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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A-C: Scanning electron microscope images of the surface of incisors of 12 week old wild type (+/+), Sp6tm1Yoya/Sp6+ (+/-) and Sp6tm1Yoya/Sp6tm1Yoya (-/-) mice. Wild type mice (A) had well crystallized outer (oe) and inner enamel (ie), whereas homozygous mice (C) were completely missing the entire enamel structure. Heterozygous incisors had enamel, but it was wider, with an irregular and less compact structure (B). D-F: Scanning electron microscope images of the incisor dentin (de). Dentinal tubule formation was irregular in homozygous mice (F) when compared with that of wild type (D) mice, suggesting defects in deposition of dentin matrix and cyrstallization in dentin. In the heterozygous incisors, dentinal tubules were also less compact when compared with those of the wild type mouse (E). The small square on the frontal section of the insisor shows the area of enlargement.
Copyright This image is from Nakamura T, J Biol Chem 2008 Feb 22;283(8):4825-33 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:132157
Symbol Name
Sp6tm1Yoya trans-acting transcription factor 6; targeted mutation 1, Yoshihiko Yamada
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sp6tm1Yoya/Sp6tm1Yoya B6.129-Sp6tm1Yoya

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