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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Normal (left) and Upk3atm1Tsun/Upk3atm1Tsun (right) mouse bladders (of 2-3 month old mice) were examined by transmission electron microscopy (a and b) and by quick-freeze/deep etch (c and d). Note in the normal urothelium the abundant (uroplakin-delivering) fusiform cytoplasmic vesicles (a,*), and the large plaques (a, arrows) consisting of two-dimensional crystals of hexagonally arranged 16-nm uroplakin protein particles (c, plaque or P), which covered almost the entire urothelial apical surface. In contrast, note in the mutant urothelium the accumulation of immature, discoidal, cytoplasmic vesicles and the absence of mature, fusiform vesicles, the relatively smooth apical surface (arrowheads) with occasional pleomorphic microvilli (d, arrow), and the conspicuously small urothelial plaques (P) and the wide interplaque space (hinge or H). D, desmosome; L, lumen; M, mitochondria; T, tight junction. Scale bars: a and b, 1,000nm; c and d, 200nm.
Copyright This image is from Hu P, J Cell Biol 2000 Nov 27;151(5):961-72, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:77653
Symbol Name
Upk3atm1Tsun uroplakin 3A; targeted mutation 1, Tung-Tien Sun
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Upk3atm1Tsun/Upk3atm1Tsun either: (involves: 129S/SvEv) or (involves: 129S/SvEv * Swiss Webster)

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