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Caption A-F: The ultrastructure of ruthenium tetroxide-postfixed control (A,C and E) and Tgm1tm1Kfyn/Tgm1tm1Kfyn (TGase 1-/-) (B,D and F) stratum corneum (SC) from the skin. B: The ordered distribution of lipid membranes at the SC/stratum granulosum (SG) interface is impaired. Some lipid membranes are embedded in the cells (arrows). D: The boundaries of cornified cells are folded and the lipid lamellae are irregularly embedded in the cells (arrows). F: The typical basic unit structure of the intercellular lamellae is not readily discernible and lamellar stacks are foreshortened (arrows). Some intercellular lamellar domains break into pieces in the cytoplasm of the cells. G and H: The corneocyte lipid envelope (CLE) of control (G) and mutant mouse skin (H) visualized by pyridine treatment. H: The CLE is absent in the mutant mouse SC (arrows). I-L: The ultrastructure of ruthenium tetroxide-postfixed control (I and K) and mutant (J and L) SC from the tongue (I and J) and from the forestomach (K and L). J: Both the CLE and the cornified envelope (CE) are lost in mutant mice. L: The CE is absent and the lipid lamellae are disrupted. Scale Bar: A,B,I-L, 90nm; C,D, 100nm; E, 50nm; F, 60nm; G,H, 80nm. Arrows in A-f, K and L, lipid membranes; arrows in G and I, CLE; arrowheads in A,C,E,G, I and K, CE. SG-stratum granulosum; C-corneocytes.
Copyright This image is from Kuramoto N, J Clin Invest 2002 Jan;109(2):243-50 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:74334
Symbol Name
Tgm1tm1Kfyn transglutaminase 1, K polypeptide; targeted mutation 1, Kiyofumi Yamanishi
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Tgm1tm1Kfyn/Tgm1tm1Kfyn involves: 129S1/SvImJ * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6

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