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Gene Expression Literature Summary
prospero homeobox 1

577 matching records from 577 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E19.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 2 7 14 10 52 9 60 9 64 4 57 5 93 8 46 9 79 10 44 11 86 2 2 1 10 143
In situ RNA (section) 1 3 2 6 7 1 15 6 1 20 2 8 2 12 5 16 1 1 2 23
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 4 3 10 3 13 2 29 1 20 4 24 3 21 33 1 1 1 3 41
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 4 4 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 4
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 1 2 4 3 5 2 4 4 3 7 3 2 2 1 1 1 5
Northern blot 1
Western blot 1 2 1 1 1 6
RT-PCR 1 3 2 4 6 6 11 1 7 8 1 4 1 5 7 1 7 1 2 28
cDNA clones 1 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Prox1  prospero homeobox 1   (Synonyms: A230003G05Rik)
Results  Reference
1J:111210 Abtahian F, Guerriero A, Sebzda E, Lu MM, Zhou R, Mocsai A, Myers EE, Huang B, Jackson DG, Ferrari VA, Tybulewicz V, Lowell CA, Lepore JJ, Koretzky GA, Kahn ML, Regulation of blood and lymphatic vascular separation by signaling proteins SLP-76 and Syk. Science. 2003 Jan 10;299(5604):247-51
5*J:205268 Ahmad N, Aslam M, Muenster D, Horsch M, Khan MA, Carlsson P, Beckers J, Graw J, Pitx3 directly regulates Foxe3 during early lens development. Int J Dev Biol. 2013;57(9-10):741-51
1J:350469 Alderman PJ, Saxon D, Torrijos-Saiz LI, Sharief M, Page CE, Baroudi JK, Biagiotti SW, Butyrkin VA, Melamed A, Kuo CT, Vicini S, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Herranz-Perez V, Corbin JG, Sorrells SF, Delayed maturation and migration of excitatory neurons in the juvenile mouse paralaminar amygdala. Neuron. 2024 Feb 21;112(4):574-592.e10
1J:254591 Alldredge A, Fuhrmann S, Loss of Axin2 Causes Ocular Defects During Mouse Eye Development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Oct 1;57(13):5253-5262
1*J:178848 An CI, Dong Y, Hagiwara N, Genome-wide mapping of Sox6 binding sites in skeletal muscle reveals both direct and indirect regulation of muscle terminal differentiation by Sox6. BMC Dev Biol. 2011;11:59
1J:237492 Antosova B, Smolikova J, Klimova L, Lachova J, Bendova M, Kozmikova I, Machon O, Kozmik Z, The Gene Regulatory Network of Lens Induction Is Wired through Meis-Dependent Shadow Enhancers of Pax6. PLoS Genet. 2016 Dec;12(12):e1006441
2J:181188 Aoki H, Hara A, Era T, Kunisada T, Yamada Y, Genetic ablation of Rest leads to in vitro-specific derepression of neuronal genes during neurogenesis. Development. 2012 Feb;139(4):667-77
6J:251150 Aoki H, Ogino H, Tomita H, Hara A, Kunisada T, Disruption of Rest Leads to the Early Onset of Cataracts with the Aberrant Terminal Differentiation of Lens Fiber Cells. PLoS One. 2016;11(9):e0163042
4J:317549 Aryal S, Viet J, Weatherbee BAT, Siddam AD, Hernandez FG, Gautier-Courteille C, Paillard L, Lachke SA, The cataract-linked RNA-binding protein Celf1 post-transcriptionally controls the spatiotemporal expression of the key homeodomain transcription factors Pax6 and Prox1 in lens development. Hum Genet. 2020 Dec;139(12):1541-1554
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1J:264269 Azimi M, Le TT, Brown NL, Presenilin gene function and Notch signaling feedback regulation in the developing mouse lens. Differentiation. 2018 Jul - Aug;102:40-52
