Source |
Alliance of Genome Resources |
Category | ID | Classification term | Gene | Evidence | Inferred from | Organism | Reference |
Molecular Function | GO:0042056 | chemoattractant activity | Fgf8 | IMP | Rat | PMID:12403710|RGD:2289355 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0009897 | external side of plasma membrane | Fgf8 | IDA | Rat | PMID:9531542|RGD:2289653 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005615 | extracellular space | fgf8a | IDA | Zfish | PMID:15498491 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005764 | lysosome | fgf8a | IDA | Zfish | PMID:15498491 | |
Biological Process | GO:0009887 | animal organ morphogenesis | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:15932752 |
Biological Process | GO:0009952 | anterior/posterior pattern specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-020104-1,ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-178 | Zfish | PMID:15342476 |
Biological Process | GO:0009952 | anterior/posterior pattern specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-167,ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-40 | Zfish | PMID:12917294 |
Biological Process | GO:0009952 | anterior/posterior pattern specification | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:12917294 | |
Biological Process | GO:0009952 | anterior/posterior pattern specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-8 | Zfish | PMID:12917294 |
Biological Process | GO:0035909 | aorta morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98493 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0035909 | aorta morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:109344 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0035909 | aorta morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:102780 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0006915 | apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2654594,MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:16720880 |
Biological Process | GO:0006915 | apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0001974 | blood vessel remodeling | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98493 | Mouse | PMID:17000704 |
Biological Process | GO:0001974 | blood vessel remodeling | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:1099809 | Mouse | PMID:17000704 |
Biological Process | GO:0060348 | bone development | FGF8 | IMP | Human | PMID:18596921 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007420 | brain development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:12843251 |
Biological Process | GO:0001569 | branching involved in blood vessel morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95668 | Mouse | PMID:15996652 |
Biological Process | GO:0060445 | branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98297 | Mouse | PMID:15042696 |
Biological Process | GO:0060445 | branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2686826 | Mouse | PMID:15063181 |
Biological Process | GO:0001658 | branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16049111 |
Biological Process | GO:0003208 | cardiac ventricle morphogenesis | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:10603341 |
Biological Process | GO:0010002 | cardioblast differentiation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:10603341 |
Biological Process | GO:0051216 | cartilage development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:15509770 |
Biological Process | GO:0051216 | cartilage development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:14651935 |
Biological Process | GO:0051216 | cartilage development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:16754885 |
Biological Process | GO:0045165 | cell fate commitment | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:1345138 | Mouse | PMID:15809037 |
Biological Process | GO:0001708 | cell fate specification | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:12917294 | |
Biological Process | GO:0001708 | cell fate specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-8 | Zfish | PMID:12917294 |
Biological Process | GO:0001708 | cell fate specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-167,ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-40 | Zfish | PMID:12917294 |
Biological Process | GO:0090134 | cell migration involved in mesendoderm migration | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150346 | Mouse | PMID:10421635 |
Biological Process | GO:0008283 | cell population proliferation | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2654594,MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:16720880 |
Biological Process | GO:0008283 | cell population proliferation | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0021846 | cell proliferation in forebrain | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0021846 | cell proliferation in forebrain | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0021954 | central nervous system neuron development | Fgf8 | IMP | Rat | PMID:9630220|RGD:2289424 | |
Biological Process | GO:0021549 | cerebellum development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:22223680 |
Biological Process | GO:0021588 | cerebellum formation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:12591239 |
Biological Process | GO:0060271 | cilium assembly | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-5 | Zfish | PMID:19164561 |
Biological Process | GO:0060271 | cilium assembly | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-131108-6 | Zfish | PMID:23946439 |
Biological Process | GO:0061386 | closure of optic fissure | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-180831-2 | Zfish | PMID:29625437 |
Biological Process | GO:0060128 | corticotropin hormone secreting cell differentiation | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:9463347 | |
Biological Process | GO:0048263 | determination of dorsal identity | fgf8a | IDA | Zfish | PMID:16961592 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007368 | determination of left/right symmetry | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:10411502 |
