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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: At E10.5 wild type visceral yolk sac (VYS) endoderm cells show small dense tubular structures (arrows) corresponding to apical endosomes and a collection of large lysosomal/endosomal vacuoles (Ly) with content of varying density. B: In the homozygous mutant apical dense tubular endosomes (arrows) are more abundant and elaborate. C: At E11.5, the wild type VYS endoderm cells contain large, vacuolar lysosomes/endosomal (Ly) similar to those at E10.5. D: The homozygous mutant VYS endoderm cells contain numerous autophagic vacuoles (AV) with membranous residues inside. Scale bars 1um
Copyright This image is from Zheng B, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 Nov 7;103(45):16776-81. Copyright 2006 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:117102
Symbol Name
Snx13tm1.1Frq sorting nexin 13; targeted mutation 1, Marilyn G Farquhar
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Snx13tm1.1Frq/Snx13tm1.1Frq involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6

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