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Caption Cell proliferation in the developing palate in wild type (WT), Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn/Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn (Fgfr2b-/-) and Fgf10tm1Wss/Fgf10tm1Wss (Fgf10-/-) mice. A-H: BrdU analysis of E12 palate. A-F: Histological sections of BrdU staining. Compared to that in wild type mice, proliferation in Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn/Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn and Fgf10tm1Wss/Fgf10tm1Wss mutants was reduced in all areas analyzed. This was significant in all epithelial readings, and in general the reduction was greater in Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn/Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn compared with Fgf10tm1Wss/Fgf10tm1Wss mutants. I-P: BrdU analysis of E13 palate. I-N: Histological sections of BrdU staining. Proliferation rates were significantly reduced in all epithelial areas analyzed except in Fgf10tm1Wss/Fgf10tm1Wss mutants in the bend region at the junction of the nasal aspect of the palatal shelf and the cranial base. Mesenchymal proliferation rates were also reduced in both mutants, though not to the degree seen in the epithelium. I: BrdU incorporation was particularly noticeable in the groove between the maxilla and the palatal process (arrow). All sections are the same magnification; scale bar, 200um. The y axes in G, H, O, and P indicate the mean values of BrdU incorporation of each area assayed. Error bars represent standard deviation; asterisk denotes a significant finding (P<0.005) compared with the wild type value. In A and L, dotted lines indicate length of epithelium measured, and green and yellow areas indicate the mesenchymal areas assayed in the apex (a) and bend (b) regions. Ant, anterior; Post, posterior.
Copyright This image is from Rice R, J Clin Invest 2004 Jun;113(12):1692-700 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:90909
Symbol Name
Fgf10tm1Wss fibroblast growth factor 10; targeted mutation 1, W Scott Simonet
Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn fibroblast growth factor receptor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Clive Dickson
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn/Fgfr2tm1.1Dsn involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
Fgf10tm1Wss/Fgf10tm1Wss involves: 129X1/SvJ

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