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Gene Expression Literature Summary
Eph receptor A4

227 matching records from 227 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 6 1 15 11 1 10 13 1 5 1 7 1 8 2 2 14
In situ RNA (section) 2 4 8 6 7 14 2 19 3 20 5 22 2 18 3 11 6 2 8 4 20
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 2 12 12 27 1 16 1 13 5 4 1 3 1 2 3
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 2 2 1 4 2 3 3 4 1 1 8
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 2
Western blot 1 2 2 3 3 2 5 1 1 1 5
RT-PCR 1 3 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 2 3 12
cDNA clones 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
RNase protection 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Epha4  Eph receptor A4   (Synonyms: 2900005C20Rik, Cek8, Hek8, rb, Sek, Sek1, Tyro1)
Results  Reference
4J:150093 Abdul-Aziz NM, Turmaine M, Greene ND, Copp AJ, EphrinA-EphA receptor interactions in mouse spinal neurulation: implications for neural fold fusion. Int J Dev Biol. 2009;53(4):559-68
1*J:309389 Abdullah NL, Mohd-Zin SW, Ahmad-Annuar A, Abdul-Aziz NM, A Novel Occulta-Type Spina Bifida Mediated by Murine Double Heterozygotes EphA2 and EphA4 Receptor Tyrosine Kinases. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2017;5:105
2J:67296 Adams RH, Diella F, Hennig S, Helmbacher F, Deutsch U, Klein R, The cytoplasmic domain of the ligand ephrinB2 is required for vascular morphogenesis but not cranial neural crest migration. Cell. 2001 Jan 12;104(1):57-69
6*J:216216 Agrawal P, Wang M, Kim S, Lewis AE, Bush JO, Embryonic expression of EphA receptor genes in mice supports their candidacy for involvement in cleft lip and palate. Dev Dyn. 2014 Nov;243(11):1470-6
1J:339612 Altounian M, Bellon A, Mann F, Neuronal miR-17-5p contributes to interhemispheric cortical connectivity defects induced by prenatal alcohol exposure. Cell Rep. 2023 Aug 22;42(9):113020
6J:173874 Andersson L, Westerlund J, Liang S, Carlsson T, Amendola E, Fagman H, Nilsson M, Role of EphA4 receptor signaling in thyroid development: regulation of folliculogenesis and propagation of the C-cell lineage. Endocrinology. 2011 Mar;152(3):1154-64
1J:91751 Aoki M, Yamashita T, Tohyama M, EphA receptors direct the differentiation of mammalian neural precursor cells through a mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent pathway. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jul 30;279(31):32643-50
2J:196665 Arvanitis DN, Behar A, Tryoen-Toth P, Bush JO, Jungas T, Vitale N, Davy A, Ephrin B1 maintains apical adhesion of neural progenitors. Development. 2013 May;140(10):2082-92
1J:132361 Aulehla A, Wiegraebe W, Baubet V, Wahl MB, Deng C, Taketo M, Lewandoski M, Pourquie O, A beta-catenin gradient links the clock and wavefront systems in mouse embryo segmentation. Nat Cell Biol. 2008 Feb;10(2):186-93
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4*J:54606 Barrantes IB, Elia AJ, Wunsch K, De Angelis MH, Mak TW, Rossant J, Conlon RA, Gossler A, de la Pompa JL, Interaction between Notch signalling and Lunatic fringe during somite boundary formation in the mouse. Curr Biol. 1999 May 6;9(9):470-80
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1*J:60095 Barrow JR, Stadler HS, Capecchi MR, Roles of Hoxa1 and Hoxa2 in patterning the early hindbrain of the mouse. Development. 2000 Mar;127(5):933-44
1*J:160045 Becker N, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Seitanidou T, Wilkinson D, Charnay P, Characterisation of the Sek-1 receptor tyrosine kinase. FEBS Lett. 1995 Jul 17;368(2):353-7
