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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: Whole-mount and transverse section of an E16.5 Cited2tm1Ycy/Cited2tm1Ycy heart to demonstrate the smaller diameter of the pulmonary artery. Transverse sections of the E13.5 embryos stained with hematoxylin and eosin to demonstrate ventricular septal defect (VSD) and the early closure of the central canal of the spinal cord (Insert). C: Transverse section of the heart from an E16.5 homozygous mutant embryo to demonstrate that both the aorta (Ao) and pulmonary artery (PA) connected to the right ventricle (RV) resembling double outlet right ventricle. E: Enlarged jugular lymph sac observed in an E13.5 mutant embryo (arrows). Abbreviations: LA: left atria; LV: left ventricle; O vel: peak systolic ejection velocity; RA; right atria; RV: right ventricle
Copyright This image is from Yin Z, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 Aug 6;99(16):10488-93. Copyright 2002 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:78364
Symbol Name
Cited2tm1Ycy Cbp/p300-interacting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 2; targeted mutation 1, Yu-Chung Yang
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cited2tm1Ycy/Cited2tm1Ycy involves: C57BL/6J

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