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Caption Skeletal analysis of Rbt/+ newborn mice (B,D,E,F,G,H) and wild-type newborn mice (A,C). A,B,E,F: Lateral view of the cervical and thoracic region. 15 ribs are observed in the Rbt/+ mouse (B) compared with 13 in the wild-type mouse (A). A cervical rib fused to the first thoracic rib is generated on the seventh cervical vertebra (B, C, D). The arrow points to a fusion between the second and third lamina. C, D, G, H: Ventral view of the the thoraco-lumbar sacral (C, D) and lumbar-sacral (G, H) regions. Fourteen thoracic bertebrae and six lumbar vertebrae are present in teh Rbt/+ mice. The thoraco-lumbar and lumbo-sacral boundaries are shifted caudally in the heterozygous mutant mice. L1* indicates the first lumbar vertebrae transformmed into a thoracic vertebrae. S1* indicates the first sacral vertebrae transformed into the sixth lumbar vertebrae. In the heterozygous mutants, four or five sacral vertebrae (S4, S5) fuse to form the sacral bone either bilaterally by (D,G) or unilaterally by (arrow in H). The star (H) points to a unilateral syndactylism of transverse process of caudal vertebrae.
Copyright This image is from Hustert E, Mamm Genome 1996 Dec;7(12):881-5 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:37422
Symbol Name
Rpl38Rbt ribosomal protein L38; Rabo torcido
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Rpl38Rbt/Rpl38+ involves: C57BL/6J * NMRI

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