouse Forebrain. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:619538
4J:85881 Bansal R, Lakhina V, Remedios R, Tole S, Expression of FGF receptors 1, 2, 3 in the embryonic and postnatal mouse brain compared with Pdgfralpha, Olig2 and Plp/dm20: implications for oligodendrocyte development. Dev Neurosci. 2003 Mar-Aug;25(2-4):83-95
1J:105260 Bermingham JR Jr, Shearin H, Pennington J, O'Moore J, Jaegle M, Driegen S, van Zon A, Darbas A, Ozkaynak E, Ryu EJ, Milbrandt J, Meijer D, The claw paw mutation reveals a role for Lgi4 in peripheral nerve development. Nat Neurosci. 2006 Jan;9(1):76-84
1J:218900 Bischof M, Weider M, Kuspert M, Nave KA, Wegner M, Brg1-dependent chromatin remodelling is not essentially required during oligodendroglial differentiation. J Neurosci. 2015 Jan 7;35(1):21-35
1*J:118802 Blak AA, Naserke T, Saarimaki-Vire J, Peltopuro P, Giraldo-Velasquez M, Vogt Weisenhorn DM, Prakash N, Sendtner M, Partanen J, Wurst W, Fgfr2 and Fgfr3 are not required for patterning and maintenance of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 1;303(1):231-43
10*J:57684 Bongarzone ER, Campagnoni CW, Kampf K, Jacobs EC, Handley VW, Schonmann V, Campagnoni AT, Identification of a new exon in the myelin proteolipid protein gene encoding novel protein isoforms that are restricted to the somata of oligodendrocytes and neurons. J Neurosci. 1999 Oct 1;19(19):8349-57
1J:95822 Cai J, Qi Y, Hu X, Tan M, Liu Z, Zhang J, Li Q, Sander M, Qiu M, Generation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells from mouse dorsal spinal cord independent of Nkx6 regulation and Shh signaling. Neuron. 2005 Jan 6;45(1):41-53
1*J:69975 Cai J, Qi Y, Wu R, Modderman G, Fu H, Liu R, Qiu M, Mice lacking the Nkx6.2 (Gtx) homeodomain transcription factor develop and reproduce normally. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Jul;21(13):4399-403
3*J:47891 Calver AR, Hall AC, Yu WP, Walsh FS, Heath JK, Betsholtz C, Richardson WD, Oligodendrocyte population dynamics and the role of PDGF in vivo. Neuron. 1998 May;20(5):869-82
1J:198563 Chapman H, Waclaw RR, Pei Z, Nakafuku M, Campbell K, The homeobox gene Gsx2 controls the timing of oligodendroglial fate specification in mouse lateral ganglionic eminence progenitors. Development. 2013 Jun;140(11):2289-98
3J:154602 Chen Y, Wu H, Wang S, Koito H, Li J, Ye F, Hoang J, Escobar SS, Gow A, Arnett HA, Trapp BD, Karandikar NJ, Hsieh J, Lu QR, The oligodendrocyte-specific G protein-coupled receptor GPR17 is a cell-intrinsic timer of myelination. Nat Neurosci. 2009 Nov;12(11):1398-406
1J:333367 Cifuentes-Diaz C, Canali G, Garcia M, Druart M, Manett T, Savariradjane M, Guillaume C, Le Magueresse C, Goutebroze L, Differential impacts of Cntnap2 heterozygosity and Cntnap2 null homozygosity on axon and myelinated fiber development in mouse. Front Neurosci. 2023;17:1100121
1J:148440 Corbeil D, Joester A, Fargeas CA, Jaszai J, Garwood J, Hellwig A, Werner HB, Huttner WB, Expression of distinct splice variants of the stem cell marker prominin-1 (CD133) in glial cells. Glia. 2009 Jun;57(8):860-74
1*J:85473 Corbin JG, Rutlin M, Gaiano N, Fishell G, Combinatorial function of the homeodomain proteins Nkx2.1 and Gsh2 in ventral telencephalic patterning. Development. 2003 Oct;130(20):4895-906
