Source |
Alliance of Genome Resources |
Category | ID | Classification term | Gene | Evidence | Inferred from | Organism | Reference |
Molecular Function | GO:0019960 | C-X3-C chemokine binding | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | PMID:23125415 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0019960 | C-X3-C chemokine binding | Cx3cr1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162594|PMID:10187784 |
Molecular Function | GO:0016495 | C-X3-C chemokine receptor activity | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | PMID:12055230 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0016495 | C-X3-C chemokine receptor activity | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | PMID:9782118 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0016495 | C-X3-C chemokine receptor activity | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3833195|PMID:18971423 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0016495 | C-X3-C chemokine receptor activity | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162594|PMID:10187784 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0016495 | C-X3-C chemokine receptor activity | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:11278650|RGD:4892025 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0004950 | chemokine receptor activity | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:10415068|RGD:13673824 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0031737 | CX3C chemokine receptor binding | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | PMID:9782118 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0004896 | cytokine receptor activity | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | PMID:18971423 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0004930 | G protein-coupled receptor activity | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162594|PMID:10187784 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | CX3CR1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Human | PMID:9931005 |
Cellular Component | GO:0009986 | cell surface | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | PMID:28791023 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0009986 | cell surface | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162594|PMID:10187784 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0009986 | cell surface | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:10415068|RGD:13673824 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0009986 | cell surface | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:11870871|RGD:4892001 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0097447 | dendritic tree | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0043005 | neuron projection | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0032809 | neuronal cell body membrane | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0048471 | perinuclear region of cytoplasm | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:11870871|RGD:4892001 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0048471 | perinuclear region of cytoplasm | Cx3cr1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:19748551|RGD:4891944 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | PMID:12055230 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | GO_REF:0000052 | |
Biological Process | GO:0002250 | adaptive immune response | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6110065|PMID:29326275 | |
Biological Process | GO:0061760 | antifungal innate immune response | CX3CR1 | IMP | Human | PMID:29326275 | |
Biological Process | GO:0061760 | antifungal innate immune response | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6110065|PMID:29326275 | |
Biological Process | GO:0035425 | autocrine signaling | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:O55145 | Rat | PMID:12729461|RGD:13673777 |
Biological Process | GO:0007420 | brain development | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5287328|PMID:21778362 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007155 | cell adhesion | CX3CR1 | IDA | Human | PMID:9782118 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007155 | cell adhesion | Cx3cr1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162594|PMID:10187784 |
Biological Process | GO:0060326 | cell chemotaxis | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:10415068|RGD:13673824 | |
Biological Process | GO:0071222 | cellular response to lipopolysaccharide | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P05067 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162390|PMID:23499256 |
Biological Process | GO:0071222 | cellular response to lipopolysaccharide | Cx3cr1 | IEP | Rat | PMID:10422773|RGD:4892028 | |
Biological Process | GO:0071560 | cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus | Cx3cr1 | IEP | Rat | PMID:12446007|RGD:4892023 | |
Biological Process | GO:0021626 | central nervous system maturation | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5576986|PMID:24487234 | |
Biological Process | GO:0070098 | chemokine-mediated signaling pathway | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:10415068|RGD:13673824 | |
Biological Process | GO:0006935 | chemotaxis | CX3CR1 | IGI | UniProtKB:O55145 | Human | PMID:16019082 |
Biological Process | GO:0048874 | host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6110065|PMID:29326275 | |
Biological Process | GO:0048874 | host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3526790|PMID:15653504 | |
Biological Process | GO:0006955 | immune response | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3526790|PMID:15653504 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030595 | leukocyte chemotaxis | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3770058|PMID:16675847 | |
Biological Process | GO:0050901 | leukocyte tethering or rolling | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:O00585,UniProtKB:P19320 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162594|PMID:10187784 |
Biological Process | GO:0007613 | memory | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:23855980|RGD:9491766 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007613 | memory | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:24447880|RGD:9491776 | |
Biological Process | GO:0001774 | microglial cell activation | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:24447880|RGD:9491776 | |
Biological Process | GO:0050804 | modulation of chemical synaptic transmission | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5576986|PMID:24487234 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042117 | monocyte activation | ccr2 | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-171025-3 | Zfish | PMID:28844797 |
Biological Process | GO:0150090 | multiple spine synapse organization, single dendrite | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5576986|PMID:24487234 | |
Biological Process | GO:2001234 | negative regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 |
Biological Process | GO:0030336 | negative regulation of cell migration | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:17114429|RGD:4891970 | |
Biological Process | GO:0002881 | negative regulation of chronic inflammatory response to non-antigenic stimulus | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:24447880|RGD:9491776 | |
Biological Process | GO:0110091 | negative regulation of hippocampal neuron apoptotic process | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 |
Biological Process | GO:0032691 | negative regulation of interleukin-1 beta production | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:20018408|RGD:9491804 | |
Biological Process | GO:1900272 | negative regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:23855980|RGD:9491766 | |
Biological Process | GO:1904150 | negative regulation of microglial cell mediated cytotoxicity | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3639805|PMID:16732273 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007200 | phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162594|PMID:10187784 | |
Biological Process | GO:0045766 | positive regulation of angiogenesis | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:18006432|RGD:4892022 | |
Biological Process | GO:0045766 | positive regulation of angiogenesis | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:22659346|RGD:9491778 | |
Biological Process | GO:1903721 | positive regulation of I-kappaB phosphorylation | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 |
Biological Process | GO:1904141 | positive regulation of microglial cell migration | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:10415068|RGD:13673824 | |
Biological Process | GO:0090026 | positive regulation of monocyte chemotaxis | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3045506|PMID:12871640 | |
Biological Process | GO:0002052 | positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Rat | PMID:20018408|RGD:9491804 | |
Biological Process | GO:0050769 | positive regulation of neurogenesis | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6189288|PMID:20018408 | |
Biological Process | GO:0051092 | positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 |
Biological Process | GO:0051897 | positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P78423 | Rat | PMID:10869418|RGD:4892026 |
Biological Process | GO:0045428 | regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P05067 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162390|PMID:23499256 |
Biological Process | GO:0032680 | regulation of tumor necrosis factor production | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:P05067 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:6162390|PMID:23499256 |
Biological Process | GO:0002931 | response to ischemia | Cx3cr1 | IGI | UniProtKB:O55145 | Rat | PMID:12059974|RGD:13673875 |
Biological Process | GO:0035176 | social behavior | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5576986|PMID:24487234 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060074 | synapse maturation | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5576986|PMID:24487234 | |
Biological Process | GO:0098883 | synapse pruning | Cx3cr1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5287328|PMID:21778362 |
EXP Inferred from experiment |
IDA Inferred from direct assay |
IEP Inferred from expression pattern |
IGI Inferred from genetic interaction |
IMP Inferred from mutant phenotype |
IPI Inferred from physical interaction |
HTP Inferred from High Throughput Experiment |
HDA Inferred from High Throughput Direct Assay |
HMP Inferred from High Throughput Mutant Phenotype |
HGI Inferred from High Throughput Genetic Interaction |
HEP Inferred from High Throughput Expression Pattern |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/10/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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