Biological Process | GO:0007368 | determination of left/right symmetry | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:15932752 |
Biological Process | GO:0007368 | determination of left/right symmetry | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-100511-1 | Zfish | PMID:19481538 |
Biological Process | GO:0071542 | dopaminergic neuron differentiation | FGF8 | IDA | Human | PMID:15193767 | |
Biological Process | GO:0033563 | dorsal/ventral axon guidance | Fgf8 | IMP | Rat | PMID:12403710|RGD:2289355 | |
Biological Process | GO:0009953 | dorsal/ventral pattern formation | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-33 | Zfish | PMID:15151985 |
Biological Process | GO:0009953 | dorsal/ventral pattern formation | fgf8a | IDA | Zfish | PMID:16890217 | |
Biological Process | GO:0009953 | dorsal/ventral pattern formation | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:15151985 | |
Biological Process | GO:0009953 | dorsal/ventral pattern formation | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:11802165 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060788 | ectodermal placode formation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-110214-2 | Zfish | PMID:20885782 |
Biological Process | GO:0009792 | embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:14623825 |
Biological Process | GO:0031076 | embryonic camera-type eye development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:16236770 |
Biological Process | GO:0035050 | embryonic heart tube development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2176467,MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:16720879 |
Biological Process | GO:0035050 | embryonic heart tube development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-548,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-060328-4 | Zfish | PMID:16672336 |
Biological Process | GO:0035116 | embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0048702 | embryonic neurocranium morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:1917550 | Mouse | PMID:27395007 |
Biological Process | GO:0048702 | embryonic neurocranium morphogenesis | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-178 | Zfish | PMID:27060628 |
Biological Process | GO:0009880 | embryonic pattern specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-000731-1 | Zfish | PMID:16873584 |
Biological Process | GO:0060059 | embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-070430-6,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050818-6 | Zfish | PMID:19823566 |
Biological Process | GO:0007492 | endoderm development | fgf8a | IDA | Zfish | PMID:17026981 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007492 | endoderm development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:15509770 |
Biological Process | GO:0003198 | epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation | Fgf8 | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4359139|PMID:19509466 | |
Biological Process | GO:0003198 | epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:21364285 | |
Biological Process | GO:0008543 | fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | FGF8 | IGI | UniProtKB:P21802 | Human | PMID:8663044 |
Biological Process | GO:0008543 | fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | FGF8 | IGI | UniProtKB:P22607 | Human | PMID:8663044 |
Biological Process | GO:0008543 | fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:10381577 | |
Biological Process | GO:0008543 | fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0008543 | fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:9435295 | |
Biological Process | GO:0021798 | forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0021798 | forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0048853 | forebrain morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0021884 | forebrain neuron development | Fgf8 | IMP | Rat | PMID:9630220|RGD:2289424 | |
Biological Process | GO:0048699 | generation of neurons | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150347 | Mouse | PMID:16267092 |
Biological Process | GO:0008406 | gonad development | FGF8 | IMP | Human | PMID:18596921 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007507 | heart development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2654594,MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:16720880 |
Biological Process | GO:0007507 | heart development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2686864,MGI:MGI:3639735 | Mouse | PMID:16720879 |
Biological Process | GO:0001947 | heart looping | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:10411502 |
Biological Process | GO:0003007 | heart morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150347 | Mouse | PMID:16696966 |
Biological Process | GO:0003007 | heart morphogenesis | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:18639539 |
Biological Process | GO:0030902 | hindbrain development | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:14745965 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030902 | hindbrain development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-060620-3,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-060620-5 | Zfish | PMID:16611693 |
Biological Process | GO:0030902 | hindbrain development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:15281067 |
Biological Process | GO:0030902 | hindbrain development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:16611693 |
Biological Process | GO:0048839 | inner ear development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:16754885 |
Biological Process | GO:0048839 | inner ear development | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:9007239 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042472 | inner ear morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:1345138 | Mouse | PMID:15809037 |
Biological Process | GO:0001822 | kidney development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16049111 |