1*J:19646 Becker N, Seitanidou T, Murphy P, Mattei MG, Topilko P, Nieto MA, Wilkinson DG, Charnay P, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Several receptor tyrosine kinase genes of the Eph family are segmentally expressed in the developing hindbrain. Mech Dev. 1994 Jul;47(1):3-17
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
1J:72325 Bessho Y, Sakata R, Komatsu S, Shiota K, Yamada S, Kageyama R, Dynamic expression and essential functions of Hes7 in somite segmentation. Genes Dev. 2001 Oct 15;15(20):2642-7
1*J:245526 Bibollet-Bahena O, Okafuji T, Hokamp K, Tear G, Mitchell KJ, A dual-strategy expression screen for candidate connectivity labels in the developing thalamus. PLoS One. 2017;12(5):e0177977
3J:170488 Blank MC, Grinberg I, Aryee E, Laliberte C, Chizhikov VV, Henkelman RM, Millen KJ, Multiple developmental programs are altered by loss of Zic1 and Zic4 to cause Dandy-Walker malformation cerebellar pathogenesis. Development. 2011 Mar;138(6):1207-16
1J:180801 Bonanomi D, Chivatakarn O, Bai G, Abdesselem H, Lettieri K, Marquardt T, Pierchala BA, Pfaff SL, Ret Is a Multifunctional Coreceptor that Integrates Diffusible- and Contact-Axon Guidance Signals. Cell. 2012 Feb 3;148(3):568-82
3J:277269 Bouchoucha YX, Reingruber J, Labalette C, Wassef MA, Thierion E, Desmarquet-Trin Dinh C, Holcman D, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Charnay P, Dissection of a Krox20 positive feedback loop driving cell fate choices in hindbrain patterning. Mol Syst Biol. 2013;9:690
3*J:69086 Bovenkamp DE, Greer PA, Degenerate pcr-based cloning method for eph receptors and analysis of their expression in the developing murine central nervous system and vasculature. DNA Cell Biol. 2001 Apr;20(4):203-13
1J:90513 Bussen M, Petry M, Schuster-Gossler K, Leitges M, Gossler A, Kispert A, The T-box transcription factor Tbx18 maintains the separation of anterior and posterior somite compartments. Genes Dev. 2004 May 15;18(10):1209-21
1J:200985 Cai EP, Wu X, Schroer SA, Elia AJ, Nostro MC, Zacksenhaus E, Woo M, Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein in pancreatic progenitors controls alpha- and beta-cell fate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Sep 3;110(36):14723-8
1*J:80954 Chapman DL, Papaioannou VE, Three neural tubes in mouse embryos with mutations in the T-box gene Tbx6. Nature. 1998 Feb 12;391(6668):695-7
1*J:169043 Chapman G, Sparrow DB, Kremmer E, Dunwoodie SL, Notch inhibition by the ligand Delta-Like 3 defines the mechanism of abnormal vertebral segmentation in spondylocostal dysostosis. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Mar 1;20(5):905-16
10J:235316 Chen Q, Arai D, Kawakami K, Sawada T, Jing X, Miyajima M, Hirai S, Sakaguchi K, Furushima K, EphA4 Regulates the Balance between Self-Renewal and Differentiation of Radial Glial Cells and Intermediate Neuronal Precursors in Cooperation with FGF Signaling. PLoS One. 2015;10(5):e0126942
4*J:20670 Cheng HJ, Flanagan JG, Identification and cloning of ELF-1, a developmentally expressed ligand for the Mek4 and Sek receptor tyrosine kinases. Cell. 1994 Oct 7;79(1):157-68
1J:182705 Choe Y, Siegenthaler JA, Pleasure SJ, A cascade of morphogenic signaling initiated by the meninges controls corpus callosum formation. Neuron. 2012 Feb 23;73(4):698-712
7J:179898 Coate TM, Raft S, Zhao X, Ryan AK, Crenshaw EB 3rd, Kelley MW, Otic Mesenchyme Cells Regulate Spiral Ganglion Axon Fasciculation through a Pou3f4/EphA4 Signaling Pathway. Neuron. 2012 Jan 12;73(1):49-63
1*J:148410 Combes AN, Lesieur E, Harley VR, Sinclair AH, Little MH, Wilhelm D, Koopman P, Three-dimensional visualization of testis cord morphogenesis, a novel tubulogenic mechanism in development. Dev Dyn. 2009 May;238(5):1033-41