1J:333465 Dai ZM, Guo W, Yu D, Zhu XJ, Sun S, Huang H, Jiang M, Xie B, Zhang Z, Qiu M, SECISBP2L-Mediated Selenoprotein Synthesis Is Essential for Autonomous Regulation of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation. J Neurosci. 2022 Jul 27;42(30):5860-5869
2J:212081 Dai ZM, Sun S, Wang C, Huang H, Hu X, Zhang Z, Lu QR, Qiu M, Stage-specific regulation of oligodendrocyte development by Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. J Neurosci. 2014 Jun 18;34(25):8467-73
1J:58137 das Neves L, Duchala CS, Godinho F, Haxhiu MA, Colmenares C, Macklin WB, Campbell CE, Butz KG, Gronostajski RM, Disruption of the murine nuclear factor I-A gene (Nfia) results in perinatal lethality, hydrocephalus, and agenesis of the corpus callosum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Oct 12;96(21):11946-51
18J:37591 Dickinson PJ, Fanarraga ML, Griffiths IR, Barrie JM, Kyriakides E, Montague P, Oligodendrocyte progenitors in the embryonic spinal cord express DM-20. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 1996 Jun;22(3):188-98
8J:42690 Dickinson PJ, Griffiths IR, Barrie JM, Kyriakides E, Pollock GF, Barnett SC, Expression of the dm-20 isoform of the plp gene in olfactory nerve ensheathing cells: evidence from developmental studies. J Neurocytol. 1997 Mar;26(3):181-9
2J:250520 Dubey M, Bugiani M, Ridder MC, Postma NL, Brouwers E, Polder E, Jacobs JG, Baayen JC, Klooster J, Kamermans M, Aardse R, de Kock CP, Dekker MP, van Weering JR, Heine VM, Abbink TE, Scheper GC, Boor I, Lodder JC, Mansvelder HD, van der Knaap MS, Mice with megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with cysts: a developmental angle. Ann Neurol. 2015 Jan;77(1):114-31
1J:269212 Dumitrache LC, Shimada M, Downing SM, Kwak YD, Li Y, Illuzzi JL, Russell HR, Wilson DM 3rd, McKinnon PJ, Apurinic endonuclease-1 preserves neural genome integrity to maintain homeostasis and thermoregulation and prevent brain tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Dec 26;115(52):E12285-E12294
2J:289244 Elsesser O, Frob F, Kuspert M, Tamm ER, Fujii T, Fukunaga R, Wegner M, Chromatin remodeler Ep400 ensures oligodendrocyte survival and is required for myelination in the vertebrate central nervous system. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jul 9;47(12):6208-6224
1J:253866 Espinosa-Medina I, Jevans B, Boismoreau F, Chettouh Z, Enomoto H, Muller T, Birchmeier C, Burns AJ, Brunet JF, Dual origin of enteric neurons in vagal Schwann cell precursors and the sympathetic neural crest. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Nov 7;114(45):11980-11985
1J:249229 Espinosa-Medina I, Outin E, Picard CA, Chettouh Z, Dymecki S, Consalez GG, Coppola E, Brunet JF, Neurodevelopment. Parasympathetic ganglia derive from Schwann cell precursors. Science. 2014 Jul 4;345(6192):87-90
4J:38022 Fanarraga ML, Dickinson PJ, Sommer I, Montague P, Kyriakides E, Griffiths IR, Evidence that some oligodendrocyte progenitors in the developing optic pathway express the plp gene. Glia. 1996 Dec;18(4):282-92
2J:150044 Fancy SP, Baranzini SE, Zhao C, Yuk DI, Irvine KA, Kaing S, Sanai N, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH, Dysregulation of the Wnt pathway inhibits timely myelination and remyelination in the mammalian CNS. Genes Dev. 2009 Jul 1;23(13):1571-85
