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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: Normal liver of a 15 week old Inhatm1Bay/Inhatm1Bay male mouse gonadectomized at 7 weeks. Portal tract is to the left and two central veins are above and to the right. Hepatocytes are uniform and contain plentiful glycogen. Liver architecture and cytology are indistinguishable from a normal mouse of the same age. B: Liver from a 9 week old homozygous mutant male mouse with a large testicular sex cord stromal tumor. Hepatocytes around the portal tract (top) are essentially normal. In contrast, there is necrosis and chronic lymphocytic inflammation along the course of the central vein (bottom). In addition, there is a decrease in glycogen content of all hepatocytes. All hepatocytes and hepatocyte nuclei appear to be larger than the control mouse (see A). The increase in size of these hepatocytes may be secondary to high levels of activins and/or the loss of many hepatocytes. C: Glandular stomach of the 15 week old homozygous mutant male mouse in A gonadectomized at 7 weeks. Stomach is normal with >70% of the glandular epithelial lining cells being large, eosinophilic parietal cells (layer of cells between arrows). For orientation and comparison to D, the area photographed shows the junction between the squamous epithelial lined forestomach (left) and the glandular region (right) and was photographed at the same magnification as D. D: Glandular stomach from a 33 weeks old cachectic gonadectomized female that had developed bilateral adrenal tumors. Scale bars: A & B: 10um; C & D: 20um
Copyright This image is from Matzuk MM, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1994 Sep 13;91(19):8817-21. Copyright 1994 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:20450
Symbol Name
Inhatm1Bay inhibin alpha; targeted mutation 1, Baylor College of Medicine
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Inhatm1Bay/Inhatm1Bay involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6

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