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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Electron micrographs of a normal Purkinje neuron in a wild type mouse (A) compared with a degenerating Purkinje cell in a Atmtm1Bal/Atmtm1Bal mouse (B). The degenerating neuron has both a crenated surface profile and nucleolemma, more electron dense cytoplasm, and filiform processes originating from its surface (arrows) and is surrounded by confluent vacuolated spaces (asterisks) and distended cell processes (large dots). These features are in contrast with the normal Purkinje neuron, which has a smooth perikaryal contour and nucleolemma, except for the single indentation of the latter, lighter cytoplasm, and a lesser density of mitochondria, and its processes, such as one dendrite (D), are much thicker. The control neuropil is also tight and full, lacking any significant interstitial spaces and distended processes surrounding the Purkinje neuron. PCN, Purkinje cell nuclei; GCN, granule cell nucleus. The arrow in A points to the Golgi apparatus. The magnification is the same in both panels.
Copyright This image is from Kuljis RO, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1997 Nov 11;94(23):12688-93. Copyright 1997 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:44190
Symbol Name
Atmtm1Bal ataxia telangiectasia mutated; targeted mutation 1, David Baltimore
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Atmtm1Bal/Atmtm1Bal involves: 129S4/SvJae

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