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Caption A: Pip5k1cGt(XD096)Byg/Pip5k1cGt(XD096)Byg embryos (PIP5K1gamma -/-) fail to close their neuroepithelium. B: Distribution of beta-gal expression within the spinal cord of an E10.5 Pip5k1cGt(XD096)Byg/Pip5k1c+ embryo. This staining pattern predicts that Pip5k1c is expressed most prominently in the motor column and the developing ascending and descending spinal tracts. C: Cranial sections through telencephalon (Upper) and diencephalon (Lower) of E10.5 embryos at the level of the eyes (arrows). The wild type embryo displays normal development (Left). The homozygous embryo (Right) has an unclosed neural tube and an abnormally organized neuroepithelium. Although the homozygous cord has a normal general morphology, it is reduced in its dorsoventral axis and medial-lateral thickness. Scale bar: 25um.
Copyright This image is from Wang Y, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Jul 10;104(28):11748-53. Copyright 2007 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:131432
Symbol Name
Pip5k1cGt(XD096)Byg phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type 1 gamma; gene trap XD096, BayGenomics
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Pip5k1cGt(XD096)Byg/Pip5k1cGt(XD096)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd

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