Source |
Alliance of Genome Resources |
Category | ID | Classification term | Gene | Evidence | Inferred from | Organism | Reference |
Molecular Function | GO:0010856 | adenylate cyclase activator activity | Gnas | IDA | Mouse | PMID:17971513 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0010856 | adenylate cyclase activator activity | Gnas | IMP | Mouse | PMID:12145344 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0010856 | adenylate cyclase activator activity | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:13680124|RGD:2312682 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0047391 | alkylglycerophosphoethanolamine phosphodiesterase activity | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:21812758|RGD:10448949 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0043014 | alpha-tubulin binding | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:17705289|RGD:5509865 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0031698 | beta-2 adrenergic receptor binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:2060 | Rat | PMID:19942860|RGD:4107483 |
Molecular Function | GO:0051430 | corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:61276 | Rat | PMID:20548297|RGD:5491170 |
Molecular Function | GO:0031748 | D1 dopamine receptor binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:2518 | Rat | PMID:15798088|RGD:2302119 |
Molecular Function | GO:0003925 | G protein activity | Gnas | IMP | Mouse | PMID:12145344 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0001965 | G-protein alpha-subunit binding | Gnas | IPI | UniProtKB:Q63803 | Rat | PMID:11447126|RGD:5509808 |
Molecular Function | GO:0031681 | G-protein beta-subunit binding | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:12486122|RGD:5509804 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0005525 | GTP binding | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:21084061|RGD:5509805 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0005159 | insulin-like growth factor receptor binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:2869 | Rat | PMID:19764351|RGD:5509824 |
Molecular Function | GO:0035255 | ionotropic glutamate receptor binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:621531 | Rat | PMID:19942860|RGD:4107483 |
Molecular Function | GO:0031852 | mu-type opioid receptor binding | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:16967511|RGD:1601381 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0031852 | mu-type opioid receptor binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:3234 | Rat | PMID:19682558|RGD:5509825 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | GNAS | IPI | UniProtKB:P84996 | Human | PMID:12719376 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | GNAS | IPI | UniProtKB:P49407 | Human | PMID:23353685 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | Gnas | IPI | PR:Q8VEC3 | Mouse | PMID:27759003 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | Gnas | IPI | PR:Q8VHN7 | Mouse | PMID:24191038 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | Gnas | IPI | PR:Q61616 | Mouse | PMID:9016340 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | Gnas | IPI | UniProtKB:Q9Z213 | Rat | PMID:11447126|RGD:5509808 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:1306694 | Rat | PMID:15749703|RGD:10401274 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | Gnas | IPI | RGD:1316040 | Rat | PMID:18034856|RGD:5509845 |
Molecular Function | GO:0019904 | protein domain specific binding | Gnas | IPI | UniProtKB:Q63803 | Rat | PMID:11447126|RGD:5509808 |
Cellular Component | GO:0030142 | COPI-coated Golgi to ER transport vesicle | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15749703|RGD:10401274 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005737 | cytoplasm | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15961389|RGD:1598749 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005829 | cytosol | GNAS | IDA | Human | PMID:12719376 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005829 | cytosol | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:19136528|RGD:5509835 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005829 | cytosol | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:9603988|RGD:8554017 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0030425 | dendrite | Gnas | IDA | Mouse | PMID:19966281 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005768 | endosome | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:17010343|RGD:2315004 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0070062 | extracellular exosome | GNAS | HDA | Human | PMID:19199708 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0070062 | extracellular exosome | GNAS | HDA | Human | PMID:20458337 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0070062 | extracellular exosome | GNAS | HDA | Human | PMID:23533145 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005794 | Golgi apparatus | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:10749939|RGD:10401273 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005834 | heterotrimeric G-protein complex | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15297467|RGD:1580407 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005834 | heterotrimeric G-protein complex | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:18403039|RGD:8553387 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0016020 | membrane | GNAS | IDA | Human | PMID:12719376 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0016020 | membrane | GNAS | HDA | Human | PMID:19946888 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0016020 | membrane | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:2152744 | Mouse | PMID:9322912 |
Cellular Component | GO:0016020 | membrane | Gnas | IDA | Mouse | PMID:9016340 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0016020 | membrane | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15961389|RGD:1598749 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0016020 | membrane | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:9603988|RGD:8554017 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0045121 | membrane raft | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:19996298|RGD:5509815 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0043025 | neuronal cell body | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:18539096|RGD:10401272 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0048471 | perinuclear region of cytoplasm | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15297467|RGD:1580407 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | Gnas | IDA | Mouse | PMID:17971513 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:12614155|RGD:1358726 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15297467|RGD:1580407 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:17010343|RGD:2315004 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0055037 | recycling endosome | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15297467|RGD:1580407 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0001726 | ruffle | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:11447126|RGD:5509808 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0042383 | sarcolemma | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15961389|RGD:1598749 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007191 | adenylate cyclase-activating dopamine receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IGI | MGI:MGI:95774 | Mouse | PMID:17194762 |
