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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption (A and B) Light microscopy of Epon sections of liver stained with methylene blue/Azure II (x100) and (C and D) electron microscopy (x8,250) show numerous intracellular lipid droplets in the control pup (+/+), while this lipid appears instead in the sinusoidal space in the Lpltm1Bres/Lpltm1Bres (-/-) pup. (E) Electron microscopy of the mutant pup liver reveals extravasation of lipid (*) from the lipid-engorged sinusoids through endothelial fenestrations into the intercellular spaces (x16,500). Hp, hepatocyte; L, lipid; S, sinusoid; N, nucleus.
Copyright This image is from Weinstock PH, J Clin Invest 1995 Dec;96(6):2555-68 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:30062
Symbol Name
Lpltm1Bres lipoprotein lipase; targeted mutation 1, Jan L Breslow
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Lpltm1Bres/Lpltm1Bres involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6J

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