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2J:112701 Bailey PJ, Klos JM, Andersson E, Karlen M, Kallstrom M, Ponjavic J, Muhr J, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Ericson J, A global genomic transcriptional code associated with CNS-expressed genes. Exp Cell Res. 2006 Oct 1;312(16):3108-19
3J:142365 Barry G, Piper M, Lindwall C, Moldrich R, Mason S, Little E, Sarkar A, Tole S, Gronostajski RM, Richards LJ, Specific glial populations regulate hippocampal morphogenesis. J Neurosci. 2008 Nov 19;28(47):12328-40
1J:173382 Basch ML, Ohyama T, Segil N, Groves AK, Canonical Notch Signaling Is Not Necessary for Prosensory Induction in the Mouse Cochlea: Insights from a Conditional Mutant of RBPj{kappa}. J Neurosci. 2011 Jun 1;31(22):8046-58
3*J:181601 Bassett EA, Korol A, Deschamps PA, Buettner R, Wallace VA, Williams T, West-Mays JA, Overlapping expression patterns and redundant roles for AP-2 transcription factors in the developing mammalian retina. Dev Dyn. 2012 Apr;241(4):814-29
1J:209511 Basu S, Rajakaruna S, De Arcangelis A, Zhang L, Georges-Labouesse E, Menko AS, alpha6 integrin transactivates insulin-like growth factor receptor-1 (IGF-1R) to regulate caspase-3-mediated lens epithelial cell differentiation initiation. J Biol Chem. 2014 Feb 14;289(7):3842-55
2J:152968 Bazigou E, Xie S, Chen C, Weston A, Miura N, Sorokin L, Adams R, Muro AF, Sheppard D, Makinen T, Integrin-alpha9 is required for fibronectin matrix assembly during lymphatic valve morphogenesis. Dev Cell. 2009 Aug;17(2):175-86
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
11*J:132058 Bermingham-McDonogh O, Oesterle EC, Stone JS, Hume CR, Huynh HM, Hayashi T, Expression of Prox1 during mouse cochlear development. J Comp Neurol. 2006 May 10;496(2):172-86
3J:229394 Bernier-Latmani J, Cisarovsky C, Demir CS, Bruand M, Jaquet M, Davanture S, Ragusa S, Siegert S, Dormond O, Benedito R, Radtke F, Luther SA, Petrova TV, DLL4 promotes continuous adult intestinal lacteal regeneration and dietary fat transport. J Clin Invest. 2015 Dec;125(12):4572-86
2J:180979 Besnard V, Wert SE, Ikegami M, Xu Y, Heffner C, Murray SA, Donahue LR, Whitsett JA, Maternal synchronization of gestational length and lung maturation. PLoS One. 2011;6(11):e26682
3*J:309377 Betterman KL, Sutton DL, Secker GA, Kazenwadel J, Oszmiana A, Lim L, Miura N, Sorokin L, Hogan BM, Kahn ML, McNeill H, Harvey NL, Atypical cadherin FAT4 orchestrates lymphatic endothelial cell polarity in response to flow. J Clin Invest. 2020 Jun 1;130(6):3315-3328
1J:59880 Blixt A, Mahlapuu M, Aitola M, Pelto-Huikko M, Enerback S, Carlsson P, A forkhead gene, FoxE3, is essential for lens epithelial proliferation and closure of the lens vesicle. Genes Dev. 2000 Jan 15;14(2):245-54
4J:316182 Blume M, Inoguchi F, Sugiyama T, Owada Y, Osumi N, Aimi Y, Taki K, Katsuyama Y, Dab1 contributes differently to the morphogenesis of the hippocampal subdivisions. Dev Growth Differ. 2017 Oct;59(8):657-673
2J:327898 Bobe S, Beckmann D, Klump DM, Dierkes C, Kirschnick N, Redder E, Bauer N, Schafers M, Erapaneedi R, Risse B, van de Pavert SA, Kiefer F, Volumetric imaging reveals VEGF-C-dependent formation of hepatic lymph vessels in mice. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022;10:949896
