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Caption A: Scanning electron micrographs (A-F) and whole-mount immunofluorescence micrographs for radixin and ezrin (G-J) of the organ of Corti isolated from wild type (Rdx+/+) and Rdxtm1Sts/Rdxtm1Sts (Rdx-/-) mice at 6 days of age (P6). The levels of outer hair cells (blue arrows) and inner hair cells (black arrows) are shown. Scanning EM does not detect any significant differences between wild type (A,C and E) and mutant cochlea (B,D and F). In contrast to P1 wild type cochlea, in P6 wild type cochlea, whole-mount immunostaining detects a weak signal of ezrin at radixin-enriched stereocilia on inner hair cells (black arrow), and a trace of ezrin in outer hair cells (blue arrow) (G and I). In mutant cochlea (H and J), ezrin is still highly concentrated at stereocilia on both inner hair cells (black arrow) and outer hair cells (blue arrow). Bars, A and B, 10um; C and D, 2um; E and F, 1um; G-J, 20um. B: Scanning electron micrographs (A-F) and whole-mount immunofluorescence micrographs for radixin and ezrin (G-J) or the organ of Corti isolated from wild type and mutant mice at 14 days of age (P14). Scanning EM detects the initial sign for the degeneration of stereocilia on outer hair cells (blue arrow) (A-D). The central part of the W-shaped row of stereocilia is lost, leaving discontinuous and disorganized arrays of stereocilia in mutant cochlea. At this stage, no significant defects can be observed in stereocilia on the inner hair cells (black arrow) (B and F). In P14 wild type cochlea, ezrin is only weakly detected at radixin-enriched stereocilia on inner hair cells (black arrow) and is not detected in outer hair cells (blue arrow) (G and I). In muant cochlea, ezrin was still concentrated in the degenerating stereocilia in large amounts in outer and inner hair cells (H). Bars, A and B, 10um, C and D, 2um; E and F, 1um; G-J, 20um.
Copyright This image is from Kitajiri S, J Cell Biol 2004 Aug 16;166(4):559-70, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:124151
Symbol Name
Rdxtm1Sts radixin; targeted mutation 1, Shoichiro Tsukita
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Rdxtm1Sts/Rdxtm1Sts involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6

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