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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Ultrastructure of lesional posterior lingual epithelium in Dsg3tm1Stan/Dsg3tm1Stan mice. A: An edge of a blister cavity, denoted by "C" in a Dsg3tm1Stan/Dsg3tm1Stan mouse. The base is formed by a single layer of basal keratinocytes with a characteristic "tombstone" cytoarchitecture. The roof consists of intact suprabasal epithelium with occasional associated acantholytic keratinocytes (*). B: Blister in a mutant mouse shows separation of desmosomes which form half-desmosomes (double arrows) with tonofilaments still attached. C: Higher magnification of a half-desmosome shows an intact intracytoplasmic dense plaque and its associated tonofilaments. There is residual flocculent material (arrowheads) along the cell membrane. D: Desmosome in wild type littermate. E: Desmosome in mutant mouse has normal appearance. F: Hemidesmosome in wild type littermate. G: Hemidesmosome in mutant mouse shows normal appearance. Bars: A, 10um; B, 0.5um; C-G, 50nm.
Copyright This image is from Koch PJ, J Cell Biol 1997 Jun 2;137(5):1091-102, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:40804
Symbol Name
Dsg3tm1Stan desmoglein 3; targeted mutation 1, John R Stanley
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Dsg3tm1Stan/Dsg3tm1Stan involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J

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