1J:159112 Bohmer R, Neuhaus B, Buhren S, Zhang D, Stehling M, Bock B, Kiefer F, Regulation of developmental lymphangiogenesis by Syk(+) leukocytes. Dev Cell. 2010 Mar 16;18(3):437-49
2J:146087 Bonal C, Thorel F, Ait-Lounis A, Reith W, Trumpp A, Herrera PL, Pancreatic inactivation of c-Myc decreases acinar mass and transdifferentiates acinar cells into adipocytes in mice. Gastroenterology. 2009 Jan;136(1):309-319.e9
3J:330573 Bonet F, Anez SB, Inacio JM, Futschik ME, Belo JA, CCBE1 Is Essential for Epicardial Function during Myocardium Development. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Oct 20;23(20)
2J:87725 Bort R, Martinez-Barbera JP, Beddington RS, Zaret KS, Hex homeobox gene-dependent tissue positioning is required for organogenesis of the ventral pancreas. Development. 2004 Feb;131(4):797-806
4J:186594 Bos FL, Caunt M, Peterson-Maduro J, Planas-Paz L, Kowalski J, Karpanen T, van Impel A, Tong R, Ernst JA, Korving J, van Es JH, Lammert E, Duckers HJ, Schulte-Merker S, CCBE1 is essential for mammalian lymphatic vascular development and enhances the lymphangiogenic effect of vascular endothelial growth factor-C in vivo. Circ Res. 2011 Aug 19;109(5):486-91
12J:269938 Bovay E, Sabine A, Prat-Luri B, Kim S, Son K, Willrodt AH, Olsson C, Halin C, Kiefer F, Betsholtz C, Jeon NL, Luther SA, Petrova TV, Multiple roles of lymphatic vessels in peripheral lymph node development. J Exp Med. 2018 Nov 5;215(11):2760-2777
1J:306159 Bowers M, Liang T, Gonzalez-Bohorquez D, Zocher S, Jaeger BN, Kovacs WJ, Rohrl C, Cramb KML, Winterer J, Kruse M, Dimitrieva S, Overall RW, Wegleiter T, Najmabadi H, Semenkovich CF, Kempermann G, Foldy C, Jessberger S, FASN-Dependent Lipid Metabolism Links Neurogenic Stem/Progenitor Cell Activity to Learning and Memory Deficits. Cell Stem Cell. 2020 Jul 2;27(1):98-109.e11
4*J:206581 Bowles J, Secker G, Nguyen C, Kazenwadel J, Truong V, Frampton E, Curtis C, Skoczylas R, Davidson TL, Miura N, Hong YK, Koopman P, Harvey NL, Francois M, Control of retinoid levels by CYP26B1 is important for lymphatic vascular development in the mouse embryo. Dev Biol. 2014 Feb 1;386(1):25-33
1J:279716 Braitsch CM, Azizoglu DB, Htike Y, Barlow HR, Schnell U, Chaney CP, Carroll TJ, Stanger BZ, Cleaver O, LATS1/2 suppress NFkappaB and aberrant EMT initiation to permit pancreatic progenitor differentiation. PLoS Biol. 2019 Jul;17(7):e3000382
1J:154462 Breuskin I, Bodson M, Thelen N, Thiry M, Borgs L, Nguyen L, Lefebvre PP, Malgrange B, Sox10 promotes the survival of cochlear progenitors during the establishment of the organ of Corti. Dev Biol. 2009 Nov 15;335(2):327-39
1J:316485 Bribian A, Nocentini S, Llorens F, Gil V, Mire E, Reginensi D, Yoshida Y, Mann F, del Rio JA, Sema3E/PlexinD1 regulates the migration of hem-derived Cajal-Retzius cells in developing cerebral cortex. Nat Commun. 2014 Jun 27;5:4265
1J:278101 Brightman DS, Grant RL, Ruzycki PA, Suzuki R, Hennig AK, Chen S, MLL1 is essential for retinal neurogenesis and horizontal inner neuron integrity. Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 9;8(1):11902
2J:351095 Brouillard P, Murtomaki A, Leppanen VM, Hyytiainen M, Mestre S, Potier L, Boon LM, Revencu N, Greene A, Anisimov A, Salo MH, Hinttala R, Eklund L, Quere I, Alitalo K, Vikkula M, Loss-of-function mutations of the TIE1 receptor tyrosine kinase cause late-onset primary lymphedema. J Clin Invest. 2024 May 30;134(14)
