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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Panel A indicates lung sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and taken at various gestational stages as indicated. The first two columns are at lower magnification (10x) and the last two columns at higher magnification (40x). The first and third columns are representative sections from wild type embryos and the second and fourth columns from Dhcr7tm1Gst/Dhcr7tm1Gst embryos. No differences were visible at E14.5 or E16.5 (panel A, a-h). Significant differences were visible from E17.5 onwards (panel A i-x). Distal tubules showed dilation and mesenchyme thinning, with progression of septation in wild type lungs (panel A, i, m and q), whereas the mutant lungs showed less saccular structures and more mesenchyme (panel A, j, n and r). At higher magnifications of wild type lungs (panel A, k, o and s), developing pre-alveoli and thinning mesenchyme (arrowheads) were seen but sections from mutant embryos showed a delay in this sequence of development (panel A, l, p and t). At birth, lungs from mutant pups showed deficient septation and thick-walled mesenchyme (panel A, x, arrowheads). Abbreviations: de, distal epithelium; m, mesenchyme; PA, pulmonary artery; a, pre-alveoli; b, bronchi.
Copyright This image is from Yu H, BMC Dev Biol 2004 Mar 2;4(1):1, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. J:93296
Symbol Name
Dhcr7tm1Gst 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase; targeted mutation 1, G S Tint
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Dhcr7tm1Gst/Dhcr7tm1Gst B6.129P2-Dhcr7tm1Gst

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