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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A-C: Midsagittal sections showing the entire eye. The Pax6tm1Gfs/ Pax6tm1Gfs mouse eye has as enlarged pupil and peri-retinal space and a papillated structure (arrow) in the retina. D: Closer view of the papillated structure shown in C, showing the retinal fold and cluster of inner nublear layer cells (arrow). Equator of the lenses of wild type (E) and homozygous mouse (F) eyes. The mutant lens shows relatively loos packin gof the elongated lens fiber cells and reduced numbers of newly differentiated lens epithelium cells in the transition zone in comparison to the wild type lens capsule. G-I: The retinal layers appear normal in wild type and mutant eyes. Abbreviations: cornea (C); iris (I); lens (L); pupil (P); retina (R); lens fiber cells (LFC); lens epithelium (LE); lens capsule (LC); ganglionic cells (GC); inner nuclear layer (INL); outer nuclear layer (ONL); pigmented epithelium (PE). Magnifications: A-C: x25; D-I: x200
Copyright This image is from Singh S, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 May 14;99(10):6812-5. Copyright 2002 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:76576
Symbol Name
Pax6tm1Gfs paired box 6; targeted mutation 1, Grady F Saunders
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Pax6tm1Gfs/Pax6tm1Gfs involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd
Pax6tm1Gfs/Pax6+ involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd

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