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Gene Expression Literature Summary
Immunohistochemistry (section)
10.5 DPC

57 matching records from 57 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Smad5  SMAD family member 5   (Synonyms: Madh5, MusMLP, Smad 5)
Results  Reference
1J:336501 Asfour H, Hirsinger E, Rouco R, Zarrouki F, Hayashi S, Swist S, Braun T, Patel K, Relaix F, Andrey G, Stricker S, Duprez D, Stantzou A, Amthor H, Inhibitory SMAD6 interferes with BMP-dependent generation of muscle progenitor cells and perturbs proximodistal pattern of murine limb muscles. Development. 2023 Jun 1;150(11):dev201504
1J:334460 Bando H, Brinkmeier ML, Castinetti F, Fang Q, Lee MS, Saveanu A, Albarel F, Dupuis C, Brue T, Camper SA, Heterozygous variants in SIX3 and POU1F1 cause pituitary hormone deficiency in mouse and man. Hum Mol Genet. 2023 Jan 13;32(3):367-385
1J:184926 Blackburn J, Ohazama A, Kawasaki K, Otsuka-Tanaka Y, Liu B, Honda K, Rountree RB, Hu Y, Kawasaki M, Birchmeier W, Schmidt-Ullrich R, Kinoshita A, Schutte BC, Hammond NL, Dixon MJ, Sharpe PT, The role of Irf6 in tooth epithelial invagination. Dev Biol. 2012 May 1;365(1):61-70
1J:213297 Briggs LE, Phelps AL, Brown E, Kakarla J, Anderson RH, van den Hoff MJ, Wessels A, Expression of the BMP receptor Alk3 in the second heart field is essential for development of the dorsal mesenchymal protrusion and atrioventricular septation. Circ Res. 2013 May 24;112(11):1420-32
1J:245758 Carreno G, Apps JR, Lodge EJ, Panousopoulos L, Haston S, Gonzalez-Meljem JM, Hahn H, Andoniadou CL, Martinez-Barbera JP, Hypothalamic sonic hedgehog is required for cell specification and proliferation of LHX3/LHX4 pituitary embryonic precursors. Development. 2017 Sep 15;144(18):3289-3302
1J:139946 Chen YH, Ishii M, Sucov HM, Maxson RE Jr, Msx1 and Msx2 are required for endothelial-mesenchymal transformation of the atrioventricular cushions and patterning of the atrioventricular myocardium. BMC Dev Biol. 2008;8:75
1J:124119 Chen YH, Ishii M, Sun J, Sucov HM, Maxson RE Jr, Msx1 and Msx2 regulate survival of secondary heart field precursors and post-migratory proliferation of cardiac neural crest in the outflow tract. Dev Biol. 2007 Aug 15;308(2):421-37
1J:110657 Cheng X, Hsu CM, Currle DS, Hu JS, Barkovich AJ, Monuki ES, Central roles of the roof plate in telencephalic development and holoprosencephaly. J Neurosci. 2006 Jul 19;26(29):7640-9
1J:281616 Chizhikov VV, Iskusnykh IY, Steshina EY, Fattakhov N, Lindgren AG, Shetty AS, Roy A, Tole S, Millen KJ, Early dorsomedial tissue interactions regulate gyrification of distal neocortex. Nat Commun. 2019 Nov 15;10(1):5192
1*J:100586 Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, van den Driesche S, Carvalho RL, Larsson J, Eggen B, Surani MA, Mummery CL, Altered primordial germ cell migration in the absence of transforming growth factor beta signaling via ALK5. Dev Biol. 2005 Aug 1;284(1):194-203
1J:334461 De Bono C, Liu Y, Ferrena A, Valentine A, Zheng D, Morrow BE, Single-cell transcriptomics uncovers a non-autonomous Tbx1-dependent genetic program controlling cardiac neural crest cell development. Nat Commun. 2023 Mar 21;14(1):1551
1J:346125 de Vries ME, Carpinelli MR, Fuller JN, Sutton Y, Partridge DD, Auden A, Anderson PJ, Jane SM, Dworkin S, Grainyhead-like 2 interacts with noggin to regulate tissue fusion in mouse. Development. 2024 Mar 1;151(5)