2J:199451 Brunne B, Franco S, Bouche E, Herz J, Howell BW, Pahle J, Muller U, May P, Frotscher M, Bock HH, Role of the postnatal radial glial scaffold for the development of the dentate gyrus as revealed by reelin signaling mutant mice. Glia. 2013 Aug;61(8):1347-63
1J:204690 Brzezinski JA 4th, Uoon Park K, Reh TA, Blimp1 (Prdm1) prevents re-specification of photoreceptors into retinal bipolar cells by restricting competence. Dev Biol. 2013 Dec 15;384(2):194-204
1J:235773 Bui HM, Enis D, Robciuc MR, Nurmi HJ, Cohen J, Chen M, Yang Y, Dhillon V, Johnson K, Zhang H, Kirkpatrick R, Traxler E, Anisimov A, Alitalo K, Kahn ML, Proteolytic activation defines distinct lymphangiogenic mechanisms for VEGFC and VEGFD. J Clin Invest. 2016 Jun 1;126(6):2167-80
2J:158529 Burgess D, Zhang Y, Siefker E, Vaca R, Kuracha MR, Reneker L, Overbeek PA, Govindarajan V, Activated Ras alters lens and corneal development through induction of distinct downstream targets. BMC Dev Biol. 2010;10:13
5*J:79514 Burke Z, Oliver G, Prox1 is an early specific marker for the developing liver and pancreas in the mammalian foregut endoderm. Mech Dev. 2002 Oct;118(1-2):147
1*J:200762 Buttler K, Becker J, Pukrop T, Wilting J, Maldevelopment of dermal lymphatics in Wnt5a-knockout-mice. Dev Biol. 2013 Sep 15;381(2):365-76
4*J:136688 Buttler K, Ezaki T, Wilting J, Proliferating mesodermal cells in murine embryos exhibiting macrophage and lymphendothelial characteristics. BMC Dev Biol. 2008;8:43
4*J:108556 Buttler K, Kreysing A, von Kaisenberg CS, Schweigerer L, Gale N, Papoutsi M, Wilting J, Mesenchymal cells with leukocyte and lymphendothelial characteristics in murine embryos. Dev Dyn. 2006 Jun;235(6):1554-1562
6J:326462 Byrne AB, Brouillard P, Sutton DL, Kazenwadel J, Montazaribarforoushi S, Secker GA, Oszmiana A, Babic M, Betterman KL, Brautigan PJ, White M, Piltz SG, Thomas PQ, Hahn CN, Rath M, Felbor U, Korenke GC, Smith CL, Wood KH, Sheppard SE, Adams DM, Kariminejad A, Helaers R, Boon LM, Revencu N, Moore L, Barnett C, Haan E, Arts P, Vikkula M, Scott HS, Harvey NL, Pathogenic variants in MDFIC cause recessive central conducting lymphatic anomaly with lymphedema. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Mar 2;14(634):eabm4869
2J:302542 Cahill TJ, Sun X, Ravaud C, Villa Del Campo C, Klaourakis K, Lupu IE, Lord AM, Browne C, Jacobsen SEW, Greaves DR, Jackson DG, Cowley SA, James W, Choudhury RP, Vieira JM, Riley PR, Tissue-resident macrophages regulate lymphatic vessel growth and patterning in the developing heart. Development. 2021 Feb 3;148(3):dev194563
1J:199162 Cai T, Seymour ML, Zhang H, Pereira FA, Groves AK, Conditional deletion of Atoh1 reveals distinct critical periods for survival and function of hair cells in the organ of Corti. J Neurosci. 2013 Jun 12;33(24):10110-22
1J:261286 Cai Y, Tang X, Chen X, Li X, Wang Y, Bao X, Wang L, Sun D, Zhao J, Xing Y, Warner M, Xu H, Gustafsson JA, Fan X, Liver X receptor beta regulates the development of the dentate gyrus and autistic-like behavior in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Mar 20;115(12):E2725-E2733
1J:139969 Cain S, Martinez G, Kokkinos MI, Turner K, Richardson RJ, Abud HE, Huelsken J, Robinson ML, de Iongh RU, Differential requirement for beta-catenin in epithelial and fiber cells during lens development. Dev Biol. 2008 Sep 15;321(2):420-33