Biological Process | GO:0070121 | Kupffer's vesicle development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-5 | Zfish | PMID:19164561 |
Biological Process | GO:0120223 | larynx morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:1917550 | Mouse | PMID:28177282 |
Biological Process | GO:0035108 | limb morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:15328019 |
Biological Process | GO:0021703 | locus ceruleus development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-5,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-6,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050818-3 | Zfish | PMID:17215310 |
Biological Process | GO:0021703 | locus ceruleus development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:10595509 |
Biological Process | GO:0030324 | lung development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:10411502 |
Biological Process | GO:0060425 | lung morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:10411502 |
Biological Process | GO:0030539 | male genitalia development | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:12783783 | |
Biological Process | GO:0000165 | MAPK cascade | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2654594,MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:16720880 |
Biological Process | GO:0007498 | mesoderm development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-070823-2 | Zfish | PMID:14711879 |
Biological Process | GO:0007498 | mesoderm development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-198 | Zfish | PMID:14651930 |
Biological Process | GO:0007498 | mesoderm development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-070823-1 | Zfish | PMID:14711879 |
Biological Process | GO:0008078 | mesodermal cell migration | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150346 | Mouse | PMID:10421635 |
Biological Process | GO:0001823 | mesonephros development | FGF8 | IEP | Human | PMID:18437684 | |
Biological Process | GO:0001656 | metanephros development | FGF8 | IEP | Human | PMID:18437684 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030901 | midbrain development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-4,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:23789101 |
Biological Process | GO:0030901 | midbrain development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-167,ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-40 | Zfish | PMID:12917294 |
Biological Process | GO:0030901 | midbrain development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-8 | Zfish | PMID:12917294 |
Biological Process | GO:0030901 | midbrain development | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:12917294 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030917 | midbrain-hindbrain boundary development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150347 | Mouse | PMID:17601531 |
Biological Process | GO:0030917 | midbrain-hindbrain boundary development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-5 | Zfish | PMID:28493069 |
Biological Process | GO:0030917 | midbrain-hindbrain boundary development | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:9007239 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030917 | midbrain-hindbrain boundary development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:9609821 |
Biological Process | GO:0030917 | midbrain-hindbrain boundary development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:12591239 |
Biological Process | GO:0030917 | midbrain-hindbrain boundary development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:14660549 |
Biological Process | GO:0021555 | midbrain-hindbrain boundary morphogenesis | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-120207-2 | Zfish | PMID:22223680 |
Biological Process | GO:0140014 | mitotic nuclear division | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:12783783 | |
Biological Process | GO:0008045 | motor neuron axon guidance | Fgf8 | IMP | Rat | PMID:12403710|RGD:2289355 | |
Biological Process | GO:0043066 | negative regulation of apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0043066 | negative regulation of apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0043066 | negative regulation of apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0043066 | negative regulation of apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2654594,MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:16720880 |
Biological Process | GO:0055026 | negative regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development | FGF8 | IMP | Human | PMID:20702560 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042664 | negative regulation of endodermal cell fate specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-991206-8,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-060328-4,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-060731-3 | Zfish | PMID:16672336 |
Biological Process | GO:0042664 | negative regulation of endodermal cell fate specification | fgf8a | IDA | Zfish | PMID:16672336 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042664 | negative regulation of endodermal cell fate specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-011026-1 | Zfish | PMID:16672336 |
Biological Process | GO:0042664 | negative regulation of endodermal cell fate specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-060328-4,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-060731-3 | Zfish | PMID:16672336 |
Biological Process | GO:0043524 | negative regulation of neuron apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0001839 | neural plate morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0060563 | neuroepithelial cell differentiation | FGF8 | IDA | Human | PMID:17309880 | |
Biological Process | GO:0051402 | neuron apoptotic process | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0030182 | neuron differentiation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:12843251 |
Biological Process | GO:0048665 | neuron fate specification | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-4,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:16256099 |