2J:316664 Fancy SP, Glasgow SM, Finley M, Rowitch DH, Deneen B, Evidence that nuclear factor IA inhibits repair after white matter injury. Ann Neurol. 2012 Aug;72(2):224-33
1J:130977 Finzsch M, Stolt CC, Lommes P, Wegner M, Sox9 and Sox10 influence survival and migration of oligodendrocyte precursors in the spinal cord by regulating PDGF receptor {alpha} expression. Development. 2008 Feb;135(4):637-46
3J:242754 Frohlich D, Suchowerska AK, Spencer ZH, von Jonquieres G, Klugmann CB, Bongers A, Delerue F, Stefen H, Ittner LM, Fath T, Housley GD, Klugmann M, In vivocharacterization of the aspartyl-tRNA synthetase DARS: Homing in on the leukodystrophy HBSL. Neurobiol Dis. 2017 Jan;97(Pt A):24-35
1*J:152838 Fu H, Cai J, Clevers H, Fast E, Gray S, Greenberg R, Jain MK, Ma Q, Qiu M, Rowitch DH, Taylor CM, Stiles CD, A genome-wide screen for spatially restricted expression patterns identifies transcription factors that regulate glial development. J Neurosci. 2009 Sep 9;29(36):11399-408
1J:288683 Gacem N, Kavo A, Zerad L, Richard L, Mathis S, Kapur RP, Parisot M, Amiel J, Dufour S, de la Grange P, Pingault V, Vallat JM, Bondurand N, ADAR1 mediated regulation of neural crest derived melanocytes and Schwann cell development. Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 10;11(1):198
2J:78726 Genoud S, Lappe-Siefke C, Goebbels S, Radtke F, Aguet M, Scherer SS, Suter U, Nave KA, Mantei N, Notch1 control of oligodendrocyte differentiation in the spinal cord. J Cell Biol. 2002 Aug 19;158(4):709-18
1J:317408 Grad M, Nir A, Levy G, Trangle SS, Shapira G, Shomron N, Assaf Y, Barak B, Altered White Matter and microRNA Expression in a Murine Model Related to Williams Syndrome Suggests That miR-34b/c Affects Brain Development via Ptpru and Dcx Modulation. Cells. 2022 Jan 4;11(1)
1*J:41401 Grindley JC, Hargett LK, Hill RE, Ross A, Hogan BL, Disruption of PAX6 function in mice homozygous for the Pax6Sey-1Neu mutation produces abnormalities in the early development and regionalization of the diencephalon. Mech Dev. 1997 Jun;64(1-2):111-26
1J:119562 Guimera J, Weisenhorn DV, Wurst W, Megane/Heslike is required for normal GABAergic differentiation in the mouse superior colliculus. Development. 2006 Oct;133(19):3847-57
6*J:292656 Guo S, Wang Y, Wang A, Identity and lineage fate of proteolipid protein 1 gene (Plp1)-expressing cells in the embryonic murine spinal cord. Dev Dyn. 2020 Aug;249(8):946-960
2J:221338 Hammond E, Lang J, Maeda Y, Pleasure D, Angus-Hill M, Xu J, Horiuchi M, Deng W, Guo F, The Wnt effector transcription factor 7-like 2 positively regulates oligodendrocyte differentiation in a manner independent of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. J Neurosci. 2015 Mar 25;35(12):5007-22
1J:231976 Hashimoto H, Ishino Y, Jiang W, Yoshimura T, Takeda-Uchimura Y, Uchimura K, Kadomatsu K, Ikenaka K, Keratan Sulfate Regulates the Switch from Motor Neuron to Oligodendrocyte Generation During Development of the Mouse Spinal Cord. Neurochem Res. 2016 Feb;41(1-2):450-62
3J:234565 He D, Marie C, Zhao C, Kim B, Wang J, Deng Y, Clavairoly A, Frah M, Wang H, He X, Hmidan H, Jones BV, Witte D, Zalc B, Zhou X, Choo DI, Martin DM, Parras C, Lu QR, Chd7 cooperates with Sox10 and regulates the onset of CNS myelination and remyelination. Nat Neurosci. 2016 May;19(5):678-89
