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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Polycystin 1 is detected in endothelial cells (arrowheads in A and B) as well as in vascular smooth muscle cells (arrows in A and B) by using the anti-LRR antibody. Polycystin 1 expression (horseradish peroxidase reaction product) is similar in small vessels in the region of the hind limb in wild type (A) and Pkd1tm1Maa/Pkd1tm1Maa (B) embryos. In fetal kidneys, polycystin 1 expression is observed mainly on the apical (arrows in C and E) surfaces of wild type and mutant mouse renal tubules. No staining of renal tubules (arrows) from either wild type or mutant embryos is observed in the presence of a 20-fold excess of the LRR fusion protein (D and F, respectively). * in F points to a tubular cyst. Scale bar: 10um
Copyright This image is from Kim K, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000 Feb 15;97(4):1731-6. Copyright 2000 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:68331
Symbol Name
Pkd1tm1Maa polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting; targeted mutation 1, M Armin Arnout
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Pkd1tm1Maa/Pkd1tm1Maa involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6

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