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Caption Histology of the auditory system. Sections of the cochlea of wild type (A and D) and Slc12a2tm1Ges/Slc12a2tm1Ges (B,C,E and F) mice. Reissner's membrane (RM) separates the scala media (SM) and the scala vestibuli (SV) in wild type cochlea (A). In a mutant cochlea duct collapsed lumen, Reissner's membrane is pressed against the spiral limbus (L), tectorial membrane (TM), and stria vascularis (S) (B,E and F), or may be ruptured (C) as seen in a mutant ear with a wide scala media lumen. Intercellular spaces in the stria vascularis of mutant mice (B and C) are greater than those of wild type mice (A). The typical architecture of the organ of Corti is seen in wild type mice (D), with the tunnel of Corti (T) formed by pillar cells (P) and flanked by outer (OHC) and inner (IHC) hair cells. A nerve (N) can be seen traversing the tunnel of Corti. The organ of Corti is abnormal in mutant mice (E and F), although pillar cells and occasional hair cells can be seen. Calcification (Ca++) at the tectorial membrane was obeserved in sections of mutant ears that had not been delcalcified during processing of tissues (E), and a dense fibrous material was observed on the tectorial membrane of mutant ears that had been decalcified (F). Myelinated nerve fibers and Schwann cells fill Rosenthal's canals (R). (The light staining of nerves in Rosenthal's canal in E is due to incomplete osmication during sample preparation.) Spiral ganglion (G) neuronal cell bodies were reduced in number in some mutants (B). THe scala tympani (ST) is a perilymph channel below the flexible basilar membrane, on which the organ of Corti rests. Scale bar: A-C, 100um; D-F, 50um.
Copyright This image is from Flagella M, J Biol Chem 1999 Sep 17;274(38):26946-55 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:57651
Symbol Name
Slc12a2tm1Ges solute carrier family 12, member 2; targeted mutation 1, Gary E Shull
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Slc12a2tm1Ges/Slc12a2tm1Ges Not Specified
Slc12a2tm1Ges/Slc12a2tm1Ges involves: NMRI
Slc12a2tm1Ges/Slc12a2tm1Ges FVB.129(Cg)-Slc12a2tm1Ges

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