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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption The phenotype of Dsc1tm1Dga/Dsc1tm1Dga mice increases in severity with age. A: Scruffy and untidy coat appearance in an adult Dsc1tm1Dga/Dsc1tm1Dga mouse (bottom) compared with a normal littermate (top). Mice shown are 21 days old (day of weaning). Note that the mutant mouse is smaller. B: Alopecia in an adult mutant mouse showing the most typical pattern observed. Some ulceration on the ventral surface of the head and neck is visible also. C: Snout ulceration in an adult mutant mouse showing a moderately severe example of the pattern found in all mutant mice and commencing after 1 month of age. D: Hyperplastic epidermis from the ventral surface of an adult mutant mouse showing acanthosis, hyperkeratosis with utriculi (ut), and cysts (cy). E: Ulcerated skin from the abdomen of an adult mutant mouse showing complete loss of epidermis from the site of the ulcer and severe inflammation. The right hand margin of the ulcer is indicated by an arrow. At this low magnification, the presence of inflammatory cells is indicated by the dermal basophilia of this region. F: Higher magnification of a utricule (ut) and a cyst (cy). G: Whisker pad of an adult normal mouse. Vf, vibrissa follicle. H: Whisker pad of an adult mutant mouse. Severe hyperplasia is present in the mutant as indicated by the increased number of epidermal cell layers. Approximate thickness of epidermis indicated by bars (ep) in G and H. Bars: D, E and G, 150um; F, 25um.
Copyright This image is from Chidgey M, J Cell Biol 2001 Nov 26;155(5):821-32, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:73102
Symbol Name
Dsc1tm1Dga desmocollin 1; targeted mutation 1, David R Garrod
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Dsc1tm1Dga/Dsc1tm1Dga involves: C57BL/6J

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