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Gene Expression Literature Summary

56 matching records from 56 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Acta2  actin alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta   (Synonyms: 0610041G09Rik, Actvs, alphaSMA, a-SMA, SMAalpha, SMalphaA)
Results  Reference
1J:331266 Abou Nader N, Menard A, Levasseur A, St-Jean G, Boerboom D, Zamberlam G, Boyer A, Targeted Disruption of Lats1 and Lats2 in Mice Impairs Testis Development and Alters Somatic Cell Fate. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Nov 5;23(21)
1J:316778 Arroyo N, Villamayor L, Diaz I, Carmona R, Ramos-Rodriguez M, Munoz-Chapuli R, Pasquali L, Toscano MG, Martin F, Cano DA, Rojas A, GATA4 induces liver fibrosis regression by deactivating hepatic stellate cells. JCI Insight. 2021 Dec 8;6(23):e150059
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1J:233564 Gurniak CB, Chevessier F, Jokwitz M, Jonsson F, Perlas E, Richter H, Matern G, Boyl PP, Chaponnier C, Furst D, Schroder R, Witke W, Severe protein aggregate myopathy in a knockout mouse model points to an essential role of cofilin2 in sarcomeric actin exchange and muscle maintenance. Eur J Cell Biol. 2014 May-Jun;93(5-6):252-66
1J:310843 He H, Chen J, Zhao J, Zhang P, Qiao Y, Wan H, Wang J, Mei M, Bao S, Li Q, PRMT7 targets of Foxm1 controls alveolar myofibroblast proliferation and differentiation during alveologenesis. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Sep 8;12(9):841
1J:203847 Hoggatt AM, Kim JR, Ustiyan V, Ren X, Kalin TV, Kalinichenko VV, Herring BP, The transcription factor Foxf1 binds to serum response factor and myocardin to regulate gene transcription in visceral smooth muscle cells. J Biol Chem. 2013 Oct 4;288(40):28477-87
1J:283803 Houweling AC, Beaman GM, Postma AV, Gainous TB, Lichtenbelt KD, Brancati F, Lopes FM, van der Made I, Polstra AM, Robinson ML, Wright KD, Ellingford JM, Jackson AR, Overwater E, Genesio R, Romano S, Camerota L, D'Angelo E, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Christoffels VM, McHugh KM, Black BL, Newman WG, Woolf AS, Creemers EE, Loss-of-function variants in myocardin cause congenital megabladder in humans and mice. J Clin Invest. 2019 Dec 2;129(12):5374-5380
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1J:242713 Ikeda Y, Zabbarova I, Schaefer CM, Bushnell D, De Groat WC, Kanai A, Bates CM, Fgfr2 is integral for bladder mesenchyme patterning and function. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2017 Apr 01;312(4):F607-F618
1J:253459 Inoue SI, Takahara S, Yoshikawa T, Niihori T, Yanai K, Matsubara Y, Aoki Y, Activated Braf induces esophageal dilation and gastric epithelial hyperplasia in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 Dec 1;26(23):4715-4727
1J:314319 Kaftanovskaya EM, Neukirchner G, Huff V, Agoulnik AI, Left-sided cryptorchidism in mice with Wilms' tumour 1 gene deletion in gubernaculum testis. J Pathol. 2013 May;230(1):39-47
1J:277814 Kepser LJ, Damar F, De Cicco T, Chaponnier C, Proszynski TJ, Pagenstecher A, Rust MB, CAP2 deficiency delays myofibril actin cytoskeleton differentiation and disturbs skeletal muscle architecture and function. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Apr 23;116(17):8397-8402
1J:320427 Kobayashi H, Liu J, Urrutia AA, Burmakin M, Ishii K, Rajan M, Davidoff O, Saifudeen Z, Haase VH, Hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl-4-hydroxylation in FOXD1 lineage cells is essential for normal kidney development. Kidney Int. 2017 Dec;92(6):1370-1383
1J:272613 Koutelou E, Wang L, Schibler AC, Chao HP, Kuang X, Lin K, Lu Y, Shen J, Jeter CR, Salinger A, Wilson M, Chen YC, Atanassov BS, Tang DG, Dent SYR, USP22 controls multiple signaling pathways that are essential for vasculature formation in the mouse placenta. Development. 2019 Feb 22;146(4):dev174037
