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Caption Immunofluorescence analysis of MIP expression in wild type and Cryaatm1.1Ady/Cryaatm1.1Ady lenses. Lens slices were cut in the equatorial plane and stained with an antibody to lens MIP (AQP0) to visualize fiber cell membranes. Sections of wild type (A, C, E and G) and Cryaatm1.1Ady/Cryaatm1.1Ady (B, D, F and H) lenses are shown. Low magnification images of wild type (A) and mutant lenses (B) show the dramatic decrease in lens size in the mutant. Note that the mutant lenses were significantly more fragile and susceptible to tearing during processing. C and D: Visualization of fiber cell membranes in the onset of differentiation (cell elongation) region of wild type (C) and mutant (D) lenses. Nuclei are indicated by bold arrows. The organization of the fiber cells in these equatorial sections is different, with the neat packing of membranes of the wild type lenses (small arrows). Vacuoles were observed in the mutant lenses (small arrowheads). E and F: In contrast to the neat parallel organization of lens fiber cells in the wild type lens (E), fiber cells of mutant lenses (F) were highly disorganized. The distance from the center of the les was 400um. G and H: Posterior region of the lens. Lens fiber cells demonstrate a neat hexagonally packed arrangement in this section of the wild type lens (G), in contrast to the highly disorganized pattern of the muant lens (H).
Copyright This image is from Xi JH, J Biol Chem 2008 Feb 29;283(9):5801-14 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:132296
Symbol Name
Cryaatm1.1Ady crystallin, alpha A; targeted mutation 1.1, Usha P Andley
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cryaatm1.1Ady/Cryaatm1.1Ady involves: 129 * C57BL/6

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