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Caption Macro- and microscopic analyses of olfactory bulb (OB) from Prokr2tm1Api/Prokr2tm1Api (Pkr2) mice. A: Macroscopic view of the male brain at 8 weeks of age from the wild type littermates and Prokr1tm1Api/Prokr1tm1Api (Pkr1) mice (Left), and wild type littermates and Prokr2tm1Api/Prokr2tm1Api mice (Right). The OB size is small in the Prokr2 mutant mouse. Scale bar; 5mm. B: Nissl-stained sagittal sections of the male OB at 8 weeks of age from the wild type littermates (Upper) and Prokr2 mutant mice (Lower). Higher magnifications of the OB (boxes, Left) from each genotypic mouse are shown (Right), respectively. The arrow (Upper Right) indicates the glomerular layer (GL) of the OB from wild type littermates. Note that no glomerular layer is discernible in the OB from the Prokr2 mutant mice (Lower Right). Scale bars, 0.5mm (Left) and 0.1 mm (Right). C: OB morphogenesis during the embryonic stage at E14.5 (Upper Left), E16.5 (Upper Right), E18.5 (Lower Left) and P0 (Lower Right). Scale bar, 1mm.
Copyright This image is from Matsumoto S, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 Mar 14;103(11):4140-5. Copyright 2006 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:107587
Symbol Name
Prokr1tm1Api prokineticin receptor 1; targeted mutation 1, Shunichiro Matsumoto
Prokr2tm1Api prokineticin receptor 2; targeted mutation 1, Shunichiro Matsumoto
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Prokr1tm1Api/Prokr1tm1Api involves: C57BL/6 * CBA
Prokr2tm1Api/Prokr2tm1Api involves: C57BL/6 * CBA

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