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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A & B: Light micrographs of the Msi1tm1Okn/Msi1tm1Okn mouse brain showing stenosis of the Sylvius aqueduct (B, arrow) and of the wild type brain (A). Inset in B shows a low-power view of the ependymal cells in the aqueduct. C: An electron micrograph of the wild type aqueduct showing a single layer of ependymal cells and well organized microcilli protruding into the aqueductal lumen. D: The aqueduct of a mutant mouse, surrounded by the stratified ependymal spithelium composed of two or three cells layers. E: A high-power view of mutant mouse ependymal cells, showing hetertopic mitotic figures without nuclear heteromorphism (arrowhead). Cytoplasmic organelles in these cells appear intact. The lumen of the mutant mouse aqueduct is completely filled with amorphous materials (asterisks in D & E). F: A magnified view of muatnt ependymal evaginations and cilia. Cilia, characterized by central and peripheral tubules (arrows), are apposed to and are disarranged by solid materials (dashed line) that are abundant in the electron-dense particles of glycogen granules (arrowheads). Scale bars: A & B. 40um; B Inset, 8um; C & D, 5um; E, 2um; F, 0.5um
Copyright This image is from Sakakibara S, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 Nov 12;99(23):15194-9. Copyright 2002 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:81794
Symbol Name
Msi1tm1Okn musashi RNA-binding protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Hideyuki Okano
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Msi1tm1Okn/Msi1tm1Okn involves: C57BL/6

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