1J:190013 Dennis JF, Kurosaka H, Iulianella A, Pace J, Thomas N, Beckham S, Williams T, Trainor PA, Mutations in Hedgehog acyltransferase (Hhat) perturb Hedgehog signaling, resulting in severe acrania-holoprosencephaly-agnathia craniofacial defects. PLoS Genet. 2012 Oct;8(10):e1002927
1J:162165 Dudley B, Palumbo C, Nalepka J, Molyneaux K, BMP signaling controls formation of a primordial germ cell niche within the early genital ridges. Dev Biol. 2010 Jul 1;343(1-2):84-93
1J:208848 Duval N, Daubas P, Bourcier de Carbon C, St Cloment C, Tinevez JY, Lopes M, Ribes V, Robert B, Msx1 and Msx2 act as essential activators of Atoh1 expression in the murine spinal cord. Development. 2014 Apr;141(8):1726-36
1J:176438 Esteve P, Sandonis A, Ibanez C, Shimono A, Guerrero I, Bovolenta P, Secreted frizzled-related proteins are required for Wnt/{beta}-catenin signalling activation in the vertebrate optic cup. Development. 2011 Oct;138(19):4179-84
1*J:145756 Goldman DC, Donley N, Christian JL, Genetic interaction between Bmp2 and Bmp4 reveals shared functions during multiple aspects of mouse organogenesis. Mech Dev. 2009 Mar-Apr;126(3-4):117-27
1J:237526 Hasegawa Y, Takata N, Okuda S, Kawada M, Eiraku M, Sasai Y, Emergence of dorsal-ventral polarity in ESC-derived retinal tissue. Development. 2016 Nov 01;143(21):3895-3906
1*J:185870 Hazen VM, Andrews MG, Umans L, Crenshaw EB 3rd, Zwijsen A, Butler SJ, BMP receptor-activated Smads confer diverse functions during the development of the dorsal spinal cord. Dev Biol. 2012 Jul 15;367(2):216-27
1J:152574 High FA, Jain R, Stoller JZ, Antonucci NB, Lu MM, Loomes KM, Kaestner KH, Pear WS, Epstein JA, Murine Jagged1/Notch signaling in the second heart field orchestrates Fgf8 expression and tissue-tissue interactions during outflow tract development. J Clin Invest. 2009 Jul;119(7):1986-96
1J:126770 Hodge LK, Klassen MP, Han BX, Yiu G, Hurrell J, Howell A, Rousseau G, Lemaigre F, Tessier-Lavigne M, Wang F, Retrograde BMP signaling regulates trigeminal sensory neuron identities and the formation of precise face maps. Neuron. 2007 Aug 16;55(4):572-86
1J:306193 Hong N, Zhang E, Xie H, Jin L, Zhang Q, Lu Y, Chen AF, Yu Y, Zhou B, Chen S, Yu Y, Sun K, The transcription factor Sox7 modulates endocardiac cushion formation contributed to atrioventricular septal defect through Wnt4/Bmp2 signaling. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Apr 12;12(4):393
1J:125109 Huang X, Litingtung Y, Chiang C, Ectopic sonic hedgehog signaling impairs telencephalic dorsal midline development: implication for human holoprosencephaly. Hum Mol Genet. 2007 Jun 15;16(12):1454-68
1J:245319 Jain R, Li D, Gupta M, Manderfield LJ, Ifkovits JL, Wang Q, Liu F, Liu Y, Poleshko A, Padmanabhan A, Raum JC, Li L, Morrisey EE, Lu MM, Won KJ, Epstein JA, HEART DEVELOPMENT. Integration of Bmp and Wnt signaling by Hopx specifies commitment of cardiomyoblasts. Science. 2015 Jun 26;348(6242):aaa6071
1J:258267 Jovanovic VM, Salti A, Tilleman H, Zega K, Jukic MM, Zou H, Friedel RH, Prakash N, Blaess S, Edenhofer F, Brodski C, BMP/SMAD Pathway Promotes Neurogenesis of Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons In Vivo and in Human Induced Pluripotent and Neural Stem Cells. J Neurosci. 2018 Feb 14;38(7):1662-1676
1J:208421 Klimova L, Kozmik Z, Stage-dependent requirement of neuroretinal Pax6 for lens and retina development. Development. 2014 Mar;141(6):1292-302
1*J:257914 Lempereur A, Canto PY, Richard C, Martin S, Thalgott J, Raymond K, Lebrin F, Drevon C, Jaffredo T, The TGFbeta pathway is a key player for the endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition in the embryonic aorta. Dev Biol. 2018 Feb 15;434(2):292-303
