Source |
Alliance of Genome Resources |
Category | ID | Classification term | Gene | Evidence | Inferred from | Organism | Reference |
Molecular Function | GO:0004930 | G protein-coupled receptor activity | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:18622013 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0004930 | G protein-coupled receptor activity | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:28445455 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0004930 | G protein-coupled receptor activity | F2rl1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0001965 | G-protein alpha-subunit binding | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0031681 | G-protein beta-subunit binding | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0140677 | molecular function activator activity | F2rl1 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2179844 | Mouse | PMID:17992256 |
Molecular Function | GO:0002020 | protease binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:B2LSD2 | Human | PMID:18434511 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P29066 | Human | PMID:10725339 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P22681 | Human | PMID:15708858 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:Q92905 | Human | PMID:16410250 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P13726 | Human | PMID:16959886 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:Q15363 | Human | PMID:17693410 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:Q14868 | Human | PMID:20826780 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:Q15363 | Human | PMID:21219331 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P04156 | Human | PMID:28298427 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P0DMV9 | Human | PMID:28298427 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2RL1 | IPI | UniProtKB:P16615 | Human | PMID:28298427 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | F2rl1 | IPI | UniProtKB:Q63524 | Rat | PMID:17693410|RGD:8554006 |
Molecular Function | GO:0001648 | proteinase-activated receptor activity | F2rl1 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2179844 | Mouse | PMID:17992256 |
Molecular Function | GO:0001648 | proteinase-activated receptor activity | f2rl1.2 | IDA | Zfish | PMID:21181945 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005769 | early endosome | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:22547407 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | GO_REF:0000052 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:17848177 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:22547407 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:28445455 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0031143 | pseudopodium | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:2673740|PMID:12821670 | |
Biological Process | GO:0008283 | cell population proliferation | f2rl1.2 | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-040426-2169 | Zfish | PMID:29301867 |
Biological Process | GO:0008283 | cell population proliferation | f2rl1.2 | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-200109-5 | Zfish | PMID:29301867 |
Biological Process | GO:0045217 | cell-cell junction maintenance | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:23202369 | |
Biological Process | GO:0051607 | defense response to virus | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:18453611 | |
Biological Process | GO:0051607 | defense response to virus | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:19494303 | |
Biological Process | GO:0051607 | defense response to virus | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3848267|PMID:19494303 | |
Biological Process | GO:0061028 | establishment of endothelial barrier | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:20826780 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007186 | G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:28445455 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007186 | G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | F2rl1 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2179844 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3772319|PMID:17992256 |
Biological Process | GO:0007186 | G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | f2rl1.2 | IDA | Zfish | PMID:21181945|ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110103-12 | |
Biological Process | GO:0050900 | leukocyte migration | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:15155775 | |
Biological Process | GO:0070661 | leukocyte proliferation | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3848267|PMID:19494303 | |
Biological Process | GO:0097029 | mature conventional dendritic cell differentiation | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:16478888 | |
Biological Process | GO:0097029 | mature conventional dendritic cell differentiation | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4839888|PMID:19845798 | |
Biological Process | GO:0002009 | morphogenesis of an epithelium | f2rl1.2 | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-040426-2169 | Zfish | PMID:29301867 |
Biological Process | GO:0002009 | morphogenesis of an epithelium | f2rl1.2 | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-200109-5 | Zfish | PMID:29301867 |
Biological Process | GO:0032682 | negative regulation of chemokine production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:19865078 | |
Biological Process | GO:0046676 | negative regulation of insulin secretion | F2rl1 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2179844 | Mouse | PMID:17992256 |
Biological Process | GO:0046329 | negative regulation of JNK cascade | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:19781631 | |
Biological Process | GO:0034140 | negative regulation of toll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:19865078 | |
Biological Process | GO:0010804 | negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:19781631 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042119 | neutrophil activation | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:15155775 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030836 | positive regulation of actin filament depolymerization | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:17500066 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030335 | positive regulation of cell migration | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032722 | positive regulation of chemokine production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:19494303 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032722 | positive regulation of chemokine production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:21501162 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032722 | positive regulation of chemokine production | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3848267|PMID:19494303 | |
