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Caption Contact radiography and histology of the tibia. (A) Contact x-ray of the tibia of a 35-day-old control mouse. (B) Contact x-ray of the tibia of a 35-day-old Vdrtm1Mbd/Vdrtm1Mbd littermate. (C) von Kossa stain of a nondemineralized section through the tibia of the 35-day-old control mouse. (D) von Kossa stain of a nondemineralized section through the tibia of a 35-day-old Vdrtm1Mbd/Vdrtm1Mbd littermate. (E) Toluidine blue section through the growth plate of hte 35-day-old control mouse. (F) Toluidine blue section through the growth plate of the 35-day-old Vdrtm1Mbd/Vdrtm1Mbd littermate. (G) Toluidine blue section through the growth plate of a 15-day-old control mouse. (H) Toluidine blue section through the growth plate of a 15-day-old Vdrtm1Mbd/Vdrtm1Mbd littermate. Consistent with rickets, the tibia in the 35-day-old Vdrtm1Mbd/Vdrtm1Mbd mouse shows decreased cortial width along the diaphysis (arrowhead) as well as expansion and flaring of the growth plate (arrow) (Panel B) as compared to the control littermate (Panel A). Histological analyses of the skeleton of same mutant mice shows decreased mineralization (mineral stains black) (Panel D) in comparison with the control (Panel C). Toluidine blue section through growth plate of the mutant indicates marked disorganization with and increase in vascularity (arrows), matrix (arrowhead) and zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes (Panel F), as compared to the control (Panel E). Histology of the growth plate of a 15-day-old mutant indicates a 15% increase in the number of hypertrophic chondrocytes per column (Panel H, bracketed) compared to control (Panel G, bracketed).
Copyright This image is from Li YC, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1997 Sep 2;94(18):9831-5. Copyright 1997 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:42815
Symbol Name
Vdrtm1Mbd vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor; targeted mutation 1, Marie B Demay
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Vdrtm1Mbd/Vdrtm1Mbd involves: 129S4/SvJae

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