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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption The normal distal saccules of wild type (left) at near term (E20.5) showed typical type I (t1) and type II (t2) epithelial cells (panel A, arrowheads) but Dhcr7tm1Gst/Dhcr7tm1Gst littermate lungs showed less developed saccules lined by columnar epithelial cells (panel B, black arrowheads). with partially arrested tubules in the distal lung (panel B, green arrowheads). Immunostaining for type I cell markers Pdpn (T1alpha) and AQP5 demonstrated an intense staining in flat epithelial cells in wild type lungs at E20.5 (panels C and E, arrowheads). In contrast, in mutant littermate lungs, T1alpha and AQP5 staining was dramatically decreased (panels D and F, arrowheads). Megalin (Lrp2) expression (Meg) was detected in the airway epithelial cells, but not in proximal bronchiole epithelial cells (data not shown) in the lungs from both wild type and mutants at E20.5. The elongated megalin-positive epithelial cells, lining the normally developed sacculi, were readily evident in many areas of the wild type lungs. In contrast, the terminal epithelial cells positively stained by megalin antibodies in mutant lungs were comprised mainly of undifferentiated cuboidal cells (compare the arrowheads in G and H). Magnification: A, B, G & H, 60x; C-F, 40x
Copyright This image is from Yu H, BMC Dev Biol 2004 Mar 2;4(1):1, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. J:93296
Symbol Name
Dhcr7tm1Gst 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase; targeted mutation 1, G S Tint
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Dhcr7tm1Gst/Dhcr7tm1Gst B6.129P2-Dhcr7tm1Gst

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