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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Scanning electron micrographs taken from the apex (A,E), the middle (B,F), and the base (C,G) of Myo7aHdb/Myo7a+ (Hdb/+) and Myo7aHdb/Myo7a+ Myo7a4626SB/Myo7a+ (Hdb/Myo7a4626SB) from a complementation test between the mutants. Inner hair cell (IHC) fusion was evident predominantly in the apical coil of the compound heterozygote cochleae (E); however this was not as frequent as seen in the homozygous Hdb cochlea. Outer hair cell (OHC) stereocilia bundles formed into irregular V and O shapes in the apical (E) and the middle (F) coils. IHC stereocilia bundles in the middle (F) and basal (G) coils appeared comparable to control (B and C), respectively) with very few fused bundles. The Myo7aHdb/Myo7a+ Myo7a4626SB/Myo7a+ hair cell phenotype did not resemble the Myo7ash1/Myo7ash1 (sh/sh) phenotype (compare H and E apical coil). P3 Myo7ash1/Myo7ash1 samples are shown in this example rather than adults, because hair cells degenerate rapidly making comparison with the Myo7aHdb phenotype difficult (D, Myo7ash1/Myo7a+ (+/sh) littermate control). Scale bar, 10um.
Copyright This image is from Rhodes CR, Mamm Genome 2004 Sep;15(9):686-97 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:93998
Symbol Name
Myo7a4626SB myosin VIIA; shaker 4626SB
Myo7aHdb myosin VIIA; headbanger
Myo7ash1 myosin VIIA; shaker 1
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Myo7ash1/Myo7ash1 involves: BALB
Myo7aHdb/Myo7a+ C3HeB/FeJ-Myo7aHdb/Ieg
Myo7aHdb/Myo7a4626SB involves: BALB/c * 47BS/Rl * C3HeB/FeJ * CBA/Ca

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