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Caption Hematoxylin and eosin staining of livers during the perinatal development from E17.5 to P4. In wild-type mice the liver developed normally with hepatocytes displaying a normal size with centrally located nuclei. A compact and homogeneous tissue mass was formed at P4. In Adktm1Bois/Adktm1Bois mice the livers are morphologically normal at E17.5 but develop micro- and macrovesicular diffuse panlobular steatosis (intracellular lipid accumulation) after birth, which appears as cytoplasmic pallor. Postnatal liver cells contained fine lipid vesicles, which increased in size and became confluent during the following days (P2, P4). There was no inflammation, no development of cirrhosis, and no evidence of liver cell necrosis. Mallory bodies were not encountered. Original magnification (objective): first and third column, x10; second and fourth column, x40. Original microscopical magnification: first and third column, x100; second and fourth column, x400. Bars in first and third column, 200 m; bars in second and fourth column, 50 m.
Copyright This image is from Boison D, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 May 14;99(10):6985-90. Copyright 2002 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:81518
Symbol Name
Adktm1Bois adenosine kinase; targeted mutation 1, Detlev Boison
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Adktm1Bois/Adktm1Bois involves: 129P3/JEmsJ * C57BL/6

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