1J:232427 Kuang SQ, Medina-Martinez O, Guo DC, Gong L, Regalado ES, Reynolds CL, Boileau C, Jondeau G, Prakash SK, Kwartler CS, Zhu LY, Peters AM, Duan XY, Bamshad MJ, Shendure J, Nickerson DA, Santos-Cortez RL, Dong X, Leal SM, Majesky MW, Swindell EC, Jamrich M, Milewicz DM, FOXE3 mutations predispose to thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. J Clin Invest. 2016 Mar 1;126(3):948-61
1*J:278247 Kuony A, Ikkala K, Kalha S, Magalhaes AC, Pirttiniemi A, Michon F, Ectodysplasin-A signaling is a key integrator in the lacrimal gland-cornea feedback loop. Development. 2019 Jul 16;146(14):dev176693
1J:257613 Kuony A, Michon F, Epithelial Markers aSMA, Krt14, and Krt19 Unveil Elements of Murine Lacrimal Gland Morphogenesis and Maturation. Front Physiol. 2017;8:739
1J:302372 Li C, Smith SM, Peinado N, Gao F, Li W, Lee MK, Zhou B, Bellusci S, Pryhuber GS, Ho HH, Borok Z, Minoo P, WNT5a-ROR Signaling Is Essential for Alveologenesis. Cells. 2020 Feb 7;9(2):384
1J:338821 Li R, Wang T, Marquardt RM, Lydon JP, Wu SP, DeMayo FJ, TRIM28 modulates nuclear receptor signaling to regulate uterine function. Nat Commun. 2023 Aug 1;14(1):4605
1J:337772 Liang X, Aranyi T, Zhou J, Guan Y, Hu H, Liu H, Susztak K, Tet2- and Tet3- Mediated Cytosine Hydroxymethylation in Six2 Progenitor Cells in Mice Is Critical for Nephron Progenitor Differentiation and Nephron Endowment. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Apr 1;34(4):572-589
1J:305040 Lin L, Xu W, Li Y, Zhu P, Yuan W, Liu M, Shi Y, Chen Y, Liang J, Chen J, Yang B, Cai W, Wen Y, Zhu X, Peng X, Zhou Z, Mo X, Wan Y, Yuan H, Li F, Ye X, Jiang Z, Zhuang J, Wang Y, Wu X, Fan X, Pygo1 regulates pathological cardiac hypertrophy via a beta-catenin-dependent mechanism. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2021 Feb 26;320(4)
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1J:181392 Londhe VA, Maisonet TM, Lopez B, Jeng JM, Xiao J, Li C, Minoo P, Conditional deletion of epithelial IKKbeta impairs alveolar formation through apoptosis and decreased VEGF expression during early mouse lung morphogenesis. Respir Res. 2011;12:134
1J:230682 Lucitti JL, Tarte NJ, Faber JE, Chloride intracellular channel 4 is required for maturation of the cerebral collateral circulation. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2015 Oct;309(7):H1141-50
1J:164957 Mitani A, Nagase T, Fukuchi K, Aburatani H, Makita R, Kurihara H, Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif is essential for normal alveolarization in mice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009 Aug 15;180(4):326-38
1J:300503 Nicol B, Rodriguez K, Yao HH, Aberrant and constitutive expression of FOXL2 impairs ovarian development and functions in mice. Biol Reprod. 2020 Oct 29;103(5):966-977
1J:101311 Niu Z, Yu W, Zhang SX, Barron M, Belaguli NS, Schneider MD, Parmacek M, Nordheim A, Schwartz RJ, Conditional mutagenesis of the murine serum response factor gene blocks cardiogenesis and the transcription of downstream gene targets. J Biol Chem. 2005 Sep 16;280(37):32531-8
1J:320380 Patel VN, Pineda DL, Berenstein E, Hauser BR, Choi S, Prochazkova M, Zheng C, Goldsmith CM, van Kuppevelt TH, Kulkarni A, Song Y, Linhardt RJ, Chibly AM, Hoffman MP, Loss of Hs3st3a1 or Hs3st3b1 enzymes alters heparan sulfate to reduce epithelial morphogenesis and adult salivary gland function. Matrix Biol. 2021 Sep;103-104:37-57
1J:198319 Sayin VI, Nilton A, Ibrahim MX, Agren P, Larsson E, Petit MM, Hulten LM, Stahlman M, Johansson BR, Bergo MO, Lindahl P, Zfp148 deficiency causes lung maturation defects and lethality in newborn mice that are rescued by deletion of p53 or antioxidant treatment. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e55720