1J:258716 Liu X, Hayano S, Pan H, Inagaki M, Ninomiya-Tsuji J, Sun H, Mishina Y, Compound mutations in Bmpr1a and Tak1 synergize facial deformities via increased cell death. Genesis. 2018 Mar;56(3):e23093
1J:236373 Ludtke TH, Rudat C, Wojahn I, Weiss AC, Kleppa MJ, Kurz J, Farin HF, Moon A, Christoffels VM, Kispert A, Tbx2 and Tbx3 Act Downstream of Shh to Maintain Canonical Wnt Signaling during Branching Morphogenesis of the Murine Lung. Dev Cell. 2016 Oct 24;39(2):239-253
1J:99329 Martynoga B, Morrison H, Price DJ, Mason JO, Foxg1 is required for specification of ventral telencephalon and region-specific regulation of dorsal telencephalic precursor proliferation and apoptosis. Dev Biol. 2005 Jul 1;283(1):113-27
1J:251966 McGarvey AC, Rybtsov S, Souilhol C, Tamagno S, Rice R, Hills D, Godwin D, Rice D, Tomlinson SR, Medvinsky A, A molecular roadmap of the AGM region reveals BMPER as a novel regulator of HSC maturation. J Exp Med. 2017 Dec 4;214(12):3731-3751
1J:156251 Morikawa Y, Komori T, Hisaoka T, Senba E, Detailed expression pattern of Foxp1 and its possible roles in neurons of the spinal cord during embryogenesis. Dev Neurosci. 2009;31(6):511-22
1J:271381 Motamedi FJ, Badro DA, Clarkson M, Lecca MR, Bradford ST, Buske FA, Saar K, Hubner N, Brandli AW, Schedl A, WT1 controls antagonistic FGF and BMP-pSMAD pathways in early renal progenitors. Nat Commun. 2014 Jul 17;5:4444
1J:96749 Muller T, Anlag K, Wildner H, Britsch S, Treier M, Birchmeier C, The bHLH factor Olig3 coordinates the specification of dorsal neurons in the spinal cord. Genes Dev. 2005 Mar 15;19(6):733-43
1*J:171473 Nie X, Xu J, El-Hashash A, Xu PX, Six1 regulates Grem1 expression in the metanephric mesenchyme to initiate branching morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2011 Apr 1;352(1):141-51
1J:166960 Ohta S, Mansour SL, Schoenwolf GC, BMP/SMAD signaling regulates the cell behaviors that drive the initial dorsal-specific regional morphogenesis of the otocyst. Dev Biol. 2010 Nov 15;347(2):369-81
1J:212881 Papangeli I, Scambler PJ, Tbx1 genetically interacts with the transforming growth factor-beta/bone morphogenetic protein inhibitor Smad7 during great vessel remodeling. Circ Res. 2013 Jan 4;112(1):90-102
1J:142530 Pitera JE, Scambler PJ, Woolf AS, Fras1, a basement membrane-associated protein mutated in Fraser syndrome, mediates both the initiation of the mammalian kidney and the integrity of renal glomeruli. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Dec 15;17(24):3953-64
1J:345597 Quilez S, Dumontier E, Baim C, Kam J, Cloutier JF, Loss of Neogenin alters branchial arch development and leads to craniofacial skeletal defects. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2024;12:1256465
1J:216214 Raspopovic J, Marcon L, Russo L, Sharpe J, Modeling digits. Digit patterning is controlled by a Bmp-Sox9-Wnt Turing network modulated by morphogen gradients. Science. 2014 Aug 1;345(6196):566-70
1J:140299 Song L, Yan W, Chen X, Deng CX, Wang Q, Jiao K, Myocardial smad4 is essential for cardiogenesis in mouse embryos. Circ Res. 2007 Aug 3;101(3):277-85
1J:236505 Souilhol C, Gonneau C, Lendinez JG, Batsivari A, Rybtsov S, Wilson H, Morgado-Palacin L, Hills D, Taoudi S, Antonchuk J, Zhao S, Medvinsky A, Inductive interactions mediated by interplay of asymmetric signalling underlie development of adult haematopoietic stem cells. Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 08;7:10784
