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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (whole mount)
11.5 DPC

51 matching records from 51 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Myod1  myogenic differentiation 1   (Synonyms: bHLHc1, MYF3, MyoD, Myod-1)
Results  Reference
1J:187740 Anderson C, Williams VC, Moyon B, Daubas P, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham ME, Shiroishi T, Hughes SM, Borycki AG, Sonic hedgehog acts cell-autonomously on muscle precursor cells to generate limb muscle diversity. Genes Dev. 2012 Sep 15;26(18):2103-17
1*J:51099 Asakura A, Tapscott SJ, Apoptosis of epaxial myotome in Danforth's short-tail (Sd) mice in somites that form following notochord degeneration. Dev Biol. 1998 Nov 15;203(2):276-89
1*J:181888 Ashe A, Butterfield NC, Town L, Courtney AD, Cooper AN, Ferguson C, Barry R, Olsson F, Liem KF Jr, Parton RG, Wainwright BJ, Anderson KV, Whitelaw E, Wicking C, Mutations in mouse Ift144 model the craniofacial, limb and rib defects in skeletal ciliopathies. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Apr 15;21(8):1808-23
1J:112275 Bajard L, Relaix F, Lagha M, Rocancourt D, Daubas P, Buckingham ME, A novel genetic hierarchy functions during hypaxial myogenesis: Pax3 directly activates Myf5 in muscle progenitor cells in the limb. Genes Dev. 2006 Sep 1;20(17):2450-64
1J:288265 Besse L, Sheeba CJ, Holt M, Labuhn M, Wilde S, Feneck E, Bell D, Kucharska A, Logan MPO, Individual Limb Muscle Bundles Are Formed through Progressive Steps Orchestrated by Adjacent Connective Tissue Cells during Primary Myogenesis. Cell Rep. 2020 Mar 10;30(10):3552-3565.e6
1*J:65644 Buchner G, Broccoli V, Bulfone A, Orfanelli U, Gattuso C, Ballabio A, Franco B, MAEG, an EGF-repeat containing gene, is a new marker associated with dermatome specification and morphogenesis of its derivatives. Mech Dev. 2000 Nov;98(1-2):179-82
1*J:153128 Castets P, Maugenre S, Gartioux C, Rederstorff M, Krol A, Lescure A, Tajbakhsh S, Allamand V, Guicheney P, Selenoprotein N is dynamically expressed during mouse development and detected early in muscle precursors. BMC Dev Biol. 2009;9:46
1*J:87370 Chen JC, Goldhamer DJ, The core enhancer is essential for proper timing of MyoD activation in limb buds and branchial arches. Dev Biol. 2004 Jan 15;265(2):502-12
1*J:70277 Chen JC, Love CM, Goldhamer DJ, Two upstream enhancers collaborate to regulate the spatial patterning and timing of MyoD transcription during mouse development. Dev Dyn. 2001 Jul;221(3):274-88
1J:97107 Chen JC, Mortimer J, Marley J, Goldhamer DJ, MyoD-cre transgenic mice: A model for conditional mutagenesis and lineage tracing of skeletal muscle. Genesis. 2005 Mar;41(3):116-21
1*J:76260 Chen JC, Ramachandran R, Goldhamer DJ, Essential and redundant functions of the MyoD distal regulatory region revealed by targeted mutagenesis. Dev Biol. 2002 May 1;245(1):213-23
1J:95029 Cole F, Zhang W, Geyra A, Kang JS, Krauss RS, Positive regulation of myogenic bHLH factors and skeletal muscle development by the cell surface receptor CDO. Dev Cell. 2004 Dec;7(6):843-54
1J:59749 Dietrich S, Schubert FR, Gruss P, Lumsden A, The role of the notochord for epaxial myotome formation in the mouse. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-Le-Grand). 1999 Jul;45(5):601-16
1J:119660 Dong F, Sun X, Liu W, Ai D, Klysik E, Lu MF, Hadley J, Antoni L, Chen L, Baldini A, Francis-West P, Martin JF, Pitx2 promotes development of splanchnic mesoderm-derived branchiomeric muscle. Development. 2006 Dec;133(24):4891-9
1J:115962 Finckenstein FG, Davicioni E, Osborn KG, Cavenee WK, Arden KC, Anderson MJ, Transgenic mice expressing PAX3-FKHR have multiple defects in muscle development, including ectopic skeletal myogenesis in the developing neural tube. Transgenic Res. 2006 Oct;15(5):595-614
1*J:64867 Fraidenraich D, Iwahori A, Rudnicki M, Basilico C, Activation of fgf4 gene expression in the myotomes is regulated by myogenic bHLH factors and by sonic hedgehog. Dev Biol. 2000 Sep 15;225(2):392-406