1J:284799 He X, Takahashi S, Suzuki H, Hashikawa T, Kulkarni AB, Mikoshiba K, Ohshima T, Hypomyelination phenotype caused by impaired differentiation of oligodendrocytes in Emx1-cre mediated Cdk5 conditional knockout mice. Neurochem Res. 2011 Jul;36(7):1293-303
1*J:156066 Hirahara Y, Bansal R, Honke K, Ikenaka K, Wada Y, Sulfatide is a negative regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation: development in sulfatide-null mice. Glia. 2004 Feb;45(3):269-77
4J:206315 Hoffmann SA, Hos D, Kuspert M, Lang RA, Lovell-Badge R, Wegner M, Reiprich S, Stem cell factor Sox2 and its close relative Sox3 have differentiation functions in oligodendrocytes. Development. 2014 Jan;141(1):39-50
1J:274105 Huang H, Teng P, Mei R, Yang A, Zhang Z, Zhao X, Qiu M, Tmeff2 is expressed in differentiating oligodendrocytes but dispensable for their differentiation in vivo. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 23;7(1):337
9*J:87296 Ikenaka K, Kagawa T, Mikoshiba K, Selective expression of DM-20, an alternatively spliced myelin proteolipid protein gene product, in developing nervous system and in nonglial cells. J Neurochem. 1992 Jun;58(6):2248-53
5*J:91326 Jacobs EC, Bongarzone ER, Campagnoni CW, Campagnoni AT, Embryonic expression of the soma-restricted products of the myelin proteolipid gene in motor neurons and muscle. Neurochem Res. 2004 May;29(5):997-1002
4*J:85880 Jacobs EC, Bongarzone ER, Campagnoni CW, Kampf K, Campagnoni AT, Soma-restricted products of the myelin proteolipid gene are expressed primarily in neurons in the developing mouse nervous system. Dev Neurosci. 2003 Mar-Aug;25(2-4):96-104
1*J:309496 Jiang C, Yang W, Fan Z, Teng P, Mei R, Yang J, Yang A, Qiu M, Zhao X, AATYK is a Novel Regulator of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation and Myelination. Neurosci Bull. 2018 Jun;34(3):527-533
2J:240829 Jiang M, Liu L, He X, Wang H, Lin W, Wang H, Yoon SO, Wood TL, Lu QR, Regulation of PERK-eIF2alpha signalling by tuberous sclerosis complex-1 controls homoeostasis and survival of myelinating oligodendrocytes. Nat Commun. 2016 Jul 15;7:12185
1J:309618 Jiang M, Yu D, Xie B, Huang H, Lu W, Qiu M, Dai ZM, WNT signaling suppresses oligodendrogenesis via Ngn2-dependent direct inhibition of Olig2 expression. Mol Brain. 2020 Nov 13;13(1):155
3J:81165 Kagawa T, Ikenaka K, Inoue Y, Kuriyama S, Tsujii T, Nakao J, Nakajima K, Aruga J, Okano H, Mikoshiba K, Glial cell degeneration and hypomyelination caused by overexpression of myelin proteolipid protein gene. Neuron. 1994 Aug;13(2):427-42
2*J:18263 Kagawa T, Nakao J, Yamada M, Shimizu K, Hayakawa T, Mikoshiba K, Ikenaka K, Fate of jimpy-type oligodendrocytes in jimpy heterozygote. J Neurochem. 1994 May;62(5):1887-93
1J:36676 Kagawa T, Oba A, Okumura S, Ikenaka K, Localization of mRNA for UDP-galactose: ceramide galactosyltransferase in the brain during mouse development. Dev Neurosci. 1996;18(4):309-18
1J:298091 Kao CS, van Bruggen R, Kim JR, Chen XXL, Chan C, Lee J, Cho WI, Zhao M, Arndt C, Maksimovic K, Khan M, Tan Q, Wilson MD, Park J, Selective neuronal degeneration in MATR3 S85C knock-in mouse model of early-stage ALS. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 20;11(1):5304