1*J:135865 Coonan JR, Bartlett PF, Galea MP, Role of EphA4 in defining the position of a motoneuron pool within the spinal cord. J Comp Neurol. 2003 Mar 24;458(1):98-111
2*J:70369 Coonan JR, Greferath U, Messenger J, Hartley L, Murphy M, Boyd AW, Dottori M, Galea MP, Bartlett PF, Development and reorganization of corticospinal projections in EphA4 deficient mice. J Comp Neurol. 2001 Jul 23;436(2):248-62
1*J:62565 Cowan CA, Yokoyama N, Bianchi LM, Henkemeyer M, Fritzsch B, EphB2 guides axons at the midline and is necessary for normal vestibular function. Neuron. 2000 May;26(2):417-30
1J:110576 Croci L, Chung SH, Masserdotti G, Gianola S, Bizzoca A, Gennarini G, Corradi A, Rossi F, Hawkes R, Consalez GG, A key role for the HLH transcription factor EBF2COE2,O/E-3 in Purkinje neuron migration and cerebellar cortical topography. Development. 2006 Jul;133(14):2719-29
1J:169302 da Silva S, Hasegawa H, Scott A, Zhou X, Wagner AK, Han BX, Wang F, Proper formation of whisker barrelettes requires periphery-derived Smad4-dependent TGF-{beta} signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Feb 22;108(8):3395-400
1J:139297 Dasen JS, De Camilli A, Wang B, Tucker PW, Jessell TM, Hox repertoires for motor neuron diversity and connectivity gated by a single accessory factor, FoxP1. Cell. 2008 Jul 25;134(2):304-16
1J:54652 Davenne M, Maconochie MK, Neun R, Pattyn A, Chambon P, Krumlauf R, Rijli FM, Hoxa2 and Hoxb2 control dorsoventral patterns of neuronal development in the rostral hindbrain. Neuron. 1999 Apr;22(4):677-91
2*J:89008 Davy A, Aubin J, Soriano P, Ephrin-B1 forward and reverse signaling are required during mouse development. Genes Dev. 2004 Mar 1;18(5):572-83
1*J:73773 de Diego I, Kyriakopoulou K, Karagogeos D, Wassef M, Multiple influences on the migration of precerebellar neurons in the caudal medulla. Development. 2002 Jan;129(2):297-306
1J:222780 Defourny J, Mateo Sanchez S, Schoonaert L, Robberecht W, Davy A, Nguyen L, Malgrange B, Cochlear supporting cell transdifferentiation and integration into hair cell layers by inhibition of ephrin-B2 signalling. Nat Commun. 2015;6:7017
3J:226226 Defourny J, Poirrier AL, Lallemend F, Mateo Sanchez S, Neef J, Vanderhaeghen P, Soriano E, Peuckert C, Kullander K, Fritzsch B, Nguyen L, Moonen G, Moser T, Malgrange B, Ephrin-A5/EphA4 signalling controls specific afferent targeting to cochlear hair cells. Nat Commun. 2013;4:1438
1J:137156 Desmazieres A, Decker L, Vallat JM, Charnay P, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Disruption of Krox20-Nab interaction in the mouse leads to peripheral neuropathy with biphasic evolution. J Neurosci. 2008 Jun 4;28(23):5891-900
3*J:50573 Dottori M, Hartley L, Galea M, Paxinos G, Polizzotto M, Kilpatrick T, Bartlett PF, Murphy M, Kontgen F, Boyd AW, EphA4 (Sek1) receptor tyrosine kinase is required for the development of the corticospinal tract. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Oct 27;95(22):13248-53
2J:184451 Dudanova I, Kao TJ, Herrmann JE, Zheng B, Kania A, Klein R, Genetic evidence for a contribution of EphA:ephrinA reverse signaling to motor axon guidance. J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 11;32(15):5209-15
2*J:85411 Dufour A, Seibt J, Passante L, Depaepe V, Ciossek T, Frisen J, Kullander K, Flanagan JG, Polleux F, Vanderhaeghen P, Area specificity and topography of thalamocortical projections are controlled by ephrin/Eph genes. Neuron. 2003 Jul 31;39(3):453-65
3J:157054 Egawa G, Osawa M, Uemura A, Miyachi Y, Nishikawa S, Transient expression of ephrin b2 in perinatal skin is required for maintenance of keratinocyte homeostasis. J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Oct;129(10):2386-95
