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Caption A: The lateral view of the incisor teeth from Amelxtm1Msnd/Amelxtm1Msnd (deltaA/deltaA), age matched wild type (Wt/Wt) and Amelxtm2Msnd/Amelxtm2Msnd (deltaB/deltaB) mice depict the differences in the enamel thickness for the mutant mice compared to the age matched wild type. The dotted line is traced at the optical junction of dentine to enamel. B,C and D: Panels 1 shows the facial view of the incisor teeth from the Amelxtm1Msnd/Amelxtm1Msnd (B1), age matched wild type (C1) and Amelxtm1Msnd/Amelxtm1Msnd (D1) depicting enamel fractures occuring at the incisal-edge in the mutant mice compared to the age-matched wild type. Panels 2 shows an occlusal view of the molar teeth from the Amelxtm1Msnd/Amelxtm1Msnd (B2) mice, age matched wild type (C2) and Amelxtm2Msnd/Amelxtm2Msnd (D2) mice depicting enamel abrasion from the molars of the mutant mice compared to age-matched wild type. E: Two magnifications of fractured enamel from a Amelxtm1Msnd/Amelx+ female mouse showing chimeric distribution of wild type enamel adjacent to enamel created from the deltaA-engineered replacement amelogenin. The dotted line indicates the boundary between wild type (canonical) and altered rod enamel architecture.
Copyright This image is from Zhu D, J Biol Chem 2006 Jul 28;281(30):21173-82 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:116448
Symbol Name
Amelxtm1Msnd amelogenin, X-linked; targeted mutation 1, Malcolm L Snead
Amelxtm2Msnd amelogenin, X-linked; targeted mutation 2, Malcolm L Snead
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Amelxtm1Msnd/Amelxtm1Msnd involves: 129X1/SvJ
Amelxtm2Msnd/Amelxtm2Msnd involves: 129X1/SvJ

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