Biological Process | GO:0050921 | positive regulation of chemotaxis | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:2673740|PMID:12821670 | |
Biological Process | GO:0002720 | positive regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:11441110 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007204 | positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:10725339 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007204 | positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Biological Process | GO:0043311 | positive regulation of eosinophil degranulation | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:11714832 | |
Biological Process | GO:0070374 | positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:10725339 | |
Biological Process | GO:0070374 | positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Biological Process | GO:0003104 | positive regulation of glomerular filtration | F2rl1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:12644441|RGD:1582293 | |
Biological Process | GO:0043547 | positive regulation of GTPase activity | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:23202369 | |
Biological Process | GO:0043123 | positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:11413129 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032731 | positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:15155775 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032733 | positive regulation of interleukin-10 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:18453611 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032755 | positive regulation of interleukin-6 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:11447194 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032755 | positive regulation of interleukin-6 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:15155775 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032757 | positive regulation of interleukin-8 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:15155775 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032757 | positive regulation of interleukin-8 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:17404307 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032757 | positive regulation of interleukin-8 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:18622013 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032757 | positive regulation of interleukin-8 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:19865078 | |
Biological Process | GO:0046330 | positive regulation of JNK cascade | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:11413129 | |
Biological Process | GO:0002690 | positive regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:17991872 | |
Biological Process | GO:0070963 | positive regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of gram-negative bacterium | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:21501162 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060100 | positive regulation of phagocytosis, engulfment | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:21501162 | |
Biological Process | GO:0014068 | positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Biological Process | GO:0050927 | positive regulation of positive chemotaxis | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:17991872 | |
Biological Process | GO:0031274 | positive regulation of pseudopodium assembly | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:2673740|PMID:12821670 | |
Biological Process | GO:1900135 | positive regulation of renin secretion into blood stream | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5315674|PMID:21859963 | |
Biological Process | GO:0035025 | positive regulation of Rho protein signal transduction | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:20826780 | |
Biological Process | GO:0035025 | positive regulation of Rho protein signal transduction | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285163|PMID:20215560 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032930 | positive regulation of superoxide anion generation | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:11714832 | |
Biological Process | GO:0034137 | positive regulation of toll-like receptor 2 signaling pathway | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:19865078 | |
Biological Process | GO:0034141 | positive regulation of toll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway | F2RL1 | IMP | Human | PMID:19865078 | |
Biological Process | GO:0034145 | positive regulation of toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:18622013 | |
Biological Process | GO:0045944 | positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:16410250 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032729 | positive regulation of type II interferon production | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3848267|PMID:19494303 | |
Biological Process | GO:0099109 | potassium channel activating, G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | F2rl1 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2179844 | Mouse | PMID:17992256 |
Biological Process | GO:0030193 | regulation of blood coagulation | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:17848177 | |
Biological Process | GO:2000341 | regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 production | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:21501162 | |
Biological Process | GO:0043122 | regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:18453611 | |
Biological Process | GO:0046328 | regulation of JNK cascade | F2RL1 | IDA | Human | PMID:16410250 | |
Biological Process | GO:0002286 | T cell activation involved in immune response | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4839888|PMID:19845798 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042311 | vasodilation | F2rl1 | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5315674|PMID:21859963 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042311 | vasodilation | F2rl1 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:3530059|PMID:9918574 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042311 | vasodilation | F2rl1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:11884377|RGD:8553406 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042311 | vasodilation | F2rl1 | IDA | Rat | PMID:12644441|RGD:1582293 |
EXP Inferred from experiment |
IDA Inferred from direct assay |
IEP Inferred from expression pattern |
IGI Inferred from genetic interaction |
IMP Inferred from mutant phenotype |
IPI Inferred from physical interaction |
HTP Inferred from High Throughput Experiment |
HDA Inferred from High Throughput Direct Assay |
HMP Inferred from High Throughput Mutant Phenotype |
HGI Inferred from High Throughput Genetic Interaction |
HEP Inferred from High Throughput Expression Pattern |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/10/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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