2J:207512 Escalante A, Murillo B, Morenilla-Palao C, Klar A, Herrera E, Zic2-dependent axon midline avoidance controls the formation of major ipsilateral tracts in the CNS. Neuron. 2013 Dec 18;80(6):1392-406
1J:308983 Farmer DT, Mlcochova H, Zhou Y, Koelling N, Wang G, Ashley N, Bugacov H, Chen HJ, Parvez R, Tseng KC, Merrill AE, Maxson RE Jr, Wilkie AOM, Crump JG, Twigg SRF, The developing mouse coronal suture at single-cell resolution. Nat Commun. 2021 Aug 10;12(1):4797
1J:51889 Feldheim DA, Vanderhaeghen P, Hansen MJ, Frisen J, Lu Q, Barbacid M, Flanagan JG, Topographic guidance labels in a sensory projection to the forebrain. Neuron. 1998 Dec;21(6):1303-13
1J:309391 Fleitas C, Marfull-Oromi P, Chauhan D, Del Toro D, Peguera B, Zammou B, Rocandio D, Klein R, Espinet C, Egea J, FLRT2 and FLRT3 Cooperate in Maintaining the Tangential Migratory Streams of Cortical Interneurons during Development. J Neurosci. 2021 Sep 1;41(35):7350-7362
2*J:116642 Fujii H, Tatsumi K, Kosaka K, Yoshioka S, Fujiwara H, Fujii S, Eph-ephrin A system regulates murine blastocyst attachment and spreading. Dev Dyn. 2006 Dec;235(12):3250-8
2*J:35772 Gale NW, Flenniken A, Compton DC, Jenkins N, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Davis S, Wilkinson DG, Yancopoulos GD, Elk-L3, a novel transmembrane ligand for the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases, expressed in embryonic floor plate, roof plate and hindbrain segments. Oncogene. 1996 Sep 19;13(6):1343-52
1*J:63174 Garces A, Haase G, Airaksinen MS, Livet J, Filippi P, deLapeyriere O, GFRalpha 1 is required for development of distinct subpopulations of motoneuron. J Neurosci. 2000 Jul 1;20(13):4992-5000
1*J:65601 Garel S, Garcia-Dominguez M, Charnay P, Control of the migratory pathway of facial branchiomotor neurones. Development. 2000 Dec;127(24):5297-307
5J:44591 Garel S, Marin F, Grosschedl R, Charnay P, Ebf1 controls early cell differentiation in the embryonic striatum. Development. 1999 Dec;126(23):5285-94
2*J:79830 Garel S, Yun K, Grosschedl R, Rubenstein JL, The early topography of thalamocortical projections is shifted in Ebf1 and Dlx1/2 mutant mice. Development. 2002 Dec;129(24):5621-34
8J:247837 Gatto G, Morales D, Kania A, Klein R, EphA4 receptor shedding regulates spinal motor axon guidance. Curr Biol. 2014 Oct 20;24(20):2355-65
1*J:43763 Gavalas A, Davenne M, Lumsden A, Chambon P, Rijli FM, Role of Hoxa-2 in axon pathfinding and rostral hindbrain patterning. Development. 1997 Oct;124(19):3693-702
2*J:171615 Georgas KM, Chiu HS, Lesieur E, Rumballe BA, Little MH, Expression of metanephric nephron-patterning genes in differentiating mesonephric tubules. Dev Dyn. 2011 Jun;240(6):1600-12
6J:217584 Gerstmann K, Pensold D, Symmank J, Khundadze M, Hubner CA, Bolz J, Zimmer G, Thalamic afferents influence cortical progenitors via ephrin A5-EphA4 interactions. Development. 2015 Jan 1;142(1):140-50
1J:299221 Gervais M, Labouebe G, Picard A, Thorens B, Croizier S, EphrinB1 modulates glutamatergic inputs into POMC-expressing progenitors and controls glucose homeostasis. PLoS Biol. 2020 Nov;18(11):e3000680
3J:167212 Gibson P, Tong Y, Robinson G, Thompson MC, Currle DS, Eden C, Kranenburg TA, Hogg T, Poppleton H, Martin J, Finkelstein D, Pounds S, Weiss A, Patay Z, Scoggins M, Ogg R, Pei Y, Yang ZJ, Brun S, Lee Y, Zindy F, Lindsey JC, Taketo MM, Boop FA, Sanford RA, Gajjar A, Clifford SC, Roussel MF, McKinnon PJ, Gutmann DH, Ellison DW, Wechsler-Reya R, Gilbertson RJ, Subtypes of medulloblastoma have distinct developmental origins. Nature. 2010 Dec 23;468(7327):1095-9