2J:302526 Cao X, An J, Cao Y, Lv J, Wang J, Ding Y, Lin X, Zhou X, EMC3 Is Essential for Retinal Organization and Neurogenesis During Mouse Retinal Development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Feb 1;62(2):31
1J:338402 Cao X, Li T, Xu B, Ding K, Li W, Shen B, Chu M, Zhu D, Rui L, Shang Z, Li X, Wang Y, Zheng S, Alitalo K, Liu G, Tang J, Kubota Y, He Y, Endothelial TIE1 Restricts Angiogenic Sprouting to Coordinate Vein Assembly in Synergy With Its Homologue TIE2. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2023 Aug;43(8):e323-e338
2J:313961 Caramello A, Galichet C, Rizzoti K, Lovell-Badge R, Dentate gyrus development requires a cortical hem-derived astrocytic scaffold. Elife. 2021 Jan 4;10:e63904
1J:331511 Caramello A, Galichet C, Sopena ML, Lovell-Badge R, Rizzoti K, The cortical hem lacks stem cell potential despite expressing SOX9 and HOPX. Dev Neurobiol. 2022 Oct;82(7-8):565-580
1J:182769 Carbe C, Hertzler-Schaefer K, Zhang X, The functional role of the Meis/Prep-binding elements in Pax6 locus during pancreas and eye development. Dev Biol. 2012 Mar 1;363(1):320-9
1J:169235 Carbe C, Zhang X, Lens induction requires attenuation of ERK signaling by Nf1. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Apr 1;20(7):1315-23
5J:344154 Carlantoni C, Liekfeld LMH, Hemkemeyer SA, Schreier D, Saygi C, Kurelic R, Cardarelli S, Kalucka J, Schulte C, Beerens M, Mailer RK, Schaffer TE, Naro F, Pellegrini M, Nikolaev VO, Renne T, Frye M, The phosphodiesterase 2A controls lymphatic junctional maturation via cGMP-dependent notch signaling. Dev Cell. 2023 Dec 23;
1J:213869 Caronia-Brown G, Yoshida M, Gulden F, Assimacopoulos S, Grove EA, The cortical hem regulates the size and patterning of neocortex. Development. 2014 Jul;141(14):2855-65
1J:221296 Carrillo-Garcia C, Prochnow S, Simeonova IK, Strelau J, Holzl-Wenig G, Mandl C, Unsicker K, von Bohlen Und Halbach O, Ciccolini F, Growth/differentiation factor 15 promotes EGFR signalling, and regulates proliferation and migration in the hippocampus of neonatal and young adult mice. Development. 2014 Feb;141(4):773-83
1J:212971 Cavalheiro GR, Matos-Rodrigues GE, Gomes AL, Rodrigues PM, Martins RA, c-myc regulates cell proliferation during lens development. PLoS One. 2014;9(2):e87182
10J:233304 Cha B, Geng X, Mahamud MR, Fu J, Mukherjee A, Kim Y, Jho EH, Kim TH, Kahn ML, Xia L, Dixon JB, Chen H, Srinivasan RS, Mechanotransduction activates canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling to promote lymphatic vascular patterning and the development of lymphatic and lymphovenous valves. Genes Dev. 2016 Jun 15;30(12):1454-69
8J:269779 Cha B, Geng X, Mahamud MR, Zhang JY, Chen L, Kim W, Jho EH, Kim Y, Choi D, Dixon JB, Chen H, Hong YK, Olson L, Kim TH, Merrill BJ, Davis MJ, Srinivasan RS, Complementary Wnt Sources Regulate Lymphatic Vascular Development via PROX1-Dependent Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling. Cell Rep. 2018 Oct 16;25(3):571-584.e5
7J:301556 Cha B, Ho YC, Geng X, Mahamud MR, Chen L, Kim Y, Choi D, Kim TH, Randolph GJ, Cao X, Chen H, Srinivasan RS, YAP and TAZ maintain PROX1 expression in the developing lymphatic and lymphovenous valves in response to VEGF-C signaling. Development. 2020 Dec 13;147(23):dev195453