2J:273093 Katsel P, Fam P, Tan W, Khan S, Yang C, Jouroukhin Y, Rudchenko S, Pletnikov MV, Haroutunian V, Overexpression of Truncated Human DISC1 Induces Appearance of Hindbrain Oligodendroglia in the Forebrain During Development. Schizophr Bull. 2018 Apr 6;44(3):515-524
1J:217098 Kaukua N, Shahidi MK, Konstantinidou C, Dyachuk V, Kaucka M, Furlan A, An Z, Wang L, Hultman I, Ahrlund-Richter L, Blom H, Brismar H, Lopes NA, Pachnis V, Suter U, Clevers H, Thesleff I, Sharpe P, Ernfors P, Fried K, Adameyko I, Glial origin of mesenchymal stem cells in a tooth model system. Nature. 2014 Sep 25;513(7519):551-4
2J:119015 Kellerer S, Schreiner S, Stolt CC, Scholz S, Bosl MR, Wegner M, Replacement of the Sox10 transcription factor by Sox8 reveals incomplete functional equivalence. Development. 2006 Aug;133(15):2875-86
1J:309383 Kim J, Choi I, Lee Y, Involvement of Atm and Trp53 in neural cell loss due to Terf2 inactivation during mouse brain development. Histochem Cell Biol. 2017 Nov;148(5):489-501
1J:181118 Kohama C, Kato H, Numata K, Hirose M, Takemasa T, Ogura A, Kiyosawa H, ES cell differentiation system recapitulates the establishment of imprinted gene expression in a cell-type-specific manner. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Mar 15;21(6):1391-401
3J:159670 Kumar S, Biancotti JC, Matalon R, de Vellis J, Lack of aspartoacylase activity disrupts survival and differentiation of neural progenitors and oligodendrocytes in a mouse model of Canavan disease. J Neurosci Res. 2009 Nov 15;87(15):3415-27
2J:294401 Lee H, Thacker S, Sarn N, Dutta R, Eng C, Constitutional mislocalization of Pten drives precocious maturation in oligodendrocytes and aberrant myelination in model of autism spectrum disorder. Transl Psychiatry. 2019 Jan 17;9(1):13
4J:221126 Lee HK, Chaboub LS, Zhu W, Zollinger D, Rasband MN, Fancy SP, Deneen B, Daam2-PIP5K is a regulatory pathway for Wnt signaling and therapeutic target for remyelination in the CNS. Neuron. 2015 Mar 18;85(6):1227-43
1J:223938 Lee HK, Laug D, Zhu W, Patel JM, Ung K, Arenkiel BR, Fancy SP, Mohila C, Deneen B, Apcdd1 stimulates oligodendrocyte differentiation after white matter injury. Glia. 2015 Oct;63(10):1840-9
1J:80913 Lee J, Wu Y, Qi Y, Xue H, Liu Y, Scheel D, German M, Qiu M, Guillemot F, Rao M, Neurogenin3 participates in gliogenesis in the developing vertebrate spinal cord. Dev Biol. 2003 Jan 1;253(1):84-98
3J:157314 Ling KH, Hewitt CA, Beissbarth T, Hyde L, Banerjee K, Cheah PS, Cannon PZ, Hahn CN, Thomas PQ, Smyth GK, Tan SS, Thomas T, Scott HS, Molecular networks involved in mouse cerebral corticogenesis and spatio-temporal regulation of Sox4 and Sox11 novel antisense transcripts revealed by transcriptome profiling. Genome Biol. 2009;10(10):R104
1J:87224 Liu R, Cai J, Hu X, Tan M, Qi Y, German M, Rubenstein J, Sander M, Qiu M, Region-specific and stage-dependent regulation of Olig gene expression and oligodendrogenesis by Nkx6.1 homeodomain transcription factor. Development. 2003 Dec;130(25):6221-31
2J:338173 Liu Z, Hu X, Cai J, Liu B, Peng X, Wegner M, Qiu M, Induction of oligodendrocyte differentiation by Olig2 and Sox10: evidence for reciprocal interactions and dosage-dependent mechanisms. Dev Biol. 2007 Feb 15;302(2):683-93
