Source |
Alliance of Genome Resources |
Category | ID | Classification term | Gene | Evidence | Inferred from | Organism | Reference |
Molecular Function | GO:1902379 | chemoattractant activity involved in axon guidance | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4866939|PMID:21106844 | |
Molecular Function | GO:0005109 | frizzled binding | Wnt7b | IPI | PR:Q61088 | Mouse | PMID:16163358 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005109 | frizzled binding | Wnt7b | IPI | PR:Q8BKG4 | Mouse | PMID:15923619 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005109 | frizzled binding | Wnt7b | IPI | PR:Q61088 | Mouse | PMID:15923619 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005109 | frizzled binding | Wnt7b | IPI | PR:O70421 | Mouse | PMID:15923619 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | WNT7B | IPI | UniProtKB:Q9Z0J1 | Human | PMID:30026314 |
Molecular Function | GO:0005515 | protein binding | Wnt7b | IPI | UniProtKB:Q9CWT0 | Mouse | PMID:10866835 |
Molecular Function | GO:0048018 | receptor ligand activity | WNT7B | IDA | Human | PMID:28733458 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0009986 | cell surface | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:66576|PMID:8167409 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005737 | cytoplasm | Wnt7b | IDA | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005615 | extracellular space | Wnt7b | IDA | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Cellular Component | GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | Wnt7b | IDA | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060033 | anatomical structure regression | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793960 | Mouse | PMID:16163358 |
Biological Process | GO:0001525 | angiogenesis | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:98961 | Mouse | PMID:19129494 |
Biological Process | GO:0001525 | angiogenesis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:2387443 | Mouse | PMID:19129494 |
Biological Process | GO:1902262 | apoptotic process involved in blood vessel morphogenesis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793960 | Mouse | PMID:16163358 |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | WNT7B | IDA | Human | PMID:28733458 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:108520 | Mouse | PMID:16163358 |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:98961 | Mouse | PMID:19023080 |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3641208 | Mouse | PMID:19690384 |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:1196625 | Mouse | PMID:15923619 |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:1278315 | Mouse | PMID:15923619 |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | PMID:17804636 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:2136761 | Mouse | PMID:15923619 |
Biological Process | GO:0060070 | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0008283 | cell population proliferation | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3641208 | Mouse | PMID:19690384 |
Biological Process | GO:0021846 | cell proliferation in forebrain | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:2667422|PMID:12843296 | |
Biological Process | GO:0044237 | cellular metabolic process | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0071300 | cellular response to retinoic acid | WNT7B | IEP | Human | PMID:12239632 | |
Biological Process | GO:0071300 | cellular response to retinoic acid | WNT7B | IEP | Human | PMID:12429992 | |
Biological Process | GO:0022009 | central nervous system vasculogenesis | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:98961 | Mouse | PMID:19023080 |
Biological Process | GO:0036516 | chemoattraction of dopaminergic neuron axon | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4866939|PMID:21106844 | |
Biological Process | GO:0060710 | chorio-allantoic fusion | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:2387443 | Mouse | PMID:11543617 |
Biological Process | GO:0060560 | developmental growth involved in morphogenesis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0048568 | embryonic organ development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0060669 | embryonic placenta morphogenesis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:2387443 | Mouse | PMID:11543617 |
Biological Process | GO:0016332 | establishment or maintenance of polarity of embryonic epithelium | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0048144 | fibroblast proliferation | WNT7B | IEP | Human | PMID:19734317 | |
Biological Process | GO:0021871 | forebrain regionalization | WNT7B | IEP | Human | PMID:15164427 | |
Biological Process | GO:0021871 | forebrain regionalization | Wnt7b | IEP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4821941|PMID:15164427 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042592 | homeostatic process | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0001701 | in utero embryonic development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0072061 | inner medullary collecting duct development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0032364 | intracellular oxygen homeostasis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0060482 | lobar bronchus development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0030324 | lung development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18343501 |
Biological Process | GO:0060428 | lung epithelium development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0060425 | lung morphogenesis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0060484 | lung-associated mesenchyme development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0061180 | mammary gland epithelium development | WNT7B | IEP | Human | PMID:8168088 | |
Biological Process | GO:0072205 | metanephric collecting duct development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0072207 | metanephric epithelium development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0072236 | metanephric loop of Henle development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0003338 | metanephros morphogenesis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0050768 | negative regulation of neurogenesis | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:2667422|PMID:12843296 | |
Biological Process | GO:0045879 | negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IMP | Mouse | PMID:10781055 | |
Biological Process | GO:0030182 | neuron differentiation | WNT7B | IEP | Human | PMID:12429992 | |
Biological Process | GO:0031175 | neuron projection development | Wnt7b | IMP | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Biological Process | GO:0048812 | neuron projection morphogenesis | Wnt7b | IDA | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Biological Process | GO:0042475 | odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth | Wnt7b | IMP | Mouse | PMID:10781055 | |
Biological Process | GO:0001649 | osteoblast differentiation | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | PMID:15576404 | |
Biological Process | GO:0072060 | outer medullary collecting duct development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:1904938 | planar cell polarity pathway involved in axon guidance | Wnt7b | IMP | Mouse | MGI:MGI:4866939|PMID:21106844 | |
Biological Process | GO:0008284 | positive regulation of cell population proliferation | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3641208 | Mouse | PMID:19690384 |
Biological Process | GO:0010628 | positive regulation of gene expression | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3641208 | Mouse | PMID:19690384 |
Biological Process | GO:0046330 | positive regulation of JNK cascade | Wnt7b | IDA | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Biological Process | GO:0046330 | positive regulation of JNK cascade | Wnt7b | IMP | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Biological Process | GO:0045669 | positive regulation of osteoblast differentiation | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | PMID:15576404 | |
Biological Process | GO:0032536 | regulation of cell projection size | Wnt7b | IDA | Rat | PMID:18177422|RGD:2292645 | |
Biological Process | GO:0072053 | renal inner medulla development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0072054 | renal outer medulla development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:19060336 |
Biological Process | GO:0051384 | response to glucocorticoid | Wnt7b | IEP | Rat | PMID:19099732|RGD:2326234 | |
Biological Process | GO:0051145 | smooth muscle cell differentiation | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3641208 | Mouse | PMID:19690384 |
Biological Process | GO:0048864 | stem cell development | Wnt7b | IDA | Mouse | MGI:MGI:2667422|PMID:12843296 | |
Biological Process | GO:0072089 | stem cell proliferation | WNT7B | IEP | Human | PMID:19734317 | |
Biological Process | GO:0050808 | synapse organization | Wnt7b | IGI | MGI:MGI:98961 | Mouse | PMID:16818724 |
Biological Process | GO:0060535 | trachea cartilage morphogenesis | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
Biological Process | GO:0001944 | vasculature development | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793960 | Mouse | PMID:16163358 |
Biological Process | GO:0016055 | Wnt signaling pathway | Wnt7b | IMP | MGI:MGI:3793280 | Mouse | PMID:18367557 |
EXP Inferred from experiment |
IDA Inferred from direct assay |
IEP Inferred from expression pattern |
IGI Inferred from genetic interaction |
IMP Inferred from mutant phenotype |
IPI Inferred from physical interaction |
HTP Inferred from High Throughput Experiment |
HDA Inferred from High Throughput Direct Assay |
HMP Inferred from High Throughput Mutant Phenotype |
HGI Inferred from High Throughput Genetic Interaction |
HEP Inferred from High Throughput Expression Pattern |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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