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1J:337421 Shibata T, Ikawa M, Sakasai R, Ishigaki Y, Kiyokawa E, Iwabuchi K, Singh DP, Sasaki H, Kubo E, Lens-specific conditional knockout of tropomyosin 1 gene in mice causes abnormal fiber differentiation and lens opacity. Mech Ageing Dev. 2021 Jun;196:111492
1J:79152 Shin CH, Liu ZP, Passier R, Zhang CL, Wang DZ, Harris TM, Yamagishi H, Richardson JA, Childs G, Olson EN, Modulation of cardiac growth and development by HOP, an unusual homeodomain protein. Cell. 2002 Sep 20;110(6):725-35
1J:251751 Stuart HM, Roberts NA, Hilton EN, McKenzie EA, Daly SB, Hadfield KD, Rahal JS, Gardiner NJ, Tanley SW, Lewis MA, Sites E, Angle B, Alves C, Lourenco T, Rodrigues M, Calado A, Amado M, Guerreiro N, Serras I, Beetz C, Varga RE, Silay MS, Darlow JM, Dobson MG, Barton DE, Hunziker M, Puri P, Feather SA, Goodship JA, Goodship TH, Lambert HJ, Cordell HJ, Saggar A, Kinali M, Lorenz C, Moeller K, Schaefer F, Bayazit AK, Weber S, Newman WG, Woolf AS, Urinary tract effects of HPSE2 mutations. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Apr;26(4):797-804
1J:266598 Ustiyan V, Bolte C, Zhang Y, Han L, Xu Y, Yutzey KE, Zorn AM, Kalin TV, Shannon JM, Kalinichenko VV, FOXF1 transcription factor promotes lung morphogenesis by inducing cellular proliferation in fetal lung mesenchyme. Dev Biol. 2018 Nov 1;443(1):50-63
1J:274879 van Eif VWW, Stefanovic S, van Duijvenboden K, Bakker M, Wakker V, de Gier-de Vries C, Zaffran S, Verkerk AO, Boukens BJ, Christoffels VM, Transcriptome analysis of mouse and human sinoatrial node cells reveals a conserved genetic program. Development. 2019 Apr 25;146(8):dev173161
1J:309992 Vasilopoulou E, Kolatsi-Joannou M, Lindenmeyer MT, White KE, Robson MG, Cohen CD, Sebire NJ, Riley PR, Winyard PJ, Long DA, Loss of endogenous thymosin beta4 accelerates glomerular disease. Kidney Int. 2016 Nov;90(5):1056-1070
1J:286995 Wang YQ, Cheng JM, Wen Q, Tang JX, Li J, Chen SR, Liu YX, An exploration of the role of Sertoli cells on fetal testis development using cell ablation strategy. Mol Reprod Dev. 2020 Feb;87(2):223-230
1*J:179538 Watson T, Chow RL, Absence of Vsx1 expression in the normal and damaged mouse cornea. Mol Vis. 2011;17:737-44
1J:210128 Weiss RM, Guo S, Shan A, Shi H, Romano RA, Sinha S, Cantley LG, Guo JK, Brg1 determines urothelial cell fate during ureter development. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Mar;24(4):618-26
1J:103237 Yamada H, Akishita M, Ito M, Tamura K, Daviet L, Lehtonen JY, Dzau VJ, Horiuchi M, AT2 receptor and vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation in vascular development. Hypertension. 1999 Jun;33(6):1414-9
1J:331482 Yan L, Zhang T, Wang K, Chen Z, Yang Y, Shan B, Sun Q, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhong Y, Liu N, Gu J, Xu D, SENP1 prevents steatohepatitis by suppressing RIPK1-driven apoptosis and inflammation. Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 22;13(1):7153
1J:352714 Yang J, Zhang YN, Wang RX, Hao CZ, Qiu Y, Chi H, Luan WS, Tang H, Zhang XJ, Sun X, Sheps JA, Ling V, Cao M, Wang JS, ZFYVE19 deficiency: a ciliopathy involving failure of cell division, with cell death. J Med Genet. 2024 Jul 19;61(8):750-758
1J:312465 Yin Y, Haller ME, Chadchan SB, Kommagani R, Ma L, Signaling through retinoic acid receptors is essential for mammalian uterine receptivity and decidualization. JCI Insight. 2021 Sep 8;6(17)
1*J:165929 Yoshida T, Gan Q, Franke AS, Ho R, Zhang J, Chen YE, Hayashi M, Majesky MW, Somlyo AV, Owens GK, Smooth and cardiac muscle-selective knock-out of Kruppel-like factor 4 causes postnatal death and growth retardation. J Biol Chem. 2010 Jul 2;285(27):21175-84
1J:211364 Yuan B, Wan P, Chu D, Nie J, Cao Y, Luo W, Lu S, Chen J, Yang Z, A Cardiomyocyte-Specific Wdr1 Knockout Demonstrates Essential Functional Roles for Actin Disassembly during Myocardial Growth and Maintenance in Mice. Am J Pathol. 2014 Jul;184(7):1967-80

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