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Caption Placental histology in Tg(IGFBP1)2Miel/0 mice (tg). A: Gross morphology. The different functional layers of the mouse placenta are shown (d, decidual; j, junctional; l, labyrinthine). Differences in placental cross-sectional area and the relative proportions of the different functional layers of the placenta are clearly evident. B: Decidual thickness. The thickness of the decidual layer is greater in placentas from wild-type (wt) females, indicating reduced trophoblast invasion in transgenic females. The labyrinthine zone is grossly enlarged, occupying approximately 80% of the cross-sectional area of the placenta compared with about 50% in wild-type placentas. sp, spongiotrophoblast; mv, maternal blood vessel; gc, glycogen cells; gt, trophoblast giant cells. C: Trophoblasts in the junctional zone. The junctional zone is larger in placentas from transgenic females. There are similar numbers of glycogen cells and spongiotrophoblasts in placentas from wild-type females. In transgenic mice, spongiotrophoblasts are the predominant cell type; glycogen cells are relatively scarce compared with placentas from wild-type females.
Copyright This image is from Crossey PA, J Clin Invest 2002 Aug;110(3):411-8 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:78353
Symbol Name
Tg(IGFBP1)2Miel transgene insertion 2, John Miell
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Tg(IGFBP1)2Miel/0 CBACa.Cg-Tg(IGFBP1)2Miel

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