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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Anterior is to the left for all embryos except mutant in D. A & B: Embryos collected on E8.5 viewed laterally (A) and dorsally (B). Note smaller size of the Ipmktm1Yrk/Ipmktm1Yrk embryo (mut) compared with the wild type (wt). C: Section through a mutant embryo with similar morphology to that shown in A and B. Note the folded neural plate (np) and small allantois (al). Mesodermal (meso) and endodermal (endo) layers are also marked. D: Embryos on E9.5 viewed laterally. The wild-type embryo has turned but not the mutant embryo, which has a small, abnormal allantois and folded neural tube (nt; arrow). E & F: Two sections from a series through a mutant embryo. Note the folded neural tube, somites, fore and hind gut, and heart trabeculae (ht). G & H: In situ whole-mount expression analysis of E9.5 wild-type embryos hybridized with antisense (G) or sense (H) negative control RNA. Note the high level of expression of Ipk2 transcript (purple staining) in the neural tube, branchial arches (ba), hind limb bud (lb), somites, and head region. No specific staining above background is observed in H. Scale bars, 500 m.
Copyright This image is from Frederick JP, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005 Jun 14;102(24):8454-9. Copyright 2005 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:99723
Symbol Name
Ipmktm1Yrk inositol polyphosphate multikinase; targeted mutation 1, John D York
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ipmktm1Yrk/Ipmktm1Yrk involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J

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