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Gene Expression Image Detail
J:123567 Ferrer-Vaquer A, et al., Gene Expr Patterns. 2007 Aug;7(7):808-16
Caption Transverse sections through a 10 somites stage embryo showing staining in the pharynx, the head and pharyngeal ectoderm (A') and the thoracic body wall and the myocardium of the heart (A''). The notochord (arrowhead). (E) autopod and section through it (E'). (F) Dorsal view of 13.5 dpc viscera. (G) Ventral view of E14.5 viscera, the thyroid (arrowhead). (H) Detailed picture of testis and kidney. Abbreviations: as, aortic sac; ba, branchial arch; bc, bulbus cordis; bw, body wall; DRG, dorsal root ganglia; fp, floorplate; g, gut; h, heart; k, kidney; lp, lens placode; lu, lung; lv, lens vesicle; ma, mandibular arch; nep, nephrogenic mesenchyme; ot, otocyst; ph, pharynx; Rp, Rathke's pouch; t, testis; th, thymus; v, ventricle.
Reprinted with permission from Elsevier from doi:10.1016/j.modgep.2007.05.001 Gene Expr Patterns 7: 808-16, Ferrer-Vaquer A; Maurey P; Firnberg N; Leibbrandt A; Neubuser A, Expression of ASK1 during chick and early mouse development. Copyright 2007
Label Assay & Result Details (Gene Symbol) Spatial Mapping
A MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
A' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
A'' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
B MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
B' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
B'' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
B''' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
C MGI:3720343 (Map3k5) EMAGE:4375
C' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
C'' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
C''' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
D MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
D' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
E MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
E' MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
F MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
G MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)
H MGI:3720343 (Map3k5)

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