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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: (Left) Normal renal tubules in control (Xylt2+/+) mice. (Center) Dilated Xylt2tm1Meh/Xylt2tm1Meh (Xylt2-/-) tubule. Asterisk indicates the tubule lumen. (Right) Mutant tubule dilation and atrophy. Asterisk indicates the tubule lumens. Scale bar: 100um. B: Sirius red staining of renal cortex. (Inset) Bright field and epipolarized analyses. Mutant kidneys have increased fibrosis. Scale bars: 100um. C: Kidney weights normalized to body weight in 3 to 5 month old mice (Left) and 8 to 10 month old mice (Right). D: MRI kdney images from wild type (Left) and mutant mice (Right) mice. Arrowheads illustrate the renal pelvis, and asterisk indicated the renal papilla. E: BUN in 3 to 5 month old (Left) and 10 month old (Right) mice. F: Western blot analysis using a decorin-specific antibody on extracted kidney proteins digested with (+) or without (-) chondrotinase ABC. Dec+ and Dec- are decorin with and without GAGs, respectively. Numbers to the right are molecular weight standards in kDa, GAPDH is loading control. G: Versican Western blot of extracted kidney proteins incubated with and without chondroitinase ABC as indicated by plus and minus signs, respectively. Ver+ and Ver- are versican with and without GAGs, respectively. Numbers to the right are molecular weight standards in kDa. GAPDH is loading control.
Copyright This image is from Condac E, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 May 29;104(22):9416-21. Copyright 2007 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:122291
Symbol Name
Xylt2tm1Meh xylosyltransferase II; targeted mutation 1, Myron E Hinsdale
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Xylt2tm1Meh/Xylt2tm1Meh involves: 129P2/OlaHsd

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