1J:98519 Grifone R, Demignon J, Houbron C, Souil E, Niro C, Seller MJ, Hamard G, Maire P, Six1 and Six4 homeoproteins are required for Pax3 and Mrf expression during myogenesis in the mouse embryo. Development. 2005 May;132(9):2235-49
1*J:54638 Henderson DJ, Conway SJ, Copp AJ, Rib truncations and fusions in the Sp2H mouse reveal a role for Pax3 in specification of the ventro-lateral and posterior parts of the somite. Dev Biol. 1999 May 1;209(1):143-58
1J:161382 Heude E, Bouhali K, Kurihara Y, Kurihara H, Couly G, Janvier P, Levi G, Jaw muscularization requires Dlx expression by cranial neural crest cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jun 22;107(25):11441-6
1J:175786 Ho AT, Hayashi S, Brohl D, Aurade F, Rattenbach R, Relaix F, Neural Crest Cell Lineage Restricts Skeletal Muscle Progenitor Cell Differentiation through Neuregulin1-ErbB3 Signaling. Dev Cell. 2011 Aug 16;21(2):273-87
1*J:187741 Hu JK, McGlinn E, Harfe BD, Kardon G, Tabin CJ, Autonomous and nonautonomous roles of Hedgehog signaling in regulating limb muscle formation. Genes Dev. 2012 Sep 15;26(18):2088-102
1*J:55565 Kablar B, Asakura A, Krastel K, Ying C, May LL, Goldhamer DJ , Rudnicki MA, MyoD and Myf-5 define the specification of musculature of distinct embryonic origin. Biochem Cell Biol. 1998;76(6):1079-91
1J:152867 Kanisicak O, Mendez JJ, Yamamoto S, Yamamoto M, Goldhamer DJ, Progenitors of skeletal muscle satellite cells express the muscle determination gene, MyoD. Dev Biol. 2009 Aug 1;332(1):131-41
1*J:167064 L'honore A, Ouimette JF, Lavertu-Jolin M, Drouin J, Pitx2 defines alternate pathways acting through MyoD during limb and somitic myogenesis. Development. 2010 Nov;137(22):3847-56
1*J:82459 Laclef C, Hamard G, Demignon J, Souil E, Houbron C, Maire P, Altered myogenesis in Six1-deficient mice. Development. 2003 May;130(10):2239-52
1J:156014 Lagha M, Brunelli S, Messina G, Cumano A, Kume T, Relaix F, Buckingham ME, Pax3:Foxc2 reciprocal repression in the somite modulates muscular versus vascular cell fate choice in multipotent progenitors. Dev Cell. 2009 Dec;17(6):892-9
1J:200546 Lagha M, Mayeuf-Louchart A, Chang T, Montarras D, Rocancourt D, Zalc A, Kormish J, Zaret KS, Buckingham ME, Relaix F, Itm2a is a Pax3 target gene, expressed at sites of skeletal muscle formation in vivo. PLoS One. 2013;8(5):e63143
1*J:143342 Laurin M, Fradet N, Blangy A, Hall A, Vuori K, Cote JF, The atypical Rac activator Dock180 (Dock1) regulates myoblast fusion in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Oct 7;105(40):15446-51
1*J:217656 Lescroart F, Hamou W, Francou A, Theveniau-Ruissy M, Kelly RG, Buckingham M, Clonal analysis reveals a common origin between nonsomite-derived neck muscles and heart myocardium. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Feb 3;112(5):1446-51
1J:32018 Mansouri A, Stoykova A, Torres M, Gruss P, Dysgenesis of cephalic neural crest derivatives in Pax7-/- mutant mice. Development. 1996 Mar;122(3):831-8
1J:212088 Mayeuf-Louchart A, Lagha M, Danckaert A, Rocancourt D, Relaix F, Vincent SD, Buckingham M, Notch regulation of myogenic versus endothelial fates of cells that migrate from the somite to the limb. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jun 17;111(24):8844-9
1J:240081 Mayeuf-Louchart A, Montarras D, Bodin C, Kume T, Vincent SD, Buckingham M, Endothelial cell specification in the somite is compromised in Pax3-positive progenitors of Foxc1/2 conditional mutants, with loss of forelimb myogenesis. Development. 2016 Mar 01;143(5):872-9
1*J:86667 Mic FA, Duester G, Patterning of forelimb bud myogenic precursor cells requires retinoic acid signaling initiated by Raldh2. Dev Biol. 2003 Dec 1;264(1):191-201
1J:317796 Michailovici I, Harrington HA, Azogui HH, Yahalom-Ronen Y, Plotnikov A, Ching S, Stumpf MP, Klein OD, Seger R, Tzahor E, Nuclear to cytoplasmic shuttling of ERK promotes differentiation of muscle stem/progenitor cells. Development. 2014 Jul;141(13):2611-20
1J:93807 Prunotto C, Crepaldi T, Forni PE, Ieraci A, Kelly RG, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham M, Ponzetto C, Analysis of Mlc-lacZ Met mutants highlights the essential function of Met for migratory precursors of hypaxial muscles and reveals a role for Met in the development of hyoid arch-derived facial muscles. Dev Dyn. 2004 Nov;231(3):582-91
