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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A-C: Scanning electron microscopy shows that the neural tube is closed in wild type (+/+, A) and Hspg2tm1Ref/Hspg2tm1Ref (-/-, B and C) E10.5 embryos. Some mutant embryos show holes (C, arrows) in the fore- and midbrain and collapsed brain vesicles. D-F: High magnification of the surface ectoderm. In wild type embryos (D), the cephalic region is covered with an intact layer of ectodermal cells. Mutant embryos (E) show small clefts that are 20-30um in width and contain round cells with small extensions (arrow). In other mutant embryos (F), round cells with extensions burst through the surface ectoderm (arrow). G shows an antibody coupled to colloidal gold reacting with purified laminin. H-K: Back-scattered electron analysis shows that the small defects in the ectoderm of normal mice caused during the preparation are not labeled with the gold-conjugated antibody (secondary electron image H and backscattered electron image J), while the clefts in mutant embryos are labeled (secondary image I, backscattered electron image K). Arrow in K indicates an ectodermal defect caused during the preparation. Scale bars: D-F and H-K, 20um; G, 50nm.
Copyright This image is from Costell M, J Cell Biol 1999 Nov 29;147(5):1109-22, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:58700
Symbol Name
Hspg2tm1Ref perlecan (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2); targeted mutation 1, Reinhard Fassler
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Hspg2tm1Ref/Hspg2tm1Ref involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ

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