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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Whole brains from a 4 month old Ctnna2cdf/Ctnna2cdf (A) and its Ctnna2cdf/Ctnna2+ littermate (B). The mutant cerebellum is narrower in the rostral-caudal and lateral dimensions and visibly shows fewer folia and dysmorphosis. Sagittal sections from a 9 month old mutant cerebellum (C) showing a reduced number of granule cells compared with its control littermate (D), Hematoxylin and eosin stained. Sagittal section from a 2 month old mutant mouse with ectopic Purkinje cells in the white matter (E). These cells are identified by their characteristic nuclear membranes (arrowheads), which are thickened along one side, LFB-CV. Electron micrograph (F) of mineral concretions in the ventral vermis of a 5 month old homozygous mutant mouse. Organelles appear normal. Magnifications: A & B: x10; C & D: x160; E: x310 Scalebar: F: 0.1um
Copyright This image is from Cook SA, Mamm Genome 1997 Feb;8(2):108-12 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:38887
Symbol Name
Ctnna2cdf catenin alpha 2; cerebellar deficient folia
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ctnna2cdf/Ctnna2cdf C3Sn.C3-Ctnna2cdf/J

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