1J:229460 Chaffee BR, Hoang TV, Leonard MR, Bruney DG, Wagner BD, Dowd JR, Leone G, Ostrowski MC, Robinson ML, FGFR and PTEN signaling interact during lens development to regulate cell survival. Dev Biol. 2016 Feb 15;410(2):150-63
1J:341542 Chai G, Szenker-Ravi E, Chung C, Li Z, Wang L, Khatoo M, Marshall T, Jiang N, Yang X, McEvoy-Venneri J, Stanley V, Anzenberg P, Lang N, Wazny V, Yu J, Virshup DM, Nygaard R, Mancia F, Merdzanic R, Toralles MBP, Pitanga PML, Puri RD, Hernan R, Chung WK, Bertoli-Avella AM, Al-Sannaa N, Zaki MS, Willert K, Reversade B, Gleeson JG, A Human Pleiotropic Multiorgan Condition Caused by Deficient Wnt Secretion. N Engl J Med. 2021 Sep 30;385(14):1292-1301
2J:173579 Chai R, Xia A, Wang T, Jan TA, Hayashi T, Bermingham-McDonogh O, Cheng AG, Dynamic expression of lgr5, a wnt target gene, in the developing and mature mouse cochlea. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2011 Aug;12(4):455-69
2*J:320108 Chau TCY, Baek S, Coxam B, Skoczylas R, Rondon-Galeano M, Bower NI, Wainwright EN, Stacker SA, Cooper HM, Koopman PA, Lagendijk AK, Harvey NL, Francois M, Hogan BM, Pkd1 and Wnt5a genetically interact to control lymphatic vascular morphogenesis in mice. Dev Dyn. 2022 Feb;251(2):336-349
3J:341393 Cheffer A, Garcia-Miralles M, Maier E, Akol I, Franz H, Srinivasan VSV, Vogel T, DOT1L deletion impairs the development of cortical parvalbumin-expressing interneurons. Cereb Cortex. 2023 Sep 26;33(19):10272-10285
1J:190484 Chen CY, Bertozzi C, Zou Z, Yuan L, Lee JS, Lu M, Stachelek SJ, Srinivasan S, Guo L, Vicente A, Mericko P, Levy RJ, Makinen T, Oliver G, Kahn ML, Blood flow reprograms lymphatic vessels to blood vessels. J Clin Invest. 2012 Jun 1;122(6):2006-17
2J:60158 Chen H, Bagri A, Zupicich JA, Zou Y, Stoeckli E, Pleasure SJ, Lowenstein DH, Skarnes WC, Chedotal A, Tessier-Lavigne M, Neuropilin-2 regulates the development of selective cranial and sensory nerves and hippocampal mossy fiber projections. Neuron. 2000 Jan;25(1):43-56
1J:217615 Chen HI, Poduri A, Numi H, Kivela R, Saharinen P, McKay AS, Raftrey B, Churko J, Tian X, Zhou B, Wu JC, Alitalo K, Red-Horse K, VEGF-C and aortic cardiomyocytes guide coronary artery stem development. J Clin Invest. 2014 Nov;124(11):4899-914
1*J:137716 Chen Z, Montcouquiol M, Calderon R, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Kelley MW, Noben-Trauth K, Jxc1/Sobp, encoding a nuclear zinc finger protein, is critical for cochlear growth, cell fate, and patterning of the organ of corti. J Neurosci. 2008 Jun 25;28(26):6633-41
1*J:72426 Cheng HJ, Bagri A, Yaron A, Stein E, Pleasure SJ, Tessier-Lavigne M, Plexin-a3 mediates semaphorin signaling and regulates the development of hippocampal axonal projections. Neuron. 2001 Oct 25;32(2):249-63
2J:333725 Chiang IKN, Graus MS, Kirschnick N, Davidson T, Luu W, Harwood R, Jiang K, Li B, Wong YY, Moustaqil M, Lesieur E, Skoczylas R, Kouskoff V, Kazenwadel J, Arriola-Martinez L, Sierecki E, Gambin Y, Alitalo K, Kiefer F, Harvey NL, Francois M, The blood vasculature instructs lymphatic patterning in a SOX7-dependent manner. EMBO J. 2023 Mar 1;42(5):e109032
3J:289355 Cho H, Kim J, Ahn JH, Hong YK, Makinen T, Lim DS, Koh GY, YAP and TAZ Negatively Regulate Prox1 During Developmental and Pathologic Lymphangiogenesis. Circ Res. 2019 Jan 18;124(2):225-242