Biological Process | GO:0007191 | adenylate cyclase-activating dopamine receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IGI | MGI:MGI:99578 | Mouse | PMID:17194762 |
Biological Process | GO:0007191 | adenylate cyclase-activating dopamine receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:18403039|RGD:8553387 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | GNAS | IMP | Human | PMID:12719376 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IDA | Mouse | PMID:17971513 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IGI | MGI:MGI:95674 | Mouse | PMID:33196462 |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3609165 | Mouse | PMID:34091063 |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IMP | Mouse | PMID:3092218 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IMP | Mouse | PMID:2826231 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:2152744 | Mouse | PMID:9322912 |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IDA | Mouse | PMID:2499043 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:12486122|RGD:5509804 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:15579502|RGD:2313211 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:16967511|RGD:1601381 | |
Biological Process | GO:0007189 | adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:17010343|RGD:2315004 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060348 | bone development | GNAS | IMP | Human | PMID:12719376 | |
Biological Process | GO:0055074 | calcium ion homeostasis | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:21303955|RGD:6483786 | |
Biological Process | GO:0051216 | cartilage development | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0071870 | cellular response to catecholamine stimulus | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:18403039|RGD:8553387 | |
Biological Process | GO:0071377 | cellular response to glucagon stimulus | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3609165 | Mouse | PMID:16239968 |
Biological Process | GO:0071380 | cellular response to prostaglandin E stimulus | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:18403039|RGD:8553387 | |
Biological Process | GO:0048589 | developmental growth | GNAS | IMP | Human | PMID:12719376 | |
Biological Process | GO:0006306 | DNA methylation | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:4459474 | Mouse | PMID:20427744 |
Biological Process | GO:0048701 | embryonic cranial skeleton morphogenesis | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0035116 | embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0001958 | endochondral ossification | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0006112 | energy reserve metabolic process | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:2152743 | Mouse | PMID:10712433 |
Biological Process | GO:0007186 | G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:15687107|RGD:1625210 | |
Biological Process | GO:0071514 | genomic imprinting | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:4459474 | Mouse | PMID:20427744 |
Biological Process | GO:0035264 | multicellular organism growth | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:4459474 | Mouse | PMID:20427744 |
Biological Process | GO:0045776 | negative regulation of blood pressure | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:21895632|RGD:5509797 | |
Biological Process | GO:0040015 | negative regulation of multicellular organism growth | Gnas | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:5514285|PMID:23839232 | |
Biological Process | GO:0035814 | negative regulation of renal sodium excretion | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:21895632|RGD:5509797 | |
Biological Process | GO:0070527 | platelet aggregation | GNAS | IMP | Human | PMID:12719376 | |
Biological Process | GO:0008284 | positive regulation of cell population proliferation | Gnas | IDA | Rat | PMID:17363453|RGD:10401271 | |
Biological Process | GO:0120162 | positive regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis | Gnas | IMP | UniProtKB:P63094,UniProtKB:Q6R0H6,UniProtKB:Q9Z0F1|UniProtKB:Q6R0H6,UniProtKB:Q6R0H7,UniProtKB:Q9Z0F1|UniProtKB:P63094,UniProtKB:Q6R0H7,UniProtKB:Q9Z0F1|UniProtKB:P63094,UniProtKB:Q6R0H6,UniProtKB:Q6R0H7 | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4452162|PMID:20374964 |
Biological Process | GO:0032024 | positive regulation of insulin secretion | Gnas | IDA | Mouse | PMID:17971513 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032024 | positive regulation of insulin secretion | Gnas | IGI | MGI:MGI:95674 | Mouse | PMID:33196462 |
Biological Process | GO:0032024 | positive regulation of insulin secretion | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3609165 | Mouse | PMID:34091063 |
Biological Process | GO:0045669 | positive regulation of osteoblast differentiation | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0045672 | positive regulation of osteoclast differentiation | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0001934 | positive regulation of protein phosphorylation | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:21303955|RGD:6483786 | |
Biological Process | GO:0010765 | positive regulation of sodium ion transport | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:10381586|RGD:5509841 | |
Biological Process | GO:0040032 | post-embryonic body morphogenesis | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0009791 | post-embryonic development | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:4459474 | Mouse | PMID:20427744 |
Biological Process | GO:0009791 | post-embryonic development | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:2000828 | regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043369 | Mouse | PMID:15811946 |
Biological Process | GO:0006357 | regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | Gnas | IMP | Rat | PMID:20940042|RGD:6483811 | |
Biological Process | GO:0009410 | response to xenobiotic stimulus | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:2152744 | Mouse | PMID:11438605 |
Biological Process | GO:0001501 | skeletal system development | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:3043361 | Mouse | PMID:15797856 |
Biological Process | GO:0043588 | skin development | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:4459474 | Mouse | PMID:20427744 |
Biological Process | GO:0001894 | tissue homeostasis | Gnas | IMP | MGI:MGI:4459474 | Mouse | PMID:20427744 |
EXP Inferred from experiment |
IDA Inferred from direct assay |
IEP Inferred from expression pattern |
IGI Inferred from genetic interaction |
IMP Inferred from mutant phenotype |
IPI Inferred from physical interaction |
HTP Inferred from High Throughput Experiment |
HDA Inferred from High Throughput Direct Assay |
HMP Inferred from High Throughput Mutant Phenotype |
HGI Inferred from High Throughput Genetic Interaction |
HEP Inferred from High Throughput Expression Pattern |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/10/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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