6*J:3319 Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Nieto MA, Frain M, Mattei MG, Chestier A, Wilkinson DG, Charnay P, An Eph-related receptor protein tyrosine kinase gene segmentally expressed in the developing mouse hindbrain [published erratum appears in Oncogene 1993 Apr;8(4):1103]. Oncogene. 1992 Dec;7(12):2499-506
1J:176262 Giros A, Grgur K, Gossler A, Costell M, alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion to fibronectin is required for axis elongation and somitogenesis in mice. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22002
3J:187355 Goldshmit Y, Galea MP, Bartlett PF, Turnley AM, EphA4 regulates central nervous system vascular formation. J Comp Neurol. 2006 Aug 20;497(6):864-75
1J:330742 Goodyer WR, Beyersdorf BM, Duan L, van den Berg NS, Mantri S, Galdos FX, Puluca N, Buikema JW, Lee S, Salmi D, Robinson ER, Rogalla S, Cogan DP, Khosla C, Rosenthal EL, Wu SM, In vivo visualization and molecular targeting of the cardiac conduction system. J Clin Invest. 2022 Oct 17;132(20):e156955
2J:70266 Graef IA, Chen F, Chen L, Kuo A, Crabtree GR, Signals transduced by Ca(2+)/calcineurin and NFATc3/c4 pattern the developing vasculature. Cell. 2001 Jun 29;105(7):863-75
5*J:82208 Greferath U, Canty AJ, Messenger J, Murphy M, Developmental expression of EphA4-tyrosine kinase receptor in the mouse brain and spinal cord. Mech Dev. 2002 Dec;119 Suppl 1:S231-8
1J:149261 Grimaldi P, Parras C, Guillemot F, Rossi F, Wassef M, Origins and control of the differentiation of inhibitory interneurons and glia in the cerebellum. Dev Biol. 2009 Apr 15;328(2):422-33
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1J:333949 Guo Q, Wang Y, Wang Q, Qian Y, Jiang Y, Dong X, Chen H, Chen X, Liu X, Yu S, Zhu J, Shan S, Wu B, Zhou W, Wang H, In the developing cerebral cortex: axonogenesis, synapse formation, and synaptic plasticity are regulated by SATB2 target genes. Pediatr Res. 2022 Aug 26;
1J:253351 Hanley O, Zewdu R, Cohen LJ, Jung H, Lacombe J, Philippidou P, Lee DH, Selleri L, Dasen JS, Parallel Pbx-Dependent Pathways Govern the Coalescence and Fate of Motor Columns. Neuron. 2016 Sep 7;91(5):1005-1020
1J:113422 Harrelson Z, Papaioannou VE, Segmental expression of the T-box transcription factor, Tbx2, during early somitogenesis. Dev Dyn. 2006 Nov;235(11):3080-4
1J:203028 Hasenpusch-Theil K, Magnani D, Amaniti EM, Han L, Armstrong D, Theil T, Transcriptional analysis of Gli3 mutants identifies Wnt target genes in the developing hippocampus. Cereb Cortex. 2012 Dec;22(12):2878-93
5J:186283 Hashimoto M, Ito R, Kitamura N, Namba K, Hisano Y, Epha4 controls the midline crossing and contralateral axonal projections of inferior olive neurons. J Comp Neurol. 2012 Jun 1;520(8):1702-20
1*J:85300 Helmbacher F, Dessaud E, Arber S, deLapeyriere O, Henderson CE, Klein R, Maina F, Met signaling is required for recruitment of motor neurons to PEA3-positive motor pools. Neuron. 2003 Aug 28;39(5):767-77
3*J:50514 Helmbacher F, Pujades C, Desmarquet C, Frain M, Rijli FM, Chambon P, Charnay P, Hoxa1 and Krox-20 synergize to control the development of rhombomere 3. Development. 1998 Dec;125(23):4739-48
7*J:62985 Helmbacher F, Schneider-Maunoury S, Topilko P, Tiret L, Charnay P, Targeting of the EphA4 tyrosine kinase receptor affects dorsal/ventral pathfinding of limb motor axons. Development. 2000 Aug;127(15):3313-24
1J:149620 Ho SK, Kovacevic N, Henkelman RM, Boyd A, Pawson T, Henderson JT, EphB2 and EphA4 receptors regulate formation of the principal inter-hemispheric tracts of the mammalian forebrain. Neuroscience. 2009 Jun 2;160(4):784-95
2J:314922 Hoshino N, Altarshan Y, Alzein A, Fernando AM, Nguyen HT, Majewski EF, Chen VC, Rochlin MW, Yu WM, Ephrin-A3 is required for tonotopic map precision and auditory functions in the mouse auditory brainstem. J Comp Neurol. 2021 Nov;529(16):3633-3654