Biological Process | GO:0030903 | notochord development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-198 | Zfish | PMID:14651930 |
Biological Process | GO:0042476 | odontogenesis | FGF8 | IEP | Human | PMID:17394220 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042476 | odontogenesis | Fgf8 | IEP | Rat | PMID:16416307|RGD:2289007 | |
Biological Process | GO:0048709 | oligodendrocyte differentiation | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-4,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:16256099 |
Biological Process | GO:0035265 | organ growth | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150347,MGI:MGI:3757964 | Mouse | PMID:19389367 |
Biological Process | GO:0035265 | organ growth | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98493 | Mouse | PMID:19389367 |
Biological Process | GO:0001759 | organ induction | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95517 | Mouse | PMID:15741321 |
Biological Process | GO:0043049 | otic placode formation | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-178 | Zfish | PMID:12642489 |
Biological Process | GO:0043049 | otic placode formation | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-001030-3 | Zfish | PMID:15459102 |
Biological Process | GO:0043049 | otic placode formation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:15459102 |
Biological Process | GO:0043049 | otic placode formation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-101119-36 | Zfish | PMID:24677486 |
Biological Process | GO:0043049 | otic placode formation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:17522161 |
Biological Process | GO:0043049 | otic placode formation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-070430-3 | Zfish | PMID:17522161 |
Biological Process | GO:0071599 | otic vesicle development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-101119-36,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-141230-19,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-141230-20 | Zfish | PMID:24677486 |
Biological Process | GO:0030916 | otic vesicle formation | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95517 | Mouse | PMID:17601531 |
Biological Process | GO:0030916 | otic vesicle formation | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-178 | Zfish | PMID:15188428 |
Biological Process | GO:0030916 | otic vesicle formation | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:14757644 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030916 | otic vesicle formation | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-280 | Zfish | PMID:15188428 |
Biological Process | GO:0030916 | otic vesicle formation | fgf8a | IDA | Zfish | PMID:17239227 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030916 | otic vesicle formation | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-030617-1 | Zfish | PMID:15188428 |
Biological Process | GO:0003151 | outflow tract morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98493 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0003151 | outflow tract morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:109344 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0003151 | outflow tract morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:102780 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0003148 | outflow tract septum morphogenesis | Fgf8 | IGI | UniProtKB:P70323 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5285152|PMID:20807544 |
Biological Process | GO:0021543 | pallium development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0021543 | pallium development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0048339 | paraxial mesoderm development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-201022-1 | Zfish | PMID:32345657 |
Biological Process | GO:0048339 | paraxial mesoderm development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-201021-2 | Zfish | PMID:32345657 |
Biological Process | GO:0048339 | paraxial mesoderm development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-198 | Zfish | PMID:14651930 |
Biological Process | GO:0007422 | peripheral nervous system development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-070430-6 | Zfish | PMID:17215310 |
Biological Process | GO:0007422 | peripheral nervous system development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-5,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-6,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050818-3 | Zfish | PMID:17215310 |
Biological Process | GO:0060037 | pharyngeal system development | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98493 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0060037 | pharyngeal system development | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:109344 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0060037 | pharyngeal system development | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:102780 | Mouse | PMID:21364285 |
Biological Process | GO:0060037 | pharyngeal system development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-071012-3 | Zfish | PMID:17576618 |
Biological Process | GO:0060037 | pharyngeal system development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-030805-5 | Zfish | PMID:25142463 |
Biological Process | GO:0030335 | positive regulation of cell migration | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-178 | Zfish | PMID:15509770 |
Biological Process | GO:0008284 | positive regulation of cell population proliferation | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:10381577 | |
Biological Process | GO:0008284 | positive regulation of cell population proliferation | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2654594,MGI:MGI:2686864 | Mouse | PMID:16720880 |
Biological Process | GO:0008284 | positive regulation of cell population proliferation | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:9463347 | |
Biological Process | GO:0070374 | positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:99511 | Mouse | PMID:24431450 |