1J:43769 Qu S, Niswender KD, Ji Q, van der Meer R, Keeney D, Magnuson MA , Wisdom R, Polydactyly and ectopic ZPA formation in Alx-4 mutant mice. Development. 1997 Oct;124(20):3999-4008
1J:85950 Roth JF, Shikama N, Henzen C, Desbaillets I, Lutz W, Marino S, Wittwer J, Schorle H, Gassmann M, Eckner R, Differential role of p300 and CBP acetyltransferase during myogenesis: p300 acts upstream of MyoD and Myf5. EMBO J. 2003 Oct 1;22(19):5186-96
1J:119082 Schuster-Gossler K, Cordes R, Gossler A, Premature myogenic differentiation and depletion of progenitor cells cause severe muscle hypotrophy in Delta1 mutants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Jan 9;104(2):537-42
1J:250940 Scionti I, Hayashi S, Mouradian S, Girard E, Esteves de Lima J, Morel V, Simonet T, Wurmser M, Maire P, Ancelin K, Metzger E, Schule R, Goillot E, Relaix F, Schaeffer L, LSD1 Controls Timely MyoD Expression via MyoD Core Enhancer Transcription. Cell Rep. 2017 Feb 21;18(8):1996-2006
1*J:48563 Sporle R, Schughart K, Paradox segmentation along inter- and intrasomitic borderlines is followed by dysmorphology of the axial skeleton in the open brain (opb) mouse mutant. Dev Genet. 1998;22(4):359-73
1J:336186 Sunadome K, Erickson AG, Kah D, Fabry B, Adori C, Kameneva P, Faure L, Kanatani S, Kaucka M, Dehnisch Ellstrom I, Tesarova M, Zikmund T, Kaiser J, Edwards S, Maki K, Adachi T, Yamamoto T, Fried K, Adameyko I, Directionality of developing skeletal muscles is set by mechanical forces. Nat Commun. 2023 May 27;14(1):3060
1J:39308 Tajbakhsh S, Rocancourt D, Cossu G, Buckingham M, Redefining the genetic hierarchies controlling skeletal myogenesis: Pax-3 and Myf-5 act upstream of MyoD. Cell. 1997 Apr 4;89(1):127-38
1*J:121562 Takahashi Y, Takagi A, Hiraoka S, Koseki H, Kanno J, Rawls A, Saga Y, Transcription factors Mesp2 and Paraxis have critical roles in axial musculoskeletal formation. Dev Dyn. 2007 Jun;236(6):1484-94
1J:331473 Tran V, Nahle S, Robert A, Desanlis I, Killoran R, Ehresmann S, Thibault MP, Barford D, Ravichandran KS, Sauvageau M, Smith MJ, Kmita M, Cote JF, Biasing the conformation of ELMO2 reveals that myoblast fusion can be exploited to improve muscle regeneration. Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 18;13(1):7077
1*J:98439 Valasek P, Evans DJ, Maina F, Grim M, Patel K, A dual fate of the hindlimb muscle mass: cloacal/perineal musculature develops from leg muscle cells. Development. 2005 Feb;132(3):447-58
1*J:216502 Wainwright EN, Svingen T, Ng ET, Wicking C, Koopman P, Primary cilia function regulates the length of the embryonic trunk axis and urogenital field in mice. Dev Biol. 2014 Nov 15;395(2):342-54
1J:204000 Wood WM, Etemad S, Yamamoto M, Goldhamer DJ, MyoD-expressing progenitors are essential for skeletal myogenesis and satellite cell development. Dev Biol. 2013 Dec 1;384(1):114-27
1*J:299546 Yahya I, Boing M, Pu Q, Puchert M, Oedemis V, Engele J, Brand-Saberi B, Morosan-Puopolo G, Cxcr4 and Sdf-1 are critically involved in the formation of facial and non-somitic neck muscles. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 19;10(1):5049
1*J:156017 Yokoyama S, Ito Y, Ueno-Kudoh H, Shimizu H, Uchibe K, Albini S, Mitsuoka K, Miyaki S, Kiso M, Nagai A, Hikata T, Osada T, Fukuda N, Yamashita S, Harada D, Mezzano V, Kasai M, Puri PL, Hayashizaki Y, Okado H, Hashimoto M, Asahara H, A systems approach reveals that the myogenesis genome network is regulated by the transcriptional repressor RP58. Dev Cell. 2009 Dec;17(6):836-48
1*J:243999 Yu X, Zhang Y, Li T, Ma Z, Jia H, Chen Q, Zhao Y, Zhai L, Zhong R, Li C, Zou X, Meng J, Chen AK, Puri PL, Chen M, Zhu D, Long non-coding RNA Linc-RAM enhances myogenic differentiation by interacting with MyoD. Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 16;8:14016
1J:207612 Zhang L, Li H, Yu J, Cao J, Chen H, Zhao H, Zhao J, Yao Y, Cheng H, Wang L, Zhou R, Yao Z, Guo X, Ectodermal Wnt signaling regulates abdominal myogenesis during ventral body wall development. Dev Biol. 2014 Mar 1;387(1):64-72

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