3*J:75868 Lu QR, Sun T, Zhu Z, Ma N, Garcia M, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH, Common developmental requirement for olig function indicates a motor neuron/oligodendrocyte connection. Cell. 2002 Apr 5;109(1):75-86
3*J:60773 Lu QR, Yuk D, Alberta JA, Zhu Z, Pawlitzky I, Chan J, McMahon AP, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH, Sonic hedgehog--regulated oligodendrocyte lineage genes encoding bHLH proteins in the mammalian central nervous system. Neuron. 2000 Feb;25(2):317-29
3*J:162220 Magdaleno S, Jensen P, Brumwell CL, Seal A, Lehman K, Asbury A, Cheung T, Cornelius T, Batten DM, Eden C, Norland SM, Rice DS, Dosooye N, Shakya S, Mehta P, Curran T, BGEM: an in situ hybridization database of gene expression in the embryonic and adult mouse nervous system. PLoS Biol. 2006 Apr;4(4):e86
1J:77123 Marino S, Krimpenfort P, Leung C, van der Korput HA, Trapman J, Camenisch I, Berns A, Brandner S, PTEN is essential for cell migration but not for fate determination and tumourigenesis in the cerebellum. Development. 2002 Jul;129(14):3513-22
2J:104327 Matsumoto S, Banine F, Struve J, Xing R, Adams C, Liu Y, Metzger D, Chambon P, Rao MS, Sherman LS, Brg1 is required for murine neural stem cell maintenance and gliogenesis. Dev Biol. 2006 Jan 15;289(2):372-83
1J:312490 Mei R, Huang L, Wu M, Jiang C, Yang A, Tao H, Zheng K, Yang J, Shen W, Chen X, Zhao X, Qiu M, Evidence That ITPR2-Mediated Intracellular Calcium Release in Oligodendrocytes Regulates the Development of Carbonic Anhydrase II + Type I/II Oligodendrocytes and the Sizes of Myelin Fibers. Front Cell Neurosci. 2021;15:751439
1*J:205051 Miller JA, Nathanson J, Franjic D, Shim S, Dalley RA, Shapouri S, Smith KA, Sunkin SM, Bernard A, Bennett JL, Lee CK, Hawrylycz MJ, Jones AR, Amaral DG, Sestan N, Gage FH, Lein ES, Conserved molecular signatures of neurogenesis in the hippocampal subgranular zone of rodents and primates. Development. 2013 Nov;140(22):4633-44
1J:210605 Molofsky AV, Kelley KW, Tsai HH, Redmond SA, Chang SM, Madireddy L, Chan JR, Baranzini SE, Ullian EM, Rowitch DH, Astrocyte-encoded positional cues maintain sensorimotor circuit integrity. Nature. 2014 May 8;509(7499):189-94
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1*J:85925 Moreau-Fauvarque C, Kumanogoh A, Camand E, Jaillard C, Barbin G, Boquet I, Love C, Jones EY, Kikutani H, Lubetzki C, Dusart I, Chedotal A, The transmembrane semaphorin Sema4D/CD100, an inhibitor of axonal growth, is expressed on oligodendrocytes and upregulated after CNS lesion. J Neurosci. 2003 Oct 8;23(27):9229-39
2*J:236148 Muth KN, Piefke S, Weider M, Sock E, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Wegner M, Kuspert M, The Dual-specificity phosphatase Dusp15 is regulated by Sox10 and Myrf in Myelinating Oligodendrocytes. Glia. 2016 Dec;64(12):2120-2132
7*J:129145 Nadon NL, Miller S, Draeger K, Salvaggio M, Myelin proteolipid DM20: evidence for function independent of myelination. Int J Dev Neurosci. 1997 Jun;15(3):285-93
1*J:67154 Nery S, Wichterle H, Fishell G, Sonic hedgehog contributes to oligodendrocyte specification in the mammalian forebrain. Development. 2001 Feb;128(4):527-40