Biological Process | GO:0045745 | positive regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:19307307 | |
Biological Process | GO:0010628 | positive regulation of gene expression | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:88338 | Mouse | PMID:9847236 |
Biological Process | GO:0010628 | positive regulation of gene expression | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:9847236 | |
Biological Process | GO:0010628 | positive regulation of gene expression | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:10411502 |
Biological Process | GO:0010628 | positive regulation of gene expression | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:9244299 | |
Biological Process | GO:0045840 | positive regulation of mitotic nuclear division | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:12783783 | |
Biological Process | GO:0046622 | positive regulation of organ growth | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98493 | Mouse | PMID:19389367 |
Biological Process | GO:0046622 | positive regulation of organ growth | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150347,MGI:MGI:3757964 | Mouse | PMID:19389367 |
Biological Process | GO:0050731 | positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation | Fgf8 | IMP | Mouse | PMID:16399079 | |
Biological Process | GO:0014709 | positive regulation of somitomeric trunk muscle development | fgf8a | IMP | Zfish | PMID:16120642|ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050831-2 | |
Biological Process | GO:2000648 | positive regulation of stem cell proliferation | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0030177 | positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-980526-178 | Zfish | PMID:14757644 |
Biological Process | GO:0046850 | regulation of bone remodeling | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-070524-7 | Zfish | PMID:17448458 |
Biological Process | GO:0046850 | regulation of bone remodeling | fgf8a | IEP | Zfish | PMID:17448458 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042487 | regulation of odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:88177 | Mouse | PMID:9244299 |
Biological Process | GO:0042487 | regulation of odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:88180 | Mouse | PMID:9244299 |
Biological Process | GO:0014070 | response to organic cyclic compound | Fgf8 | IEP | Rat | PMID:19464577|RGD:2314151 | |
Biological Process | GO:0006979 | response to oxidative stress | Fgf8 | IDA | Rat | PMID:10350562|RGD:708333 | |
Biological Process | GO:0009410 | response to xenobiotic stimulus | Fgf8 | IEP | Rat | PMID:15786497|RGD:2314158 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060041 | retina development in camera-type eye | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-080710-8 | Zfish | PMID:15809038 |
Biological Process | GO:0021571 | rhombomere 5 development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050818-4 | Zfish | PMID:12835397 |
Biological Process | GO:0021572 | rhombomere 6 development | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050818-4 | Zfish | PMID:12835397 |
Biological Process | GO:0023019 | signal transduction involved in regulation of gene expression | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:18462699 | |
Biological Process | GO:0048705 | skeletal system morphogenesis | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-070524-7 | Zfish | PMID:17448458 |
Biological Process | GO:0061053 | somite development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:9609821 |
Biological Process | GO:0001756 | somitogenesis | fgf8a | IGI | ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-990415-198 | Zfish | PMID:14651930 |
Biological Process | GO:0072089 | stem cell proliferation | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:95518 | Mouse | PMID:16245339 |
Biological Process | GO:0051146 | striated muscle cell differentiation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050714-1 | Zfish | PMID:16120642 |
Biological Process | GO:0051146 | striated muscle cell differentiation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:16120642 |
Biological Process | GO:0021544 | subpallium development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0021544 | subpallium development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0061195 | taste bud formation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:21791527 |
Biological Process | GO:0021537 | telencephalon development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150348 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0021537 | telencephalon development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:1857843 | Mouse | PMID:16613831 |
Biological Process | GO:0030878 | thyroid gland development | Fgf8 | IGI | MGI:MGI:98493 | Mouse | PMID:19389367 |
Biological Process | GO:0030878 | thyroid gland development | Fgf8 | IMP | MGI:MGI:2150347,MGI:MGI:3757964 | Mouse | PMID:19389367 |
Biological Process | GO:0030878 | thyroid gland development | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-980202-822 | Zfish | PMID:17611226 |
Biological Process | GO:0060129 | thyroid-stimulating hormone-secreting cell differentiation | Fgf8 | IDA | Mouse | PMID:9463347 | |
Biological Process | GO:0055012 | ventricular cardiac muscle cell differentiation | fgf8a | IMP | ZFIN:ZDB-GENO-090527-5,ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-041109-6 | Zfish | PMID:19395641 |
EXP Inferred from experiment |
IDA Inferred from direct assay |
IEP Inferred from expression pattern |
IGI Inferred from genetic interaction |
IMP Inferred from mutant phenotype |
IPI Inferred from physical interaction |
HTP Inferred from High Throughput Experiment |
HDA Inferred from High Throughput Direct Assay |
HMP Inferred from High Throughput Mutant Phenotype |
HGI Inferred from High Throughput Genetic Interaction |
HEP Inferred from High Throughput Expression Pattern |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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