1J:217413 Choe Y, Huynh T, Pleasure SJ, Migration of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells is controlled by transforming growth factor beta family proteins during corticogenesis. J Neurosci. 2014 Nov 5;34(45):14973-83
2J:227188 Choe Y, Huynh T, Pleasure SJ, Epithelial cells supply Sonic Hedgehog to the perinatal dentate gyrus via transport by platelets. Elife. 2015;4
3J:196652 Choe Y, Kozlova A, Graf D, Pleasure SJ, Bone morphogenic protein signaling is a major determinant of dentate development. J Neurosci. 2013 Apr 17;33(16):6766-75
1J:283927 Choi SY, Bae H, Jeong SH, Park I, Cho H, Hong SP, Lee DH, Lee CK, Park JS, Suh SH, Choi J, Yang MJ, Jang JY, Onder L, Moon JH, Jeong HS, Adams RH, Kim JM, Ludewig B, Song JH, Lim DS, Koh GY, YAP/TAZ direct commitment and maturation of lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells. Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 24;11(1):519
2*J:168654 Chung YC, Tsai YJ, Shiu TY, Sun YY, Wang PF, Chen CL, Screening large numbers of expression patterns of transcription factors in late stages of the mouse thymus. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Jan-Feb;11(1-2):84-92
1J:226607 Clegg JM, Li Z, Molinek M, Caballero IM, Manuel MN, Price DJ, Pax6 is required intrinsically by thalamic progenitors for the normal molecular patterning of thalamic neurons but not the growth and guidance of their axons. Neural Dev. 2015;10(1):26
3J:273460 Collins TN, Mao Y, Li H, Bouaziz M, Hong A, Feng GS, Wang F, Quilliam LA, Chen L, Park T, Curran T, Zhang X, Crk proteins transduce FGF signaling to promote lens fiber cell elongation. Elife. 2018 Jan 23;7:e32586
1J:158468 Conrad S, Stimpfle F, Montazeri S, Oldekamp J, Seid K, Alvarez-Bolado G, Skutella T, RGMb controls aggregation and migration of Neogenin-positive cells in vitro and in vivo. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2010 Feb;43(2):222-31
1J:248815 Cordeiro OG, Chypre M, Brouard N, Rauber S, Alloush F, Romera-Hernandez M, Benezech C, Li Z, Eckly A, Coles MC, Rot A, Yagita H, Leon C, Ludewig B, Cupedo T, Lanza F, Mueller CG, Integrin-Alpha IIb Identifies Murine Lymph Node Lymphatic Endothelial Cells Responsive to RANKL. PLoS One. 2016;11(3):e0151848
2*J:177134 Cossette S, Misra R, The identification of different endothelial cell populations within the mouse proepicardium. Dev Dyn. 2011 Oct;240(10):2344-53
3J:211805 Coxam B, Sabine A, Bower NI, Smith KA, Pichol-Thievend C, Skoczylas R, Astin JW, Frampton E, Jaquet M, Crosier PS, Parton RG, Harvey NL, Petrova TV, Schulte-Merker S, Francois M, Hogan BM, Pkd1 regulates lymphatic vascular morphogenesis during development. Cell Rep. 2014 May 8;7(3):623-33
1J:297054 Cozzitorto C, Mueller L, Ruzittu S, Mah N, Willnow D, Darrigrand JF, Wilson H, Khosravinia D, Mahmoud AA, Risolino M, Selleri L, Spagnoli FM, A Specialized Niche in the Pancreatic Microenvironment Promotes Endocrine Differentiation. Dev Cell. 2020 Oct 26;55(2):150-162.e6
1J:237076 Crosswhite PL, Podsiadlowska JJ, Curtis CD, Gao S, Xia L, Srinivasan RS, Griffin CT, CHD4-regulated plasmin activation impacts lymphovenous hemostasis and hepatic vascular integrity. J Clin Invest. 2016 Jun 01;126(6):2254-66
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