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Caption A: Localized breaches in the skin barrier allow penetration of dye into the epidermis of a Dsc1tm1Dga/Dsc1tm1Dga (Nu) mouse but not its normal (No) littermate, which was completely white, that is, unstained. B and C: Early lesions in the skin of 2 day old mutant mice showing infiltration of epidermis with polymorphonuclear cells (neutrophils). D: More developed lesion in 2 day epidermis showing epidermal degradation and detachment from the underlying dermis. E: Higher magnification showing epithelial cell migration from intact tissue into wound site. F: Healed lesion in the epidermis of a 2 day old mutant mouse. The damaged epidermis has completely detached from the underlying healed tissue. Arrowheads indicate polymorphonuclear cells. G: Measurement of permeability coefficients (Kp) for water and mannitol under passive conditions show that skin from 2 day old mutant mice is more permeable to both water and solutes (p <0.05 in both cases) than that of a normal littermate. Nu,null; No, normal. Bar: B, C and E, 25um; D and F, 100um.
Copyright This image is from Chidgey M, J Cell Biol 2001 Nov 26;155(5):821-32, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:73102
Symbol Name
Dsc1tm1Dga desmocollin 1; targeted mutation 1, David R Garrod
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Dsc1tm1Dga/Dsc1tm1Dga involves: C57BL/6J

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