1J:107594 Huber AB, Kania A, Tran TS, Gu C, De Marco Garcia N, Lieberam I, Johnson D, Jessell TM, Ginty DD, Kolodkin AL, Distinct roles for secreted semaphorin signaling in spinal motor axon guidance. Neuron. 2005 Dec 22;48(6):949-64
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3J:162837 Islam S, Loizides AM, Fialkovich JJ, Grand RJ, Montgomery RK, Developmental expression of Eph and ephrin family genes in mammalian small intestine. Dig Dis Sci. 2010 Sep;55(9):2478-88
1J:137096 Jayasena CS, Ohyama T, Segil N, Groves AK, Notch signaling augments the canonical Wnt pathway to specify the size of the otic placode. Development. 2008 Jul;135(13):2251-61
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1J:166088 Jung H, Lacombe J, Mazzoni EO, Liem KF Jr, Grinstein J, Mahony S, Mukhopadhyay D, Gifford DK, Young RA, Anderson KV, Wichterle H, Dasen JS, Global control of motor neuron topography mediated by the repressive actions of a single hox gene. Neuron. 2010 Sep 9;67(5):781-96
2J:219882 Kao TJ, Nicholl GC, Johansen JA, Kania A, Beg AA, alpha2-chimaerin is required for Eph receptor-class-specific spinal motor axon guidance and coordinate activation of antagonistic muscles. J Neurosci. 2015 Feb 11;35(6):2344-57
1J:148253 Kao TJ, Palmesino E, Kania A, SRC family kinases are required for limb trajectory selection by spinal motor axons. J Neurosci. 2009 Apr 29;29(17):5690-700
4J:76573 Karam SD, Dottori M, Ogawa K, Henderson JT, Boyd AW, Pasquale EB, Bothwell M, EphA4 is not required for Purkinje cell compartmentation. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2002 Apr 30;135(1-2):29-38
5J:278254 Katori S, Noguchi-Katori Y, Itohara S, Iwasato T, Spinal RacGAP alpha-Chimaerin Is Required to Establish the Midline Barrier for Proper Corticospinal Axon Guidance. J Neurosci. 2017 Aug 9;37(32):7682-7699
1J:144018 Kawakami Y, Uchiyama Y, Rodriguez Esteban C, Inenaga T, Koyano-Nakagawa N, Kawakami H, Marti M, Kmita M, Monaghan-Nichols P, Nishinakamura R, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Sall genes regulate region-specific morphogenesis in the mouse limb by modulating Hox activities. Development. 2009 Feb;136(4):585-94
1J:311850 Kayam G, Kohl A, Magen Z, Peretz Y, Weisinger K, Bar A, Novikov O, Brodski C, Sela-Donenfeld D, A novel role for Pax6 in the segmental organization of the hindbrain. Development. 2013 May;140(10):2190-202
1J:126547 Ke Y, Zhang EE, Hagihara K, Wu D, Pang Y, Klein R, Curran T, Ranscht B, Feng GS, Deletion of Shp2 in the brain leads to defective proliferation and differentiation in neural stem cells and early postnatal lethality. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Oct;27(19):6706-17
1*J:289438 Kischel A, Audouard C, Fawal MA, Davy A, Ephrin-B2 paces neuronal production in the developing neocortex. BMC Dev Biol. 2020 May 13;20(1):12
1J:67679 Knoll B, Zarbalis K, Wurst W, Drescher U, A role for the EphA family in the topographic targeting of vomeronasal axons. Development. 2001 Mar;128(6):895-906
1J:162838 Kotani T, Murata Y, Ohnishi H, Mori M, Kusakari S, Saito Y, Okazawa H, Bixby JL, Matozaki T, Expression of PTPRO in the interneurons of adult mouse olfactory bulb. J Comp Neurol. 2010 Jan 10;518(2):119-36
2J:110955 Kramer ER, Knott L, Su F, Dessaud E, Krull CE, Helmbacher F, Klein R, Cooperation between GDNF/Ret and ephrinA/EphA4 signals for motor-axon pathway selection in the limb. Neuron. 2006 Apr 6;50(1):35-47
2J:356521 Krawchuk D, Kania A, Identification of genes controlled by LMX1B in the developing mouse limb bud. Dev Dyn. 2008 Apr;237(4):1183-92
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