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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A-C: Comparison of the laryngeal and tracheal cartilages of E18.5 wild type (WT, A) Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Ipc (neo/-, B) and Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Dll (neo/neo, C) mice. Alizarin red-alcian blue staining. D and E: Hyoid and thyroid carliages of wild type and Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Ipc mice, respectively. An ectopic cartilage connects these two elements in the mutant (bracket). F and G: Profile views of the cricoid cartilage and first tracheal ring of wild type and Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Ipc mice, respectively. The posterior aspect of this cartilage is abnormally segmented in the mutant (arrows). H and I: Coronal sections through the upper mediastinum of wild type and Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Ipc newborn mice, respectively, showing the absence of thymus (Tm) in the mutant (asterisks). At, atria (J and K) Sections through the lateral portions of the thyroid gland (Ty) of wild type and Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Ipc newborn mice, respectively, showing a lack of parathyroid glands (Pty) in the mutant; tetrachrome staining.
Copyright This image is from Vermot J, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003 Feb 18;100(4):1763-8. Copyright 2003 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:81969
Symbol Name
Aldh1a2tm1Dll aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A2; targeted mutation 1, Pascal Dolle
Aldh1a2tm1Ipc aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A2; targeted mutation 1, Pierre Chambon
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Dll Not Specified
Aldh1a2tm1Dll/Aldh1a2tm1Ipc involves: CD-1

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