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1J:242339 Ohayon D, Garces A, Joly W, Soukkarieh C, Takagi T, Sabourin JC, Agius E, Darling DS, De Santa Barbara P, Higashi Y, Stolt CC, Hugnot JP, Richardson WD, Carroll P, Pattyn A, Onset of Spinal Cord Astrocyte Precursor Emigration from the Ventricular Zone Involves the Zeb1 Transcription Factor. Cell Rep. 2016 Nov 01;17(6):1473-1481
3J:210099 Paes de Faria J, Kessaris N, Andrew P, Richardson WD, Li H, New Olig1 null mice confirm a non-essential role for Olig1 in oligodendrocyte development. BMC Neurosci. 2014;15:12
2J:305247 Paredes I, Vieira JR, Shah B, Ramunno CF, Dyckow J, Adler H, Richter M, Schermann G, Giannakouri E, Schirmer L, Augustin HG, Ruiz de Almodovar C, Oligodendrocyte precursor cell specification is regulated by bidirectional neural progenitor-endothelial cell crosstalk. Nat Neurosci. 2021 Apr;24(4):478-488
1J:167272 Parenti R, Cicirata F, Zappala A, Catania A, La Delia F, Cicirata V, Tress O, Willecke K, Dynamic expression of Cx47 in mouse brain development and in the cuprizone model of myelin plasticity. Glia. 2010 Oct;58(13):1594-609
5*J:332131 Perera SN, Williams RM, Lyne R, Stubbs O, Buehler DP, Sauka-Spengler T, Noda M, Micklem G, Southard-Smith EM, Baker CVH, Insights into olfactory ensheathing cell development from a laser-microdissection and transcriptome-profiling approach. Glia. 2020 Dec;68(12):2550-2584
1J:139254 Pernet V, Joly S, Christ F, Dimou L, Schwab ME, Nogo-A and myelin-associated glycoprotein differently regulate oligodendrocyte maturation and myelin formation. J Neurosci. 2008 Jul 16;28(29):7435-44
3J:132162 Petryniak MA, Potter GB, Rowitch DH, Rubenstein JL, Dlx1 and Dlx2 control neuronal versus oligodendroglial cell fate acquisition in the developing forebrain. Neuron. 2007 Aug 2;55(3):417-33
5*J:44118 Peyron F, Timsit S, Thomas JL, Kagawa T, Ikenaka K, Zalc B, In situ expression of PLP/DM-20, MBP, and CNP during embryonic and postnatal development of the jimpy mutant and of transgenic mice overexpressing PLP. J Neurosci Res. 1997 Oct 15;50(2):190-201
2J:331420 Pijuan I, Balducci E, Soto-Sanchez C, Fernandez E, Barallobre MJ, Arbones ML, Impaired macroglial development and axonal conductivity contributes to the neuropathology of DYRK1A-related intellectual disability syndrome. Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 19;12(1):19912
2J:123645 Potzner MR, Griffel C, Lutjen-Drecoll E, Bosl MR, Wegner M, Sock E, Prolonged Sox4 expression in oligodendrocytes interferes with normal myelination in the central nervous system. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Aug;27(15):5316-26
2J:97013 Qi Y, Cai J, Wu Y, Wu R, Lee J, Fu H, Rao M, Sussel L, Rubenstein J, Qiu M, Control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by the Nkx2.2 homeodomain transcription factor. Development. 2001 Jul;128(14):2723-33
2*J:84432 Qi Y, Tan M, Hui CC, Qiu M, Gli2 is required for normal Shh signaling and oligodendrocyte development in the spinal cord. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2003 Jul;23(3):440-50
1*J:91847 Remedios R, Subramanian L, Tole S, LIM genes parcellate the embryonic amygdala and regulate its development. J Neurosci. 2004 Aug 4;24(31):6986-90
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