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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Electron micrographs of parietal cells from 9 week old wild type and Slc9a4tm1Ges/Slc9a4tm1Ges mice. A: Wild type parietal cell showing a well developed secretory canaliculus (arrows) that extends deep within the cell and appears to surround the nucleus. B: In the rare relatively well developed mutant parietal cells, the secretory canaliculus (arrow) was confined to the apical aspect of the cell (the boxed area, which includes part of the canaliculus, is shown at higher magnification in D). C: Section of a wild type canaliculus, showing microvilli and tubulovesicles. D: Section of a canaliculus from the apical aspect of mutant parietal cell shown in B. E: In mutant parietal cells, the few visible canaliculi present deeper in the cell interior were typically surrounded by a space devoid of organelles (bracket) where tubulovesicles are normally located. F: In mutant parietal cells, the actin filaments (arrow) were often localized to the core of the microvilli, an arrangement typically found in microvilli of inactive (non-acid-secreting) cells. Abbreviations: L, lumen; JC, junctional complex; N, nucleus; MV, microvilli. Scale bar: A and B, 5um; C-F, 1um.
Copyright This image is from Gawenis LR, J Biol Chem 2005 Apr 1;280(13):12781-9 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:98566
Symbol Name
Slc9a4tm1Ges solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 4; targeted mutation 1, Gary E Shull
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Slc9a4tm1Ges/Slc9a4tm1Ges involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * Black Swiss

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