Leimeister C, et al., Dev Dyn. 2004 Jun;230(2):371-7
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Caption | A: condensing mesenchyme (cm) of the limb bud, segmental stripes (arrowhead) that merge in a more ventral band along the body axis (arrow). B: Vibratome section, sclerotome (arrowhead), neural tube (nt), dermomyotome (dm). C: tail (t), hindlimbs (hl). D: Sagittal section. cb, cerebellum; nc, neopallial cortex; ob, olfactory bulb, Meckels' cartilage (mc), kidney (k), adrenal gland (ag), pancreas (p), lung (lu), salivary gland (sg), h, heart. E-L: Higher magnification in E14.5 sagittal sections. E: cerebellum (cb), choroid plexus (cp). F-H: cochlea (cg, cochlear ganglion; ce, cochlear epithelium in F), nasal epithelium (ne in G), epithelial branches (e in H) of the salivary gland. I: thymus (th). L: digits (di). M,N: Transverse sections. M: spleen (sp), kidney (k) stroma, dorsal root ganglia (drg), spinal cord (sc), ossification (r, ribs), stomach (st). li, liver. N: co, cochlea; se, semicircular canal, trigeminal ganglia (tg), vomeronasal organ (vo), bones (b), whisker follicles (wf). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copyright | This image is from Leimeister C, Dev Dyn 2004 Jun;230(2):371-7, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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