1J:95319 Spoelgen R, Hammes A, Anzenberger U, Zechner D, Andersen OM, Jerchow B, Willnow TE, LRP2/megalin is required for patterning of the ventral telencephalon. Development. 2005 Jan;132(2):405-14
1J:199299 Stewart K, Uetani N, Hendriks W, Tremblay ML, Bouchard M, Inactivation of LAR family phosphatase genes Ptprs and Ptprf causes craniofacial malformations resembling Pierre-Robin sequence. Development. 2013 Aug;140(16):3413-22
1J:192045 Suzuki K, Adachi Y, Numata T, Nakada S, Yanagita M, Nakagata N, Evans SM, Graf D, Economides A, Haraguchi R, Moon AM, Yamada G, Reduced BMP signaling results in hindlimb fusion with lethal pelvic/urogenital organ aplasia: a new mouse model of sirenomelia. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e43453
1J:224386 Wainwright EN, Wilhelm D, Combes AN, Little MH, Koopman P, ROBO2 restricts the nephrogenic field and regulates Wolffian duct-nephrogenic cord separation. Dev Biol. 2015 Aug 15;404(2):88-102
1J:266477 Wang Y, Lu P, Wu B, Riascos-Bernal DF, Sibinga NES, Valenta T, Basler K, Zhou B, Myocardial beta-Catenin-BMP2 signaling promotes mesenchymal cell proliferation during endocardial cushion formation. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2018 Sep 8;123:150-158
1*J:182768 Wong YL, Behringer RR, Kwan KM, Smad1/Smad5 signaling in limb ectoderm functions redundantly and is required for interdigital programmed cell death. Dev Biol. 2012 Mar 1;363(1):247-57
1J:309090 Xu J, Liu H, Lan Y, Adam M, Clouthier DE, Potter S, Jiang R, Hedgehog signaling patterns the oral-aboral axis of the mandibular arch. Elife. 2019 Jan 14;8:e40315
1J:347414 Yang J, Zhu L, Pan H, Ueharu H, Toda M, Yang Q, Hallett SA, Olson LE, Mishina Y, A BMP-controlled metabolic/epigenetic signaling cascade directs midfacial morphogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2024 Mar 11;134(8)
1J:143585 Yu W, McDonnell K, Taketo MM, Bai CB, Wnt signaling determines ventral spinal cord cell fates in a time-dependent manner. Development. 2008 Nov;135(22):3687-96
1J:154982 Yun S, Saijoh Y, Hirokawa KE, Kopinke D, Murtaugh LC, Monuki ES, Levine EM, Lhx2 links the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that control optic cup formation. Development. 2009 Dec;136(23):3895-906
1J:118813 Zechner D, Muller T, Wende H, Walther I, Taketo MM, Crenshaw EB 3rd, Treier M, Birchmeier W, Birchmeier C, Bmp and Wnt/beta-catenin signals control expression of the transcription factor Olig3 and the specification of spinal cord neurons. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 1;303(1):181-90
1J:197830 Zhang R, Huang H, Cao P, Wang Z, Chen Y, Pan Y, Sma- and Mad-related protein 7 (Smad7) is required for embryonic eye development in the mouse. J Biol Chem. 2013 Apr 12;288(15):10275-85
1*J:143210 Zhou CJ, Molotkov A, Song L, Li Y, Pleasure DE, Pleasure SJ, Wang YZ, Ocular coloboma and dorsoventral neuroretinal patterning defects in Lrp6 mutant eyes. Dev Dyn. 2008 Dec;237(12):3681-9
1*J:187603 Zhu H, Zhao J, Zhou W, Li H, Zhou R, Zhang L, Zhao H, Cao J, Zhu X, Hu H, Ma G, He L, Yao Z, Yao L, Guo X, Ndrg2 regulates vertebral specification in differentiating somites. Dev Biol. 2012 Sep 15;369(2):308-18
1*J:229317 Zhu XJ, Liu Y, Yuan X, Wang M, Zhao W, Yang X, Zhang X, Hsu W, Qiu M, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Ectodermal Wnt controls nasal pit morphogenesis through modulation of the BMP/FGF/JNK signaling axis. Dev Dyn. 2016 Mar;245(3):414-26

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