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Caption Skin histology. H&E-stained longitudinal sections of tail (A-I) and dorsal (J-M) skin of transgenic (C-I, L, and M) and wild-type (A, B, J, and K) mice; tail skin from 7-week- (A, C, and G), 14-week- (D and H), 6-month- (E), and 10-month-old (F and I) transgenic and wild-type mice. Note, in tail, the hyperplasia in scale epidermis (C-F, H, and I), the papillary structure (D-F, H, and I), the intradermal epithelial invagination with horn perls (I), the sebaceous gland hyperplasia (E and F), the loss of cell polarity in the basal layer (G and H), and the irregular orientation of epidermal cells (G and H). Cryosections of dorsal skin from 9-day-old wild-type (J and K) and transgenic mice (L and M). Note, in transgenic skin, the reduced hair follicle density, the retarded formation, and emergence of hair shafts, and inappropriate orientation (90 angle) of hair follicles (L), and delayed thinning of interfollicular epidermis (M). Magnification: A - F, J & L: X160; H & I: X400; G: X630
Copyright This image is from Neufang G, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001 Jun 19;98(13):7629-34. Copyright 2001 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:70039
Symbol Name
Tg(K5-Ptgs2)19Kmd transgene insertion 19, Karin Muller-Decker
Tg(K5-Ptgs2)667Kmd transgene insertion 667, Karin Muller-Decker
Tg(K5-Ptgs2)675Kmd transgene insertion 675, Karin Muller-Decker
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Tg(K5-Ptgs2)19Kmd/0 involves: NMRI
Tg(K5-Ptgs2)667Kmd/0 involves: NMRI
Tg(K5-Ptgs2)675Kmd/0 involves: NMRI

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